Days of Our Lives - Fri., Nov. 1, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, November 1, 2019

Tis the day of Lani & Eli's wedding. Eli is in the square, runs into Marlena, hugs, congrats, etc. he leaves to go see Julie. Meanwhile, Princess Gina is all dressed, tons of pearls, tiara and all. Rolf comes in, cannot believe she is going to wedding. But of course, Doc Evans is presiding, thus John will be there, and so delighted to see his Princess Gina again. She mentions Hope probably being there, Rolf doubts it, she had to leave town. That is good. He mentions something about Gina not having all of Hope's memories yet, but will soon, with whatever it is he invented. (Odd talks). Gina removes her tiara and takes off.

At the Kmansion, Xander is trying to zip up the back of Sarah's dress, she figures she is showing. Blah, blah, blah about that. He finally gets it up as Maggie comes in, wanting to know what is going on. Xander fakes it for Sarah, saying he must have fed her too much ice cream. Evidently Sarah & Maggie are going to help the bride dress or something, so Xander leaves will see her later. Maggie not too happy about Sarah going with the Xman to the wedding, they jabber about it all, Maggie is fine, hugs, they love each other.

Jen is in bed, Jack comes in with a tray for her, also has application for wedding license. He has wasted too much time, wants to be with her forever, Carpe Diem, (seize the day) and sooner the better. Hugs, kisses, (really sweet scene).

Gabi is with Julie, has a surprise for her, brings out her phone. She has an app so will be able to stream the wedding so Julie & Doug can see it. She texts Lani to come to Julie's room NOW.

Lani is wandering around, hair in pin curls, flashing back to Gabi & her threats. Abe sees her, surprised she is not getting dressed, and why does she look so sad. In comes her mother (guest star, Marilyn McCoo, hugs big time, Mom would not be anywhere else. Lani gets the text, has to take care of something, leaves. Tamara (her mom) talks with Abe, sorry she never told him about being pregnant, and when Lani was born. Abe is fine, has Lani in his life now, yes, they are still friends.

Lani shows up in Julie's room, sees Gabi, who is waving that phone around, Julie gushing about being able to see the wedding with Doug now, but Gabi does her button pushing, Julie's heart races, Lani gets scared, Gabi smirks, pokes at the phone to let Julie get back to normal. Both gals leaves, Lani tries to get Gabi to relent, don't let Eli be hurt like this, let us get married, punish me however you want. Nope, Gabi wants Eli humiliated and everyone in town to hate Lani. She is off to the wedding.

Gina wanders thru the square, runs into Xander, who thinks she is Hope, but of course Gina doesn't know who he is, covers, Xander just thinks it odd. Later, same thing happens with Jack & Gina. Gina wanders continually, looking for John, of course, guests are arriving.

Maggie, Jennifer, Tamara, & Sarah are all gathered in the room where Lani is to get dressed. Hope was supposed to be there, but has not shown up. Lani comes out, the gals all ooh, and aah, stunning, beautiful, etc. Tamara has something old, necklace that was grandmother's, puts it on Lani. Hope was to have the new, but Sarah yammers about Lani's dress being new, and embarking on new life, so that can cover in. Jen give the borrowed, Gran's favorite bag, with a 6 pence inside for luck.

Out in the square, Eli happily greets Billy, someone he worked with in FBI. He does intros to Abe and others.

Gina finally goes up to Marlena, asking where John is. Seems he had to go out of town on business. Clearly disappointed, Gina decides to leave. Jack & Jen stop her, she has to stay for the ceremony. Gina claims she has to go see Julie, Doug is delayed, so not there.

Gabi is there with her phone, as Lani comes round the corner with Abe, Tamara is singing Ave Maria, Gabi is telling Lani to smile, pointing to phone.

Rolf is back at the apt., will soon have everything in place. The phone rings, he answers......”Yes, Sir” as he looks at Stefano's portrait!

Lani reaches the end of the aisle, takes her place, Jen fusses with Lani's dress. Music starts up, Gabi exclaims......”Showtime”!
I really wish I was a Jen/Jack fan. But honestly I don't even like them together. Even way back I wasn't a fan. I would be so happy if I was.

Sarah, really? Gonna wear a snug dress?

What the heck is Rolf's plan with Princess Gina? Who is so annoying.

I am hating, hating, hating this Gabi story. I thought today would be Lani saying I can't so this.

John is out of town? Seems weird.
Would've been a great twist had Lani clued in Eli, Kayla, Doug and Julie what was going on with the Gabi and the pacemaker. Then, as soon as Gabi left the hospital, Kayla quickly taken Julie into surgery, replaced it with a non-Visionary Bionics pacemaker. When the time came, and Lani didn't dump Eli at the altar, and Gabi pressed the app on her phone, Lani could've said "take that, Gabi!", who was then promptly arrested.
Was rather disappointed in this "Friday" show. It felt like it just was not jelling together, a mish mash, tho it was really all about the wedding. And for a wedding........on Days of Our was lacking big time. No maid of honor or best man. Barely any flowers. Abe has to take the bouquet. Once again, John is not there. (Is he down to 2 shows a month now? ) Eli's mom was doing surgery. Wonder why they bothered with trying out cakes & frosting? Surprised Lani even had a dress......did she ever go shopping? No fellow cops? Oh, yeah, I forgot, the only Salem cops were either getting married, or in the hospital. Was Gabi really dressed to go to a wedding? Give me a break. It is November......why does she look like she is going on a picnic to the beach?
Thanks Poirot for summarizing this 'mish mess' of a show for us today. I will love the Jack & Jen scenes -- obvious I know -- but the rest? As for a hint for a return of Stefano............been there, done that and Days it failed miserably!!
I just don't think Ron Carlivati would be stupid enough to recast such an iconic role after the death of Joe Mascolo (Stefano). Would be like doing recasts of Tom, Alice, Pop Shawn or Caroline.
The thing about any long time character is ....they age, and just like our family members, the time comes, they cannot live forever. Long time Days characters Shawn & Caroline, Mickey, Tom & Alice...all are gone. So is Stefano.
However, being Rolf is in the picture about him transplanting Stefano's memories, mind set, etc. into another person. You know, like he did years ago between Roman & John. LOL.
Thank you, Poirot.

This show was completely ruined for me by all the Gabi, Sarah, and Princess Gina trash. Yes, I said trash. I can only pray that these characters plus Kristen and Eve will disappear soon.

The wedding clothing of Gabi and Princess Gina couldn't have been more ridiculous.

I didn't think it was scripted for Jennifer to get up and help Abe arrange Lani's train. He looked like he was really struggling with doing that and handling the bouquet.
Would've been a great twist had Lani clued in Eli, Kayla, Doug and Julie what was going on with the Gabi and the pacemaker. Then, as soon as Gabi left the hospital, Kayla quickly taken Julie into surgery, replaced it with a non-Visionary Bionics pacemaker. When the time came, and Lani didn't dump Eli at the altar, and Gabi pressed the app on her phone, Lani could've said "take that, Gabi!", who was then promptly arrested.
This is a good solution to the pathetic Lani problem. If she would only open her mouth, all sorts of people could save the day.
  • Jenny angrily confronts Gabi over her inappropriate wedding attire. While Gabi is distracted, Jack snatches her phone.
  • Xander gives Gabi his best scowl, freezing her with fear. While she's incapacitated, Sarah and Maggie grab her phone.
  • At a signal from wedding guest Billy, the FBI guy, a whole squad of agents pile on Gabi, grab her phone, and march her off to jail.
  • Out of nowhere, Tamara Price angrily asks Gabi, "What are you looking at!!??" Abe then swoops in and takes the phone from the frightened Gabi.
  • Rolf appears and suddenly injects Gabi with a secret formula. Gabi then gets down on all fours and starts bleating like a goat.
  • Kayla rushes up to Gabi and urgently tells her that tests show that she may have a fatal, only-in-Salem disease. Before Gabi can say, "What tests," JJ and Haley swipe her phone.
  • Tech geek Myron (remember him?) causes Gabi's phone to suddenly catch fire. As Will and Sonny finish spraying her with a fire extinguisher, Rafe hauls her off to the Salem jail where Melinda happily charges her with assault with a deadly weapon.
  • The Horton Cabin Raccoon Team swarms over Gabi. As she vanishes under a pile of angry raccoons, the Forest Preserve Bear grabs her phone, chews it up, and spits it out.
What the heck is Rolf's plan with Princess Gina?

This is what I'd like to know. The whole thing is out of left field and seems like the Hope equivalent of how Ron writes Sarah into every single story. He's just try to keep the actress relevant and front and center but it comes off as too forced.

Would've been a great twist had Lani clued in Eli, Kayla, Doug and Julie what was going on with the Gabi and the pacemaker. Then, as soon as Gabi left the hospital, Kayla quickly taken Julie into surgery, replaced it with a non-Visionary Bionics pacemaker. When the time came, and Lani didn't dump Eli at the altar, and Gabi pressed the app on her phone, Lani could've said "take that, Gabi!", who was then promptly arrested.

OR maybe she could have connected with Chad and had him have the company deactivate the remote mechanism.

I absolutely HATED Lani's wedding gown. Just awful and not flattering at all.

LOVED seeing Tamara! She was before my time so this was my first experience with her but wow she had great scenes with Marlena, Abe and Lani. More please! This is a recurring character I can get behind. That said, why didn't they just make her real life husband be Lani's stepfather instead of an associate of Eli's? I've seen actual comments stating he would be playing Lani's stepfather which is now clearly not true at all.

The group helping Lani get ready was really awkward and random. This is why friendships are important. I could have gotten behind a friendship with Sarah but it's too late now.

Val couldn't make it due to emergency surgery. Funny how she knew about it before flying to Salem.

I liked Jennifer's dress. I liked Tamara's pants suit. Hated Gabi's outfit. Hated Sarah's dress but at least it was appropriate. GinaHope's necklace seemed heavy.

Ave Maria seems like a weird song choice for a bridal march.
Nope, Gabi wants Eli humiliated and everyone in town to hate Lani.
Frankly, this is already how I feel. If Salem already doesn't, I'm not sure anything Gabi could do would make it happen!
No maid of honor or best man.
Whom could they pick? They have no friends. Your reason list explains it all!
I think all the little comments are just to keep the mystery going that he's "out there somewhere" after Steve and Shane's deception.
I think it's lazy writing.
You know, like he did years ago between Roman & John. LOL.
And Ron Carlivati (head writer) has done this story elsewhere. Exactly this story.
Tech geek Myron (remember him?)
It'd be fun if after the fracas, Myron reveals he bought out Julie's bank loan for the Club. (How did she get enough money to buy Chloe out on short notice, anyway?)
This is why friendships are important. I could have gotten behind a friendship with Sarah but it's too late now.
They missed the boat with Sarah. I like her with Xander but she doesn't click with any other character - and when they try now to put her with someone else, we're all so sick of her that it fails.
Thanks, Poirot.

A new day in Salem.

Today closed captioning had Hope when Gina was on. I'm not sure how closed
captioning works, but people might have been confused if they can't hear.

Nice to see Tamara and she sang a song. Too bad Eli's mom couldn't have been there.

I got confused with Gabi giving Julie a phone to watch the wedding. Was Julie looking
at her phone or Gabi's when they talked about the other button?

So, who called Rolf on the phone? Will we see ever see the person?
Kat, I skipped most of Gabi's scenes but I was watching when she handed Julie the phone and I wondered, what if Julie presses a button that sends her heart into a spin? Then Gabi grabbed the phone away from Julie in a hurry. Crazy stuff!

If Lani goes through with Gabi's demands to dump Eli at the altar, I think I will explode. It's not that I'm so invested in Eli and Lani (I'm okay with them but not exactly excited), but Lani's pitiful expression and her refusal to stand up to Gabi is more than I can take.
However, being Rolf is in the picture about him transplanting Stefano's memories, mind set, etc. into another person. You know, like he did years ago between Roman & John. LOL.
Now, I could see that happening. Rolf brainwashing/programming someone into thinking they are Stefano and putting Stefano's memories into that man's brain.
JS, another option would be to bring in some new male character and have Rolf put everything about Zero into his mind so he not only thinks that he's Zero, but he also convinces Gabi of this. This would be like the old Dallas plot where Daddy Ewing was killed in a South American helicopter crash. Sometime later, a man who bore no resemblance to the late Mr. Ewing appeared at Southfork Ranch. Somehow, he was able to convince the widow, Miss Ellie, that he was her husband. He was later exposed as a fraud, but if he'd had Rolf's assistance, he might just have pulled it off, convincing even Bobby and J.R. that he was the real deal.