Days of Our Lives - Mon., Feb. 25, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, February 25, 2019

Lost a minute or 2 at start, but evidently Eve is doing her best to get Jack to blow the whistle at the mayoral debate. He resists, even talking of betraying JJ, while she tries to say JJ may be angry, will get over it, realize it was for his own good, & move on. Jack makes a crack about Eve doing the thinking, him doing her bidding, she changes her tactic, says o.k. They can go to debate, and he can say something if he decides he wants to.

Meanwhile, JJ & Haley are hot and heavy on the sofa, Jen is knocking at the door. He puts his shirt back on, answers, she has brought pics from wedding, will leave them with JJ, mentioning hosting the mayoral debate tonight. She leaves, JJ & Haley talk of perhaps resuming where they left off after the debate.

Hope & Ben at the cop shop, he wanting to talk to his sis, but she has already been transferred. Ben is worried, wonder what she said, Hope fills him in (off camera) on how she purposely killed their mom. Ben is shocked, what made her snap? They talk over it all, Ben beats himself up over how he was ready to kill his own sister. Hope actually defends him, he was saving Ciara, protecting her. He figures Ciara was already saved, but he was holding that syringe, Ciara was screaming, knew he was going to use it, so did Jordan. Again, Hope talks of how he saved Ciara, thanks him, lists all the things she thought he did, was convinced he did, but doesn't think so any more. She is so grateful, is so sorry, truly, for all she put him through, isn't going to press charges for his escaping, etc. He is free to go...he leaves.

Abe talks with Sheila, who is disappointed he is not wearing the shoes she bought him. She backs Abe, even if they don't always see eye to eye, as Abe notes they both really want the same thing. Along comes Trask, sarcasm dripping, as she is so sure she will best him tonight. Eve & Jack arrive, Jen is surprised, Eve makes up some nasty reply. Jen starts, intros herself as moderator, Eve is blathering away to Jack, Jen mentions the audience being quiet so they can all hear the candidates. Both make opening statements, Melinda goes on the attack immediately, citing how crime runs rampant in Salem, mentioning the case against Xander, solid, shooting Marlena at her wedding, caught on film, airtight case, but Xander waltzes into the mayor's office able to delete the footage.

Sheila jumps up, takes full responsibility, her fault, she resigns. Abe refuses to accept, to err is human, we all make mistakes. Melinda mentions members of Mexican drug cartel being in town, Eve figures Jack is not taking advantage, jumps up, wanting to know where Trask stands on illegal immigration. Abe notes that is a federal issue, Eve wants Melinda's stance, she is avoiding, Jack jumps up, pins her down, demanding just a yes or no answer. She says yes, against it, he drops the bombshell, about her own sister being and illegal immigrant and being right here in town now. Haley & JJ are watching on TV, she is shocked JJ must have told his dad. Melinda's jaw has dropped, is at a loss for something to say.

In her hospital room, Ciara, Tripp & Claire are talking of Jordan, figuring she is probably the one who set the fire. Claire says no, wasn't her, was me, o.k. I did it. Replay of Friday's final scene where Claire enters the cabin, spies the sleeping Ciara, picks up the lighter, flicks it to a flame. The scene shifts as Claire tells her tale to an angry Tripp, disbelieving Ciara. She says her computer pinged Ciara's location, must have turned on her phone. She rushes out to the cabin, goes in, intending to save Ciara, be the hero. However, she just began remembering how Ciara always wanted or took everything Claire had. The Bella contest, she did not even care about it, but Claire did, so Ciara entered. Theo, who Claire loved, but he always took Ciara's side. She reminds Tripp that she had kissed him that day, and he told her he only really wants Ciara.

So, yes, she started the fire, figured she would get Ciara out of her way for good. She leaves, is half way back to her car, stops, cannot believe what she has just done, she doesn't want that, turns and runs back to get Ciara out..........only Hope had already gotten her out. She sees them outside, goes back to her car, goes home, and when Julie called, pretended to not know and be so happy.

She shakes herself, as Tripp asks what is wrong with her, she has just been standing there, silent. Claire says, sorry, she was just thinking, (yep, that whole thing was all just in her mind) and agrees with them that Jordan probably set that first fire.

Tripp & Claire leave the room, Hope arrives, surprised that Ben is not there, she thought for sure he would have gone to see Ciara, after being freed. She mentions they had a nice talk.

Ben is sitting outside, alone, evidently his mind in a turmoil.

Jack & Eve stand, waiting for Melinda to reply to his accusation.
Arrgh!!! I was so hopeful when Claire confessed. I thought oh then it can't be true if she's confessing right now and it's all getting out the open. There has to be a twist then. But then she's only daydreamed the whole thing! Please let there still be a twist! Geez, they killed Will, ok they brought him back, Joey killed someone, now Claire! Do they not like legacy children!? This is Shawn and Belle's child!!! Hope and Bo's grandchild!! I'm hating this. There better be a twist.

Really not liking Mayoral debates and I can't believe Jack did that.

Ben and Hope hugging would have been the icing the cake but she did say she was wrong about everything and apologized so yay! Except now he's beating himself up probably thinking he's not good enough for Ciara.
True.........except for Hope admitting how wrong she was, and sorry for all she put Ben thru....not caring for this episode at all. I am watching and thinking, just WHY would Claire have her laptop pinging for Ciara's phone? Does she really have that app, and is spying on Ciara or something? And just WHY would Claire be doing a "what if"....what if I told what I did, or what would they all do if it was me?
And Jack knows Eve is leading him around by the nose, but doesn't disentangle himself?
And just have to have that hair stop hanging in front of your face, all nice and curled/waved. You are in a hospital bed!!!! You have been in a big struggle with someone attempting to do you in.
I was watching a show from the past maybe 2006 when Zack got hit and Claire needed a liver transplant. I had forgotten all about that. It was nice to see Hope & Bo together. I didn't record all the episodes, too many disks and then where to put them all.
Claire: The writers must have thought that her pondering her guilt and imagining herself confessing would make for high drama. Actually, it was just a lot of nonsense in so many ways.

Hope: After months of ranting about Ben, she actually ate crow and apologized to him. This must have been difficult. Perhaps, she could make herself feel better by bringing back memories of Bo by breaking into some building and doing a warrantless search.

Abe: It's nice that he wants to help poor kids and aid the homeless, but what about Salem's real problems: the danger lurking in what's left of its tunnels, the city's wretched police force, and the epidemic of kidnappings that's been going on for decades?

Xander: The X-man would have been pleased to hear that he was a major issue in the candidates' debate. As the old saying goes, it's nice to be remembered.

Eve: This one has the political acumen of a cockroach. Outing Melinda for having an undocumented sister might torpedo her over-the-top, tough-on-crime campaign, but Abe would win in a walk against a candidate whose campaign manager callously used an innocent young woman for political gain.
It seemed like a lot happened today, although none of it really mattered. I feel bad for JJ, because Haley will never forgive him (not sure she should), even though Eve overhead the argument. Jack did mention the immigration issue and JJ's friend (not sure if he mentioned her name).

I think Claire did set the fire and it will take until the end of the summer until it finally comes out. The story is ridiculous.

I don't want to see Eve's face on my screen again, so will read recaps first. I sure hope they are not going with a Sheila/Abe affair - it is wrong. They may be friends, but no more.

It sure seems like they are spending a lot of time clearing the path for Ben and Ciara and now he is going to backtrack again, in her best interest. So, they will have to fight their way back to each other, just like Jack and Jennifer. Boring.
He didn't...Eve overheard Haley & Melinda arguing last week, and Melinda mentioning Haley being her sister cannot come out. JJ never told Jack that Haley was Trask's sister.
But JJ did tell his Dad, and Haley trusted JJ to keep her secret. Even though Eve learned of this on her own, JJ will not be able to say to Haley that he did keep her secret.
He didn't...Eve overheard Haley & Melinda arguing last week, and Melinda mentioning Haley being her sister cannot come out. JJ never told Jack that Haley was Trask's sister.
I don't like the "new" Jack. Does he know that Eve slept with his son? Probably not
yes, he does.....Eve pooh poohed the info, saying it was long ago, not relevant, water under the bridge
However, she just began remembering how Ciara always wanted or took everything Claire had.
Here's my problem and why this is well over the line of the abuse we've suffered from the writers before. This isn't what we were shown, and it directly contradicts what we've seen in recent years. So these actions make no sense.

Thank you Poirot.
Thanks, Poirot.

I thought it was strange Jennifer was moderator since she is Abe's friend.
Was Jennifer (Horton) picked because the debate at the Horton Square?

Why didn't Jennifer leave after knocking on the door for over five minutes?
Hopefully, JJ hasn't given her a key.

I was happy when Sheila resigned because she admitted it was her fault
Xander erased the video. Too bad Abe said he wasn't going to accept it.

What a letdown with Claire. Everyone thought she was actually telling
Ciara and Tripp what she did. Instead it was all in her head. I think we all
know who might be going to Bayview next :)

Nice conversation with Ben and Hope.

I laughed when Abe said at the debate he had endorsement of the Salem
PD. And it's not completely Melinda's fault that the bad guys in Salem
are released. Part of the problem is the Salem PD.
I only got about half watched before I was interrupted. For the first time ever, I kinda liked Sheila. But I agree with what was said earlier, I'd like her and Abe to be friends but nothing more.

I have never liked Claire and I would be happy to see her leave. However there is no satisfaction in what they're doing to her. I can't see any entertainment value in it at all.

I haven't yet got to the part about Jack humiliating himself and his family but I can tell it's going to be ugly.

Poirot, thanks for writing this up. I'm sorry you had to watch all of it without the luxury of fast forwarding some parts. I get Eve off the screen as soon as I see her.