Days of Our Lives - Mon., Mar. 18, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, March 18, 2019

A stand alone episode today, as Marlena seems to lose the fight for her life, and goes into “the light” to hover between heaven, hell, or going back to her life. Enjoyed this episode, not thinking I would. Replay of Kayla using the paddles on Marlena in her hospital room, Sarah standing around doing nothing, no crash team, and John urging Marlena to come back, fight. Kayla halts, looks at John, is sorry. No, no. A whooosh, and Marlena is in a white pants suit, walking around a room, Andre comes thru an open door. Marlena calls him by name, no he is not Andre, he is Tony. She is so happy to see him, he is alive, despite being impaled. He takes his time, but eventually gets Marlena to understand he is dead, and is there to show Marlena to where she will be forever. As they start going thru a door, a voice says don't go, Marlena jumps, tis real Tony. (Andre is wearing Hawaiian shirt, Tony a suit). Andre scolds Tony, was almost there. Seems if he got her there, he would have brought someone to take his place.

And now he is telling Marlena how she was a bad person, should be there (in hell), and for those who never saw the Possession storyline, there are some great clips, including her being levitated up from the bed. Marlena says she was possessed, wasn't her doing. Now Andre goes thru the litany of people Marlena killed, starting with Alice Horton & the donut, bludgeoning Maggie with the whiskey bottle, doing in Doug. Marlena retorts she did not do those things, that was Andre making everyone believe they happened. He brings out Princess Gina, who is pretty quiet to begin with, but wanting to help take Marlena thru that nasty door, with red light behind it. Andre tries dragging her, but Marlena pushes him thru and shuts the door.

She is alone with Tony, however Princess Gina decides to come join them at one point. Tony now shows her various scenes from her life, including one wedding to John (he is dark haired) and then the last one. He tells her to go thru this other door, with a green light behind it. She tries and tries, but cannot budge it. He says she is weak, was there too long, lost her vitality. She tries before the video clips and then after, to no avail. Tony decides to show her the future.

Belle has an urn with Marlena's ashes, is talking to her. She is near the nurses station, out come very drunk Brady & Eric, both 4 sheets to the wind as Marlena notes, gonna fight, swinging fists, missing, (funny) Marlena thinks this is over Nicole, but Princess Gina explains that no, Sarah wanted Eric, he said no, so *bleep* Sarah came on to the first available man, Brady, they had sex. Brady tells Eric he wanted him to know what it felt like to have your woman bedded by your brother. The guys are constantly swinging at each other, Sarah tries to stop them, Belle sets the urn on the counter, comes between the guys, but Brady takes a swing, knocks the urn to the floor, all the ashes spilling out. Everyone stares. Brady talks of getting to the wedding, and now he plans on not considering the Bradys any kind of family. Fine with Eric. Brady starts to walk away, steps in the ashes, picks up foot, continues on. Princess Gina remarks Marlena ending up being dirt on bottom of Brady's shoe.

There is also a scene of Leo coming on to Will, who is upset Leo won't divorce Sonny. Leo is grabbing Will, kissing him, Will pushes him away, punches him the next time, finally throwing water on him. Leo still is coming on, won't ever divorce Sonny, Will gets mad, chokes Leo, yep, he is dead. Now we see Belle, who is sorry, Will, she cannot do anything for him, hopes he learned a lesson. Will is led away in handcuffs. Then who comes along in handcuffs but Claire, who yells at her horrible mother. Belle cannot believe she actually sold Ciara's baby on the black market, Claire claims after Ben broke it off completely with Ciara, she hooked up with Tripp, Claire could not stand that. Belle talks of her own sister selling her on the black market, but at least she made it back to the family. Claire doesn't care, Belle is a horrible mother and she hates her. Cop take her off.

Marlena is appalled, but now finds out John is getting married. She is shocked, he can't be, but he is. To who........and there we are in a chapel I guess, the bride lifts her veil, Marlena says, it is me........until the bride blows a bubble with her gum. Yep, tis Hattie. John laughs. Hattie promises to love, honor and hit the hay with him any time he wants. She goes to kiss him, has to spit out her gum first. Big kiss. She throws her bouquet to Belle, who jumps up to catch it, dropping the urn on the floor again. Marlena has seen enough, she is going back, going back to her family. She gets up, heads to the green door. Whoosh, back to her hospital room, John is holding her hand, sitting next to her, she is still flatlined.
I loved this episode. I don’t like everything campy Days does, but sometimes I enjoy it. I needed this break from the immigration storyline. However, I do understand that some people hate this kind of campy soap, and those people should probably skip this one.
I agree with Poirot and SadAboutDays in that I didn't think I'd like this one and I don't usually care for these kind of campy standalone episodes. But I actually liked it. Parts of it were funny, parts sweet, parts serious. It was also a welcome break from the boring storylines of immigration/Jack/Jennifer/Eve or Rex/Eric/Sarah.
I loved all the little nods to history, between the clips and comments. The mention of Marlena's baby who died, her twin, Samantha; the indirect mention of the Titan tabletop tryst; Tony asking her to give his love to Anna; the hourglass; Princess Gina giving the show's tagline (like sands through the hourglass...)
including one wedding to John (he is dark haired)
That was the 1998 wedding, when he had the Marlena doll made that was on the wedding cake.
they showed the wonderful "pier" scene, with John & Marlena.
That was her return in 1991. I remember how she wore that pink outfit (that she stole from some woman's suitcase when she escaped from the island) for nearly a month.
It was an interesting episode. I loved all the flashbacks. I loved it when Marlena was possessed. I know, a little warped. I just thought for sure at the very end she would beep. I guess tomorrow. The flashforwards were funny. Claire selling Ciara's baby. And dang Sarah gets around! Then Brady walks right through Marlena's ashes. Eke.
Like many others, I didn't have high hopes for this episode, but it turned out to be a good one. It's also good to see evidence that writers are researching past events. As the author William Faulkner once wrote: "the past its never dead, it isn't even past." As for some of the scenarios, here are a few comments.

Andre: So he went to the "other" place. Didn't he get any credit for trying to help Abigail?

Belle: Once again she's trying to make bumbling Justin look good by saying that Will had no defense to strangling Leo. Of course he does. Murder one requires premeditation. Will did in John's latest son on an impulse.

Claire: The scene where she's selling a baby is very apt considering that lately she's resembled a young Sami in training.

Hattie: It would have been a real kick in the head to slimy Diana if after she succeeded in murdering Marlena, John turned around and married Hattie Adams.
They should've had one more scene with Marlena asking Tony about Sami's future. He could've said:

Ahhhh, yes, Samantha. Well, she spends years at the bedside of my Charmin-wrapped brother, only to eventually find out he has absolutely no memory of her or their life together. He leaves her to go off and find his true love, Taylor Walker.
I forgot to comment on Hattie!! Didn't see that coming. I thought for sure it would be Diana. Yuk! That was a funny scene. Especially when Belle dropped "Marlena" to catch the bouquet!

Also love that it took John marrying Hattie to have Marlena says that's it! I have to go back! Claire selling Ciara's baby, Eric and Brady drinking, eh bad stuff but . . . She just can't take Hattie!! :rotfl:
Thanks, Poirot.

Good catch, look of love, with the hourglass and Oz.

I laughed several times.

Enjoyed Belle and Claire. Belle told Will going to jail would be a "learning experience". Several
people in Salem need that.

It was funny when Gina said Rex came to his senses and dumped Sarah. I hope he does.

Gina also said a word about Sarah. We've all thought that with her going from man to man.

Nice to see Tony and Andre.

The John and Hattie dance was hilarious.
They should've had one more scene with Marlena asking Tony about Sami's future. He could've said:

Ahhhh, yes, Samantha. Well, she spends years at the bedside of my Charmin-wrapped brother, only to eventually find out he has absolutely no memory of her or their life together. He leaves her to go off and find his true love, Taylor Walker.
I also would have liked a few clips of Stefano. After all, how many people had a bigger impact on Marlena's life than the mighty Phoenix. At the very least, they could have had a scene in which Marlena asks Andre about his father, and he answers: "He sends you his best, but regrets that he can't be here because he's beating Josef Stalin at chess."
I just loved the whole episode. As usual, with something I love, there wasn't enough. I would have liked more memories. The pier scene was my favorite of the ones they showed.
The Eric and Brady fight scene was hilarious. Having lived over a bar at one point, I've seen fights just like that.