Days of Our Lives - Mon., Nov. 12, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, November 12, 2018

Abby is moaning and groaning, is in labor, Chad gonna call ferry, no signal, her water breaks, she moans, he keeps talking “breathe”. This goes on a lot, he is getting panicky, but finally gets her laying down, contractions closer and closer together, he talks constantly, reminds her that her mother had her in a cabin, wants her to tell him the tale, she doesn’t want to, but finally does, no power, dad in a frenzy, mom powered it all thru. Chad has water, towels all ready.

Ben has told Ciara he has feelings for her, she is surprised, he explains all his reasons, how it started, etc. She is taken aback, he thinks she might have returned his feelings if her mom had not arrested him when she did. Because that is when she decided to go to bed with Tripp, which she had been resisting up to then. She denies, he is really very nice, ends up apologizing, he was out of line, should not have put her on the spot, is sorry.

At DiMansion, Stefan wants to know what Gabi is doing there, she invents a series of excuses – came to see Abby, then heard Abby was planning on marrying Stefan, was going to talk her out of it, then it was she heard Chad was planning on kidnapping her, wanted to stop him, then something else. Stefan doesn’t believe a word, constantly saying so. He wants to know what is in that bag she has a sumo hold on……none of his business……then claims just some mementos she wanted to make sure Abby got. He grabs the bag, pulls the wig. Gabi tries to say she found it on other side of room, he is not buying that, dumps out the rest of the bag, finds the pills. Finally, Gabi admits it all, drugging Abby, wanting her locked up since she herself was locked up due to Abby. She goes on and on, Stefan commenting here and there, but she wants her payback. He figures this was how she was getting back at him as well, since Gabby will never be coming back (his hope).

Rafe & Hope have questions for Tripp, but he barely gets to say a word, as Claire keeps answering for him. Oh, Tripp could never do anything like that, of course it wasn’t him who bought the can of accelerant. Hope asks that if she shows Tripp’s pic to Mr. Snyder, would he recognize him. Claire says how could he, wasn’t Tripp. (Go ahead, roll your eyes, this was asinine, not once did either one say to Claire, wasn’t talking to you!) They leave, Tripp thanks Claire, but she figures he isn’t out of the woods yet, Mr. Snyder will recognize his pic, despite the sunglasses. Has an idea, another plan.

Jen & JJ talk, she is worried, cannot reach Abby, JJ says Chad seemed o.k. yesterday, tries to call him, voice mail. She gets hold of Laura, who tried to call Chad back, could not get through. She is very worried. JJ talks to Rafe, tells how Abby feels she is being railroaded, that someone is setting her up. Rafe cannot believe it would be his sister, Gabi, she would never do such a thing.

Gabi is still telling all to Stefan, how she got Kate involved, but not why Kate agreed. How Abby turned the tables, Kate got drugged instead. And now Chad has messed it all up by taking Abby.

Claire is with Tripp in park bench, making a call. It is all arranged, Tripp thanks her, she says she would do anything for him. He knows she has feelings for him, but he loves Ciara. She knows that.

Rafe & Hope at the cop shop, talking of how Tripp barely said a word, Claire did all the talking, they need to talk to him again. In walks Wyatt, has a confession. He planted the evidence to incriminate Ben for the fire.

Ben is leaving, sorry for having taken up her time, but now he has to find somewhere to live. Ciara looks a bit confused.

At the cabin, Chad has talked Abby thru it, delivers the baby. It cries right away, he cleans it off, wraps it….tis a girl…hands her to Abby. Both are grinning, I love you, kiss…..big smiles, all cuddled together.
Ben and Ciara look so good together. Wow.

I died laughing when Claire said she had a plan and then Wyatt walked into the station :rotfl:
This is pure silliness, but I can’t wait to see how it gets spun.

I don’t know how much more I can take of Gabi. Yes, horrible things happened to you, but this backstory isn’t even good enough for her actions to be this heinous. Has she forgotten about her Melanie scheme that ruined so many lives? It’s awful that she can’t have anymore kids, but the way it sounds, you would forget she has a daughter. The sensible thing to do would be to make Gabi’s mission to destroy Stefan O, but I think the headwriter doesn’t want to pit his two favorites against each other. Which is sad because now Gabi is a heartless monster picking on a woman who has a known history of mental problems.

Lastly, Rafe and Hope. My goodness. Worst cop duo in Salem history and there have been some stinkers. I really used to love Rafe, but I’m really starting to understand the hate these days. He used to be his own man and a good brother. Can’t say either of those these days. Is following Hope around 24/7, and trying to nail Ben really all there is to his life right now? How can he see the light when it comes to Sami and “set her straight“ , but still can’t see how vindictive and manipulative his sister can be? When was the last time those two had a legitimate scene with real conversation
Rafe needs brother lessons from Eric. Love them and be there for them, but know them well enough to know when they’re keeping their distance they are up to something, and when you find out call them out on it. Don’t bail them out.

I’ve never been that into Chad and Abby, and the scenes were a bore to me for a birth at first, but then they picked up and I thought the actor who plays Chad did really well. I’m sad for them as a couple. You can tell the love is still there, but everything is a mess
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I'm thinking the Horton cabin should have a cabinet that contains things needed for delivering a baby, including a medical professional.

Poor Abby, the second time in a row being kidnapped and giving birth at the same time, at the same scene of the crime LOL! You can Rafe tell suspects something is off with Gabi, why he called her before he said anything in front of Hope, JJ and Jennifer. I'm just glad the first part of Gabi's life and plans spiraling downward are starting to unravel.

As for Wyatt randomly popping in out of nowhere makes little sense to me why he confessed for Tripp and Claire.
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I am glad that Gabi is finally getting caught.

If I was a Chad/Abigail fan I'm sure I would have loved today. But I'm not. I thought Chad was acting very very nervous from the first contraction. Just seemed out of character for him.

Why on earth would Wyatt agree to say he planted evidence? Obstruction of Justice, does he think they are just gonna say oh ok. So dumb. I do find it kind of weird that Tripp was totally crushing on Claire for a long time now apparently has no feelings for her.

I liked the Ciara/Ben stuff. She definitely he has feelings for him and I love that. Mostly because I know it will make Hope's head explode!!
I'm thinking the Horton cabin should have a cabinet that contains things needed for delivering a baby, including a medical professional.

This raccoon would have done a far better job helping Abigail deliver her baby than frantic Chad. Instead of being a calming influence, he was more frazzled than the woman giving birth. If his stint as do-nothing Titan CEO doesn't work out, he'd better forget starting a career as Salem's only male midwife.

As for other characters:

Rafe & Hope: Their detecting wheels were really spinning today. Hopefully, all this unfamiliar activity won't blow their fuses and cause them to fall for Wyatt's (how dumb is he?) obviously phony confession.

Stefan Zero: He actually seems to be calling the cops on Gabi. This is so un-DiMera. Stefano, EJ, or Andre would have quickly exacted their private revenge.

Claire: Any Salemite suspected of a crime should stay far, far away from her. With her brainless babble and inane plans, she'd surely cause the suspect of the moment to end up in Hope's jail.

Doll-in-Blanket: Sadly, this fan favorite did not get a chance to play a starring role in the birth of the latest DiMera. However, surely there will be plenty of opportunities down the road for the famous doll to play the new baby.
Thanks, Poirot.

Did they redo the Horton cabin? Wasn't the bed in the front room? The same place
where Abby was with that tall fellow who just left with Sami. You know who.

Poor Abby had both of her kids born in a cabin. I'm glad Abby mentioned last time she
had a midwife. Her contractions were strong she kept squeezing Chad and he yelled.

I hope Rafe and Hope are smart enough to figure out why of all days Wyatt came
to police station after they talked to Tripp. And what Claire promise him to do it?

I'm glad someone else knows what Gabi is doing. Will Stefan call the police or will
he use the information to keep Abby his wife?
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And sometimes you walk into a kitchen...... I remember once you walked in there was a bed, another time a table, another a sofa, lolol. Which is why folks wonder if it is really the Horton cabin. I also remember it being shut down, water drained, winterized, etc. for the winter. I remember when it was all ice on the river or lake or whatever is out there. Yep, as JS said, changes, depending on story.
Also, Chad gets Abby there, not protesting or anything? No complaining, nothing, and then he says she is locked inside?? Since when? Sheeesh.
The Horton cabin layout changes as needed for the storyline. Sometimes the main room is a living room setup and other times it's just a bed.

The critters in the woods probably came by and redid the cabin. I noticed a door in the back open.
They probably added a room too :)
:rotfl::rotfl: The Horton Cabin has changed like a million times. I remember Belle and Shawn went there and Larry Welch was hiding there. Sami & Lucas went there a few years later and it was a huge living room to me, but then Sami went back a few months later to set EJ on fire and it was more confined to me. I’m pretty positive the set changed once again the following year when Lucas & Chloe stayed there a few months
The critters in the woods probably came by and redid the cabin. I noticed a door in the back open.They probably added a room too :)
Those were my thoughts. The resident raccoons probably deal with the stress caused by their unwelcome human visitors by engaging in compulsive redecorating.
I hope Rafe and Hope are smart enough to figure out why of all days Wyatt cameto police station after they talked to Tripp. And what Claire promise him to do it?
Foolish Wyatt is putting his head in the lion's mouth by "confessing" to Hope and Rafe. He has history with Ciara and it isn't good. She might have complained about him to Hope and the unprofessional commissioner might just decide to "believe" Wyatt and have him charged with obstructing justice as payback for his social sins.