Days of Our Lives - Fri. May 1, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Did not get 1st 20 minutes or so. Rex is talking to Kate, has evidently been filled in on the baby switch, Sarah taking off with Rachel, & being among the missing. Just then, Sarah comes along, pushing the stroller, Rex hangs up abruptly. Chit chat with Sarah, she is looking for a baby blanket lost earlier when she was there. Rex finds it, she tries to take it, he holds on, she protests "give me my daughter's blanket".......he responds - except she is not your daughter. They go back & forth, she realizes he knows all, but protests how she loved and took care of this child for the past year, saw her thru the cancer. prayed every single day.

Lani accuses Gabi of drugging Abby, which she vehemently denies. Lani says the drug was in the champagne Abby was drinking, Gabi was there, but Gabi keeps denying. Walks out.

Victor has come to, Kayla checking him out, Eli comes in with questions. Vic still very weak, his monitor begins beeping, Kayla wants Eli to return later, he agrees, but one last question, was your grandson, Brady, the one who stabbed you? Monitor beeping faster, Kayla makes Eli leave, Victor murmurs...Kristen.

Kristen at the cop shop, with Brady in the interrogation room. He warns her to keep her mouth shut, he is taking the rap, she would go to prison rest of her life, not be with Rachel. They talk of what Victor might say, point finger at her, if/when he wakes up. She offers to go finish him off, startling Brady. Stay away from him, don't you realize that would put you in prison for rest of your life? He tries to think of a way to get Vic to keep quiet, Kristen is sure Vic would tell, hates her, would not want Brady in jail. He goes for arraignment, Lani comes in, all sympathetic. Lani mentions Vic waking up, Kristen gets upset.

Jake & Ben working on a bike, Ciara arrives (egads, what the heck is she wearing? Did she borrow one of Gabi's tops?) She is filling Jake in how Stefan, Gabi, Stefan being shot by a cop, who was aiming for his mother. Jake cannot believe all this. Upshot, Ben is hired, Jake leaves to run an errand, Ben tells Ciara she should probably be hired, so good with bikes. She agrees, but figures not too much work would get done if they were working together. Yeah, more kissing.

Back at hospital, Eli comes back in to question the very weak, barely able to talk, Victor. He again asks if Brady is one who stabbed him. No, Kristen. Eli are telling me that Kristen is the one who stabbed you. Yes.

Rex continues to talk to Sarah, trying to make her see what a life on the run with Rachel would be like, how at some point she will be caught, even trying to enroll her in school. Sarah is adamant, Rex says she leaves him no choice, he is calling the police, dials his phone.

Gabi is in the square, on the phone, babbling away about being accused of drugging Abby, which she did not do. As she hangs up, around the corner comes Jake. She takes one look at him, gasps, her eyes widen.
What do you want to bet Rex doesn't call the police? I am liking this story. I did not expect her to run into Rex so that's nice.

I am so glad that Victor spoke and said Kristen. I expected for sure he wouldn't be able to remember.

So what is up with Jake? Is he or isn't he Stefan? Stranger things have happened in Salem.

I've already said it but I will be disappointed if Gabi drugged Abigail. Been there done that. I'm still hoping for Chad.
Thanks for the summary.

Surely it won't turn out to be Gabi who drugged Abigail. Most of the time I just accept that it will in fact be what seems obvious because that's usually what they do. It's as though they go out of their way not to surprise us. But it truly will be ridiculous and tiresome if they do it in this case.
So, who is heading the DiMera dept. where they are manufacturing hallucinogenic drugs??? I REALLY REALLY don't like Kristen or anything about her. I don't blame Sarah one bit for not wanting turn that sweet baby over to that lunatic. And, Brady taking all the blame for "breaking" her? Neither one of them deserves to have a baby to ruin. She is psychotic and he is just too dumb.

I don't believe it was Gabi who spiked the drink. I am still leaning towards Chad, but I don't know why. LOL - what if he is still somehow under Stefano's mind games but now there is no Stefano to give him commands?
Brady: He ruined Kristen's life? Of all the fictions floated in Salem history, this is one of the most ridiculous.

DiMera Enterprises: This shady company is developing hallucinogenic drugs? This smells of illegality. Could it be time for Rory to play the hero and go undercover to expose DiMera Enterprises's nefarious activity. It would be a fine joke if Chad winning the battle for CEO ends up meaning he might go to jail along with the Shins and other company big shots.

Jake: if he wants to get and keep customers for his repair shop, he'd better speed things up. He and Ben have spent an awfully long time to repair one motorcycle. Otherwise, he might getting comments on Yelp along the lines of: "Does good work, but takes forever."

Gabi: How can she still waltz into the DiMansion and guzzle Chad's booze? At the very least, Stefano's surprise son could leave orders to throw her into the street the minute she steps on DiMansion property. In the alternative, he could change the locks and for the first time in family history, start locking the doors.
Thanks, Poirot.

Good point, Lisa. Why is DiMera Enterprises making a drug like that?

Good news, Victor is awake and he told Eli that Kristen was the one who stabbed him.

Rex knows about the baby switch. Will he actually call the police or will Sarah stop
him? Sarah made a good point, Kristen wouldn't be a good mother.

Did the Salem PD prove the drug was in the champagne or are they just going
by what Chad thinks?

I laughed when Gabi talked about Abby's alters. Gabby, Blabby and Dr. Somebody.

Big question, why was Gabi in the DiMera house? Didn't Chad tell the servants that Gabi
was no longer allowed? Did Gabi come via the tunnels?
Ciara really doesn't have a life of her own. She could have called Ben, no reason to show up. Sad.

I think is Jake is Stefan and knows it and is playing everyone for whatever reason.

I wish Gabi could go to jail. I don't care if she didn't do it this time.
It is really too sad what they have done with Ciara. Instead of going to the repair shop, could she possibly have had a scene with her mother? Learned mom is going to have a roommate? Gone to see Uncle Roman, who presently is shorthanded. I hope he doesn't hire her again, since last time she rarely showed up. Why can't she volunteer at the hospital, the Horton Center where Eric supposedly works but never shows up.

By the way, what an absolutely clean and well lit repair shop. Doesn't much look like the ones in my town, (more like the sales room for new bikes or cars, lol) but then, Salem is not like other towns, is it?
It's too bad Ciara can't have the job at the repair shop instead of Ben. He talks about how great
a mechanic she is. She needs that job instead of something else she's not good at.
By the way, what an absolutely clean and well lit repair shop. Doesn't much look like the ones in my town
Considering the average Salemite only drives about 475 feet per year, I'd say it's filthy in there! Who is breaking so many cars that they need a second mechanic's assistant? LOL