Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Aug. 2, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, August 2, 2018

Eve is all dressed up, Brady still obsessing about Victor, what Jen may have dug up. Eve tries desperately to have him drop it, he questions her motives, she says “then go ahead”. He caves, decides he is hungry, they should go out to dinner.

Eric is professing his love to Jen, she wants to talk, has something to tell him, about Nicole. Eric, of course, won’t let her continue, as he continues to talk of how much he has thought about her since they kissed on New Year’s, he loves her, then gets down on one knee, ring box in hand, asks her to marry him. She is silent, he says this is the time when she should say yes. Get up Eric, sit down. He does, still is talking, tells her he realizes she wants to take her time, gives her the ring box, saying when she has made her decision, come and find him, kisses her, leaves. Jen does a lot of flashbacking of her conversation with Eve.

Outside the club, Brady & Eve arrive, both hungry, he stops to remind her of how grateful and happy he is to have her in his life. Cell phone rings, tis Theresa with Tate. Eve goes in to get a table, spots Jen, goes to scold her about digging up info, but spots the ring, Eric proposed, why still in the box. Jen is torn, Eric deserves to know, Eve chatters on with her previous arguments as to why not, finally goes out. Jen sits, solemn expression. As Brady ends his call with Tate, Eve comes out, claims crowded in there, long wait, let’s just go home and order room service. They take off.

Steve & Kayla are in the Pub, celebrating with Roman, Steve getting his sight back. Steve is praising Kayla, who he feels is responsible, toasting, sipping, Kayla looking uncomfortable. Outside, Stefan passes the window, sees them, decides to go in and say hello. He congratulates Steve, claims to be happy for him, makes his double entendre’ remarks to cause Kayla to be nervous. And of course, he brags of becoming a daddy via Abby, which is news to Steve, but Kayla has to confirm. Stefan says he may have lost Gabby, but now a part of her will always be there. Steve mentions it being rather difficult, Stefan admits that is so, but states tho complicated there is always someone around who helps.

Abby hears the door, thinks her mom has returned, but no, tis Chad. (and time wise, Jen & Eric are in different clothes, etc. it is night, but still daytime at DiMansion, lol. ) Chad is home, has been trying to figure if he can accept her having Stefan’s child, he loves her, but he just can’t. Baby would always be reminder. They go back and forth, her alters now a part of her, Chad talking of her not being herself then, her insisting on taking responsibility. We have heard it all before. Finally, though he is reluctant, he loves Abby, so is going to try to live and accept it all, and figure out how to deal with Stefan trying to be around them all the time. They embrace.

Eric has gone to the Pub, tells his dad what happened. Roman is supportive, and optimistic. Eric isn’t sure about that, doesn’t think Jen will accept. Not true, says the smiling Jennifer, who has come in, holds up her hand with ring on the finger. Roman has stuff to do in the back, leaves them, Eric kisses her, swooping her down nearly to the floor. Jen has brought all containers of food from Doug’s Place, they have to have fancy food for this celebration.

Gabi sees Kate handing the thumb drive over to Stefan, telling him to choke on it. When Stefan is gone, Gabi comes up behind Kate wanting to know what is going on. Kate does her usual evasive conversation, plus “none of your business”, but Gabi realizes that Kate is working for Stefan, probably to take down Chad, which would hurt him, so Stefan has something on her. Kate won’t tell, beats around the bush, but does agree he has something, and she cannot reveal it. Well, Gabi hates Stefan, in the course of their conversation, she calls him a few choice names, yes, is working for him, only way to get back Gabi Chic. Eventually, Gabi manages to spill it all, the plan she already has put in motion. She changed the results of Abby’s paternity test, Stefan is not the father Chad is. Stefan will grow close, love the child, and the truth will come out, Stefan will get his comeuppance. She is very confident about it all. Kate notes that the person really being hurt in all this is Chad. Gabi shrugs…..collateral damage. Kate knows Chad loves Abby will stick by her. Gabi figures, yes, at first, but then it will eat at him until he can’t stand it, and he will leave. Kate wonders if she figures Chad would be hers then…She says no, then talks of how Chad has enabled Abby for years. (Her descriptions of Abby’s life seem to show jealousy). She talks of how Abby killed someone, gets off scot free, while Gabi goes to prison. She moans about Ari not talking to her….yep, she does the whole pity party bit, even trying to get Kate to be against Abby because of Andre’s death. But Kate knows Andre did a lot of terrible thing, so is not out for vengeance against Abby. She starts to call Chad, he deserves to know the truth, Gabi stops her.

Steve is upset with himself, that he was unable to stop Stefan from hurting Abigail. He and Kayla both wish the baby was Chad’s.

Stefan sits at the chess table at DiMansion, fingering one of the pieces,( probably the queen), looks over at Stefano’s portrait.

Abby says they can take it slow, suggests perhaps she & Chad go for therapy to Marlena. He agrees.

Brady has finished ordering room service, Eve goes to change, Brady calls Jen, leaving a message asking if she learned any more, let him know if Victor had a partner in what he did.

Gabi notes she and Kate both hate Stefan, want him taken down, if the two work together, between them he will go down. Kate agrees, they shake on it.
Thank you, Poirot.

I don't know who I dislike the most in today's show...Stefan, Eve, or Gabi.

Brady and Jennifer lost that teeny bit of the Salem brain they were using.
Kate had a glimmer of the brain, and let it slip away.

Jennifer put the ring on! We need a poll on how long they'll last as a couple.
UGH, DOUBLE UGH........I know it's a soap but in reality life Jen AND Brady at some point would've said, "ERIC........shut up, sit down and listen". I hate it when people do not let the other person finish expressing what they want to say.

Thanks Poirot
Steve/Kayla/The guy who lives in the Diera Mansion: It shouldn't be jarring to me that Steve is so protective of Abigail. I mean she's niece it's totally in his nature to be protective of her especially with her dad not being there and she is such a vulnerable state right now. But every time he says her name I have to remind myself that he's her uncle. The show has gone so long without any interaction between them or acknowledgment of their relationship that his involvement now just seems random and forced in my opinion. Which is a shame.

More and more whenever I see the guy who is living in the DiMansion the theme to "Murder She Wrote" starts playing in my head. The same thing used to happen with Deimos so who knows? I've always imagined that Jessica Fletcher would know someone in Salem, if only we could get a cross-over. Now that I think about perhaps a fan fiction? Yes that could have possibilities. *rubs chin*

Eric and Jennifer: This was kind of a surprise because I didn't know their relationship had progressed to this stage. Well to be honest I didn't even realize they were still in a relationship. LOL I like both characters individually but a s a couple they are like wallpaper; they are there but you really don't notice them in my very humble opinion.

Kate and Gabi: Hoo boy where to start? First off with the good and yes I do think there some good things about their scenes, For one thing I love the idea of these teaming up take down What's-His-face. I think he could truly not know what hit him.

Second I have been enjoying seeing Camila Banus (Gabi) finally get some the of juicy and soapy material she can really sink her teeth into. I can see she's having fun.

But boy howdy am I worried about my Gabi. When this started I believed she had lost her bearings but I didn't think she had fallen quite so far. Just how callus her hurt and anger had turned her towards Abigail and by association Chad. No sir I didn't like that.

I'm still rooting for her-not for plan to succeed-but for her to see the light. *Waves giant foam #1 that says "Gabi Hernandez on it* I believe her heart is still there I just hope we get to see some sign of soon.
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Thanks, Poirot.

Good news about Kim. Kayla told Steve her numbers were up.

I was surprised Gabi told Kate what she did with the paternity test.
And since Gabi and Kate on the same team, will they dump Stefan
in the river like they did Nick?

How long will Jen and Eric be engaged before Eric finds out why Nicole
left town and Jen knew about it?
I knew Jen wouldn’t tell Eric the truth so I don’t know why I let myself get so ticked off.

katmouse, you hit the nail square because if Nicole makes an appearance that’s exactly what will happen. Then enter Jack stage left.

I just wanted to wring Abby’s neck. Did her therapist grandmother put those ridiculous pathetic ideas in her head? If so I think she should spend some seriously time on the couch.

Gabi and Kate teaming up is just a replay of when Sami and Kate schemed together.

The DOOL writers are supposed to be the cream of the crop right? This is wrong in so many ways.
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It's interesting that you bring that up about Nick katmouse. Because there was a scene where Kate was talking Gabi out of talking Gabi Chic to Basic Black which she was going to do because What's-His-Face had made such a bad first impression on her. Kate joked that if he got out of control he could end up in the river just like Nick. Which Gabi didn't find all that funny but now I'm wondering if it could have been foreshadowing. LOL
go home and order room service
I know that they're both gazillionaires, but why don't they have a house yet?
figure out how to deal with Stefan trying to be around them all the time
Gee, if only they had zillions of dollars and knew any non-Justin lawyers....
Troy, I liked all of your points. The past couple of days I've kept thinking, "Why can't we have another Deimos-type murder now, with Stefan?" (By the way, I watch Murder She Wrote reruns all the time).

Kat, I'm glad you mentioned the thing about Kim's numbers being up. When I heard Kayla say that, I couldn't think what she was talking about but as soon as I saw it in writing, in your comments, I remembered.

I "watched" most of this episode while puttering around, listening but not viewing. It was kind of boring to me but I did think Eric and Jennifer both looked very nice. I'm so glad he and Chad shaved off the facial hair.

Jason, maybe Eve and Brady don't want a house because then they couldn't order room service. I guess they'd have to go get clam chowder all the time like a lot of the others.
I can't believe Gabi just came out and told Kate. She had to tell someone she says. Guess she doesn't like secrets. Ironic. I am probably the only one that thinks this but I do think this story would be better if this child was Stefan's. I don't know anything about alters coming together but it's disturbing that she keeps saying they are part of me. I can't pretend they don't exist. I can see Chad being disturbed by this. It seems in her mind she's thinking Gabby loved Stefan. This child was conceived in love. I don't see Chad and Abigail surviving this and I'm ok with that.Though I am surprised that he has never said "it's still your child" .

I'm still not a Jen/Eric fan. I don't see chemistry between them. They have known each other forever so being in love now just seems weird to me.

Seems like Eve is gonna control Brady with sex. Don't like what he's saying. Get him in bed. Think she'll be history when he finds out it was her.
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Thanks Poirot. It's too bad Ben has been cured of his serial killing, because there are several people in Salem who need to be strangled.
It's too bad that Andre is dead at the moment. He could send all these people to Melaswen.
Happy Days, Chad and Eric shaved!
Perhaps they considered each other's appearance and thought: "Gosh, I'd better shave, I'm starting to look like Chad/Eric."
I kept thinking that as a former priest he SURE is not a very good listener!!!!!!!!
Eric might have been the favorite confessor for St. Luke's parishioners. He'd be so busy talking that he wouldn't even hear their most embarrassing sins. E.g., "Go to Father Eric. He'll be so busy talking that he won't even notice what you're confessing."
But boy howdy am I worried about my Gabi. When this started I believed she had lost her bearings but I didn't think she had fallen quite so far. Just how callous her hurt and anger had turned her towards Abigail and by association Chad. No sir I didn't like that.
Agree, there's nothing to like. In the past, it seemed that Salem baddies just went out and hurt people for their own selfish motives and never considered the implications of their evil deeds. In contrast, Gabi knew exactly how her plot would injure others, but did it anyone. In a way, this could be a plus. Unlike Andre, Orpheus, EJ, Stefano, Victor, etc., Gabi still seems to have a conscience. Unfortunately at this moment, she's not listening to it.
I honestly am not liking the show too much in this current phase. As I said before, it all seems like tangled up cords and wires, I feel the storyline is just all over the place and outrageous. Perhaps Gabi should have consulted Sami about changing DNA results upon birth, God knows Sami would do anything to stick it to Abby to get back for her lovely EJ!