Days of Our Lives - Tues., Sept. 24, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

In Kate's room, Marlena is talking to her friend, relating how just a year ago she was in the position as Kate is now. She urges Kate to not give up, to think of her children, grandchildren, and the great-grandchild who adores her. She tells Kate to put on her stilettos, and kick this.

Outside in the hall, replay of Lucas suggesting to Kayla & Hope that perhaps Kate's heart could save Julie. They are shocked, but he says if his mother dies, then her death would have brought some good. Kayla notes Kate's heart was not damaged by the bullet, Lucas tearfully asks her to run tests to see if a match. Both Hope & Kayla ask him if he is sure about this, no he isn't, he will think about it some more, will talk to his siblings about it.

Jordan is talking to little David, mommy here now, will always keep you safe, kill anyone who tries to come between us. Rafe comes in, of course did not hear what she said, he wants to talk to her about Ben. Jordan is adamant, Ben cannot see David, no way. He is Clyde's son. Rafe tries to point out he had help, like she did, but she says she did not kill 3 people. He backs off, Jordan goes for a walk.

Ben & Ciara come back from a motorcycle ride, she knew he was tense and upset, hope it made him feel better. They talk of Jordan, Ben recalls Jordan's comments about Ciara, but doesn't tell her, only says he cannot be a part of David's life. Ciara tries a bit of a pep talk, suggests they go home, he has an errand, will see her later.

Ben goes to see Marlena, wants her help to get his crazy sister back in Bayview. Marlena is sympathetic, but has not seen Jordan as a patient, or observed her, advises Ben to just stay away, don't make waves.

At Kmansion, Brady is trying to go over some papers, but is recalling Kristen's voice, enticing him. He looks over at the bar, walks over, looking around for where they are storing the alcohol now. And of course, in walks Sarah (she sure is everywhere, isn't she). She knows he is wanting a drink, he admits it, and tells her all about the pull Kristen has on him, how he is resisting it, won't submit to it. She tells him to stay away from Kristen, but he notes she is everywhere. They talk a bit about Eric, Sarah knows he & Nicole belong together, doesn't want to get between them. They make a pact, he will help her stay away from Eric, she will help him stay away from Kristen. Deal!

Kristen has returned to her room, calls Rolf, tells him get over there NOW, she has something important for him. When he arrives, he is not happy camper, wants to get lab back in order. She says she wants him to get her pregnant, he is astonished.....(o.k. These are funny scenes as it is apparent Rolf thinks she means literally). Rolf stumbles around with his reply, Kristen blathers on and on about being pregnant, carrying Tate to term, (Rolf mentions her age, lol), she wants to toast to it, offering cider as she is not drinking alcohol to prepare her body. Rolf is beside himself, always loyal to the family, but never expected to be fathering her baby. She spits out her drink, no, no, no. She wants him to use Sarah Horton's baby........she wants Brady, will tell him it is his.

Ciara has gone home, Jordan comes to visit, returning the stuffed toy Ben had given David. She doesn't want David influenced by anything to do with Ben. Ciara is wary (as Ben has told her to just don't let her guard down around Jordan), but argues a bit about Ben being David's family. Jordan is adamant, he is evil, it is in him, will come out again, he is Clyde's son, it will never leave him. Ciara finally tells Jordan to go. When Ben returns home, he sees the stuffed toy, Ciara tells him Jordan was there, returned it, doesn't want David to have anything from them. Ben makes her promise if Jordan returns, she will not let her in.

Hope has stopped by Rafe's, they talk of Julie, of Lucas offering Kate's heart, of Rafe being responsible for Jordan, all the catch up. Hope notes Jordan tried to kill Ciara, she is not all that comfortable with her. Rafe tells of Jordan not allowing Ben & Ciara to see David. In comes Jordan, Hope starts to leave. Jordan stops her, says she already apologized to Ciara, but wants to do so to Hope, she is sorry for everything. Hope doesn't say a word, leaves.

Lucas sits with Kate, telling her she cannot make him do this, she has to come back, he doesn't want to have to make this decision.

Kristen is on the phone, has called Xander. Rolf is on board, everything is a go. She can't wait until Brady knows this baby is his. She hangs up, grinning, flops on the bed, happy as a clam.
Kate's room, Marlena
I feel like Roman should be involved in this somehow, and should be falling in love with Kate.
(o.k. These are funny scenes
I found them tedious. I'm sorry.

I liked Jordan. What they've done to her on the altar of Ben and Ciara is unforgivable. And Ben and Ciara are still boring. If Ben wants to be involved in a baby's life so badly, just impregnate Ciara (she's pulling in CEO income this week, right?) and you'll be a daddy in 4-21 months.
Well, I thought Rolf was the funny one, as he stumbled with his words, surprised she wanted him to father a baby....I mean........"get me pregnant". LOL I cannot stand Kristen, was Rolf's misinterpretation I chuckled for.

That said, Days still is dragging, in my opinion. By that, storylines seem just to be at a standstill, like a stationary bike, spinning their wheels, going nowhere!
More sick Kristen nonsense today, but at least the viewers were spared the sight of Vivian. As for other characters, here are a few comments.

Jordan: This one badly needs to be back in Bayview. She thinks that Ben would be a "bad influence" on Baby Ridgeway. What does she think he's going to do, get him to admire Grandpa Clyde or tutor him on the finer points of being a necktie strangler?

Rolf: In addition to barfing at the thought of sharing a bed with creepy Kristen, he ought to rethink his whole professional career. Why give up the spiffy lab that Kayla is providing him for participation in Kristen's disgusting plots. What he really should do is develop a potion that will turn Kristen into the toad that she really is.

Brady: He wants to keep away from Kristen? Here are a few modest suggestions:
  • employ one of Victor's scariest thugs as a bodyguard;
  • start wearing a cologne that's smells something like eau de skunk;
  • eat large amounts of garlic daily (a clove a day will keep Kristen away);
  • make a returned Horton the Tiger his new best friend.
Jordan: She actually blames poor Ben for her mental problems. Now that she's out, what else will she blame on Ciara's beloved?:
  • future difficulties in potty-training Baby Ridgeway;
  • a rise in the price of fish at the Salem Seafood Market;
  • that none of the stores in the West Salem Mall carry her favorite brand of cosmetics.
Thank you for the summary. I don't know if I can take Brady telling one more person about how he can't resist Kristen. Doesn't he know how disgusting that is to everybody? I guess the only thing left is for him to go to one of his AA meetings and tell it there or get on a rooftop and shout it to the world. I can't understand telling something like that to all of one's family and friends.
Thanks Poirot.

Rolf was funny when he thought Kristen wanted him to impregnate her.

Where, oh where is the booze in the K mansion? It's probably good it's
gone since Brady wanted a drink.

Nice to see Marlena visit Kate.

Is Jordan jealous of Hope with Rafe? Is Hope jealous of Jordan with Rafe?

I think Kristen and Jordan should be roommates at Bayview.
Thanks Poirot! You're awesome!

What he really should do is develop a potion that will turn Kristen into the toad that she really is.
I think of her as more of a piranha - tending to chew up folks and spit them out. I cannot stand to watch her!

What? We're back to Ben being responsible for every wrongdoing that ever happens? Original! NOT

I think Kristen and Jordan should be roommates at Bayview.
YES YES YES a thousand times YES!