Days of Our Lives - Fri., March 13, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, March 13, 2020

For a Friday, not much going on. Nicole talks with Brady, who tells her of getting Kristen to remember various details about Rachel, as she was afraid she no longer remembered what she looked like. She even remembered the birthmark. Kristen is nowhere in the house, Brady gets a text, she went to look in on Mickey. Brady & Nicole head for the hospital

Will & Sonny carry on about Evan getting bail, and able to walk. Rafe has put Evan into interrogation room while he finishes up “paperwork” on his bail, but warns him he is still guilty of killing Jordan. He goes out, tells Will & Sonny he asked the judge to grant low bail., wanted Evan out so he could be followed (by the inept Salem P.D.) leading them to David. Evan finally leaves, Rafe alerts his men. Will & Sonny go home.

Kristen shows up in Mackenzie's room, surprising Eric, but says she has been praying for her, worried. Eric gives her the good news that the transplant seems to be working so well already. She wants to hold Mickey, Nope, no one can, they have to be careful, autoimmune system is not up to par. Kristen understands, gushes away, Brady & Nicole arrive. Yak, yak, Kristen sorry she did not say she was leaving, blah, blah. Brady & Kristen leave. Nicole & Eric talk about Mickey, Nicole oohs and aahs, Mickey looks so good, then notices a mark on Mickey's neck. She asks Eric what that is, Eric saying heart shaped birthmark, surprised she has not seen it before. Ahhh, flashback to Brady mentioning it. Light bulb question time for Nik.

Xander doing his threats to Dr. Raynor, Sarah comes up, they make up something about Mickey, Sarah thanks Dr. Raynor for all she has done, so amazing, yada, yada. She gets a call from her mother, leaves to take it, Xander continues to pester Dr. Raynor about leaving town, Victor's wrath, etc. She has already agreed to talk to Sarah later over what comes next, says she will go. Xander convinces Sarah to go home, take a break, Eric is with the baby.

Eli & Lani are chattering away about themselves, then Rafe/David, a man brushes by them, dropping something, ignoring Lani's efforts to let him know. She picks it up, a child's toy. They decide to go to station to see of they can help Rafe, no longer officers, don't have to abide by code. They go, Rafe gets a call, his team lost Evan, Rafe having a fit. Lani puts the toy on the desk, Rafe picks it up, where did you get this? It's David's train.

Xander & Sarah get home, he suggests a shower, sounds good to her, she goes up, he enters living room, comments that hopefully, now all is well.

We see a hotel room, a crib, a man's leg. Evan arrives, asks how is son is, then sits by the crib, was so anxious to see his boy. Had to shake the tail Rafe put on him first. The man's back is to him, saying you did a good job, but you learned from the best. He turns around....”Orpheus”.
Almost forgot......Will & Sonny get home, guess they have a romantic reunion, but then Will is in bed, bare-chested, calling for Sonny, who finally comes in. Will asks why he left the bed so quickly, Sonny went to get their wedding rings. They each put one on the other's finger, missed wearing them, happy to have them on again......kiss.

And Evan calls Rafe "commish".
At first I was thinking, really, Evan/Christian can just say he's David's father and that's that, but then it was Rafe who wanted him released (to follow him), which makes perfect sense

Xander better hush it. People overhear all the time. Of course Nicole two feet away did not hear him say our secret is safe.

Brady, I don't know what it is so absolutely hard to understand why Kristen wanted to see Mackenzie. She was remembering her own baby. Mackenzie was born same day and is ill. It is Kristen showing concern for another human so I'm sure that's what is throwing him. What is Nicole going to do about this secret now? Tell it, I hope.

I wasn't watching back in the 80's when Orpheus was big. I know he was back briefly a few years ago. I guess it's a twist. I don't think any of us thought it would be Orpheus.
Since Days films so far ahead, they didn't know about the coronavirus, so I guess it was okay for Kristen to wipe her nose with her hand and then ask to hold Mackenzie. Even without the virus that I just wrong. Wash your hands Kristen.
The thing was...spoilers said Orpheus would be returning. And Evan kept saying David was in good was folks putting 2 and 2 together. If Orpheus was coming back during the same period of time Evan had someone looking over David..that someone must be close to him, someone he trusted. Elsewhere in the forum (Crystal Ball) is interview with the actor who plays Orpheus. And yes, he was a wicked, evil but very smart man.......but had always been a "loner".
Since Days films so far ahead, they didn't know about the coronavirus, so I guess it was okay for Kristen to wipe her nose with her hand and then ask to hold Mackenzie. Even without the virus that I just wrong. Wash your hands Kristen.
Also this takes place a year after the Cornovirus pandemic (2021), so, they're fine. (in the Days new timeline)
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Just glad the episode aired. Here in AZ, we're still waiting for the 3 pm news conference to start. So listening to the talking heads, which is annoying.

Not that I'm thrilled to watch this show. Lots of not much of anything.
Since Days films so far ahead, they didn't know about the coronavirus, so I guess it was okay for Kristen to wipe her nose with her hand and then ask to hold Mackenzie. Even without the virus that I just wrong. Wash your hands Kristen.
A bigger question is if Baby Mickey has an impaired immune system, why is she in a room where anyone and everyone, even Salem's version of the infamous Typhoid Mary, can walk in and see the child.

Typhoid Mary: "May I hold
Baby Mickey?"
Orpheus WAS a loner, someone who was seen only by himself, never spoke of family, etc. That was his 1st appearance, back in the late 80s. When he next appeared many years later, it was with Clyde & Xander, when they escaped together. Sure, between his last appearance in '87 & present day, he could have taken up with some woman, had a son, never mentioned it to his fellow escapees. This is obviously what the present writers have in mind. But, we will undoubtedly learn whatever, next week. Evan is only in mid-late 20s, the 90s sometime, he met someone, & like all Salem men, does not know of the word, condom. :)
In addition to anybody being able to visit poor Baby Mickey, there was plenty of nonsense to comment on today.

Deluded: If Evan thinks that being Baby David's father will save him from kidnapping charges, he's sadly mistaken. At the time he took the child, he had no parental rights, which makes his actions kidnapping.

Ignored: Fan-favorite Doll-in-Blanket has a right to be put out lately. The writers keep insisting on using a real infant to play the role of Baby Mickey. Fie on them.

Misplaced civility: Why is sourpuss Eric who was so cruel to Nicole for so long being so polite to the awful woman who ruined his career as a priest? As soon as the psycho-sicko appeared in the baby's room, he should have grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and marched her back into the hall. A large number of viewers would have thanked him for it.

It takes on to know one: Xander ought to report Nicole's snooping to Victor ASAP. If anyone can discover a baby-switching plot, it's the old babyswitcher herself. Vic would probably relish the chance to take drastic action against the woman who once tried to murder him.
Orpheus WAS a loner, someone who was seen only by himself, never spoke of family, etc. That was his 1st appearance, back in the late 80s. When he next appeared many years later, it was with Clyde & Xander, when they escaped together. Sure, between his last appearance in '87 & present day, he could have taken up with some woman, had a son, never mentioned it to his fellow escapees.
When Orpheus first appeared in 1986, he had been Roman's former ISA partner. His wife was Rebecca, who was accidentally killed by Roman while on a mission.

Orpheus came to Salem to get revenge on Roman by kidnapping Marlena (and letting everyone think she was dead), taking her to an island and making her become a new "mother" to his son and daughter. I guess we're supposed to believe Evan/Christian is that same boy (whose age has apparently been frozen in time, since he should be around the same age as Sami and Eric), unless he was a child born to Orpheus after those two who were on the island (and were never given names on the show).

True. As I said.....When Orpheus was first on Days, he was alone. The actor himself talks of it in an interview. I doubt very much if Evan is that boy, but as MGwife said, date of birth means nothing in Salem. Kids are SORAS'd, while their parents just stay the same. Witness Brady, who is not living with his almost-stepmother, who diapered him as a baby, but heck. Brady should be pretty young, but now they have him practically the same age as Sami & Eric. While Kristen is able to get pregnant, give birth, when she should be long past that time in her life. So Brady got older, Kristen younger. Salem is an amazing place.
In my Days headcanon, Orpheus secretly sold Marlena to Stefano while in the Caribbean (which is how the creep first got his hands on Doc after the plane "crash") for a sample of Dr. Rolf's serum (which Orpheus had analyzed, perhaps even improved upon, and later replicated) which explains his improbable resurrections.
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