Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 18, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

oh, Doug will bring tears to your eyes today.......but I could use some help. NBC broke in the very last 5 minutes with their breaking news. Only lasted 5 min. but they could not wait that long. So, I do not have the very end of the show. If you see it, please add.

Replay of Julie & Gabi arguing, Julie falling down the stairs, Chad & Sonny coming out. Gabi hides the envelope behind her, then folds it, stuff it in her bra. She stands at the top for a while, how is she, finally coming down. Julie is conscious, struggles to say something, gets out only Chad, Chad. She grasps him, desperately trying to tell him something, but cannot seem to get out more than a word....envelope, envelope. Sonny calls 911, returns. They ask Gabi what happened, Gabi doesn't know.

JJ is at hospital with Kayla, talking of how worried he is about Abigail. Kayla tries to be positive, without giving away Abby's plan. She says Abby is strong, and she thinks she will overcome all of this and come back to them all. JJ gets a call, tells Kayla emergency at the Kmansion address, Julie fell down the stairs. He leaves. Kayla calls Hope.

Hope is having this dumb conversation with Rafe about not telling him of hiding Ted, comparing it to Rafe not telling her he had sex with Sami. She gets the call from JJ, is all upset, going to hospital, tells Rafe to go get her dad. No, she will drive herself, bring her dad.

Kate is in bed, reading Lady of the Lake, knocking at door, tis Will. He is drunk, miserable, Sonny married Leo, etc. etc. All Kate's fault. She admits, is sorry, advises him to go see Sonny, as he loves Will. Nope, wedding night. She assures him Sonny would rather see him, the marriage is fake anyway. Will leaves.

Gabi has come downstairs, this upsets Julie, who is still struggling to say something, tries to indicate Gabi, but passes out. JJ arrives, Gabi now tells of finding Julie in her room, asking what she is doing there, says Julie admitted wanting to find something to show Gabi was gaslighting Abby, she told her to leave, Julie went out, must have slipped on the stairs. They are so steep, she always worries about Ari. The medics get Julie on a stretcher, and take her out, Chad going along, since Julie was trying to tell him something, she considered important. (And out he goes into mid-December winter weather, in shirtsleeves and a vest. Hardy souls, these Salemites)

Abby is trying to call Julie, leaving another message, as she arrives home. Stefan opens the door at the end of her message, she goes in, the pervert is all over her again, wanting to take her to bed, yes he knows the doc said they have to wait, but he just wants to lie in bed next to her. She manages to put him off, tells him she was out trying to get him a Christmas present, blah, blah.

JJ arrives with Julie, who is put into room 318, they will run tests. Hope is there, worried, Chad, she thanks him for not leaving Julie. Rafe arrives with the worried Doug, all go to Julie's room. Kayla says so far, vitals are o.k., tis normal with traumatic accident to pass out, body's way to heal. She leaves them. Doug is by his wife's side, sits, holding her hand, talking to her. Just a few days ago we were talking of 50 years in Salem, the memories, and now........he talks of how she is always in a hurry, waiting for him....but now he will be waiting for her, as long as it takes, to come back to him. (I cannot do this justice, it was very emotional, Doug had tears, so did Hope, she tries to comfort him) Doug takes Julies hand, kisses it several times. He will wait, right there.

Will goes to see Sonny, who says Leo is passed out after drinking Uncle Vic's most expensive champagne, the whole bottle. Will wants to be “with” Sonny, who negates that. He talks of Uncle Vic, what he said, the company, too risky, even going elsewhere, a hotel. Cannot take a chance. Leo could still have someone following them, taking pictures. A despondent Will leaves, but not before they both share a kiss under the mistletoe.

Kate is back with her book, frantic pounding on the door. Tis Gabi, she is in trouble, tells Kate the story. Kate figures Gabi is in trouble, not her, but Gabi will sell her out, unless she helps, tells her what to do. Kate tries to back away, but gives in, calls Chad, pretends she heard there was some sort of accident at the Kmansion. Chad confirms, says Julie fell down the stairs, he is actually at hospital. Kate is pretending she doesn't know anything, asks what happens, Chad says apparently Julie was in Gabi's room, she found her, they argued. Gabi is listening to Kate's end of the conversation.

Abby is alone, once again calls Julie, but Kayla answers Julie's phone. Abby is surprised, Kayla tells her Julie fell down the stairs at Kmansion.

And that is all NBC allowed today.
Thanks Poirot. Appreciate the write ups each and everyday.

I haven't seen the show today but one thought.

HOPE........seriously, get off of your high horse and please lose the self righteous, holier than thou attitude and behaviour. One last time, YOU broke up with Rafe and when that happens you are both free to deal with the breakup however you see fit. For Rafe, he wanted some meaningless sex with someone that he was comfortable with. Done.....that's his prerogative and his choice, despite what you think he SHOULD have been feeling, his feelings are not yours and again., everyone deals with things differently. There is no comparing.

I'm getting to the point or likely I am at the point of wanting Hope to take a long break. Maybe go sailing on the Fancy Face II if Shawn and Belle if will let you borrow it. Go anywhere that takes you off our screens cause there are plenty of Horton's out there that could replace you.

@TheWriter - That is so very true especially out west for us right now. There are so many times throughout our winter here where one only needs to wear a sweater outside and sometimes just a shirt but that's more so when we are experiencing a Chinook. Right now we are having amazing weather with a brown Christmas in sight.
Lots of things happened today, but at the same time nothing really happened. I was disappointed with Chad at first because it felt like he was saying Julie was being crazy, but then they showed he had some doubts about what happened.

I don’t like Hope lying and keeping secrets from Rafe, but the writers have made Rafe such a condescending jerk. He seems to only care about being right. I hate his tone when he speaks and have hated it for awhile. He couldn't even comfort Hope today when she was obviously hurting about Julie. He just stood there cold like a statue.

Kate cracked me up today. First, they showed her reading a Ken Corday novel, and then Gabi stormed in panicking “we are in trouble”, and classic Kate responded with “not we .... you” lol.

Stefan is such a creep. I hope Abby’s plan works sooner than later.

Poor Doug. I hated seeing him like that.
I didn't like how the Julie stuff played out. The directing at the KMansion was awful--4 people in the scene and they kept giving close ups of Julie. Then Kayla pretty much said repeatedly that Julie was ok yet everyone was acting over the top as if she was on her death bed. Just made no sense. Nice that they showed Doug and Hope first though. I'm surprised Sarah Horton wasn't the first one called.:rolleyes:

Will and Sonny: Yawn

If JJ is going to go to crime scenes and show no urgency for giving the victim medical care, maybe just make him a cop again?

Can Rafe please get into his sister's story????? Shut up Hope.

I'm surprised Abby allowed Stefan to go comfort Charlotte.
Will has said numerous times that Sonny married Leo where he and Sonny got married. So why did Sonny allow this? Apparently it doesn't bother him as much. I just don't see them as great loves. Will was happy with Paul. So was Sonny for that matter!!

I thought today when Hope was saying Rafe had once felt he couldn't share everything that she was referring to him helping out Gabi. Didn't he break the rules helping her one time and he was suspended for awhile? Or am I remembering wrong. But she meant Sami. Glad to see they still bring it up. And when they exchanged I love yous, I'm sorry I just don't see it.

I hope Julie isn't unconscious for long. Please let's start ending this story. And the sooner the better because today Abigail/Gabby said to Stefan "you defended me". I can see her softening to him when she keeps seeing how devoted to Gabby he is.
Will Julie (is she seeing visions of Nick while unconscious?) taking a header down Victor's stairs give desperate Salemites ideas about how to solve their problems.
  • Fed up with Leo, Sonny shoves him down the K-mansion stairs.
  • Desperate to be rid of Stefan Zero, Abigail pushes him down the DiMansion staircase.
  • Worried that she might be implicated in Gabi's dirty doings, Kate shoves her down a Salem Inn stairway.
  • Stefan learns Ted's location and orders one of his toughs to push him down the steps of the Smith Island dock and into the frigid water.
And finally, in another take on swan dives down stairs, Hope trips and plunges down the Town Square steps. Ben is first on the scene and gives her aid that JJ and Kayla later say saved her life.
I'm surprised Abby allowed Stefan to go comfort Charlotte.
I doubt that she could have stopped him. As far as they know, Charlotte belongs to the creep.

Didn't [Rafe] break the rules helping [Gabi] one time and he was suspended for awhile?
Yep, he became manager of Victor's place (Edge of the Square).
Shut up Hope.
Shut up Hope.
Shut up Hope.
Shut up Hope.
Shut up Hope.
Shut up Hope.
Shut up Hope.
Shut up Hope.
I felt it was worth repeating. :)

Nice to see the wheels spinning in Kayla's head. Keep her busy to help her forget the writers' lacklustre excuses for keeping Steve from town!!!

It looks like everything's in the summary, other than Kate asking Chad if he thinks Gabi caused the fall, and Chad recapping to JJ that Julie was trying to tell him something. Rafe and Hope make up, but they still have things to talk about, but the crisis with her "parents" (Rafe's words, yay!) puts things in perspective. They also speculate about Julie/Gabi. Kate tells Gabi that she's lucky Julie's still unconscious, struts away; Gabi says, "I hope it stays that way."
Thanks, Poirot.

The only one interesting thing at the end was Kate told Gabi Julie was unconscious.
Gabi said to herself "I hope she stays that way"

I thought it was funny when Sonny told Will Leo passed out after drinking
a bottle of champagne.

Poor Doug. Julie is in the hospital. I hope she wakes up soon and doesn't
have the Soap Opera disease "Amnesia"