Days of Our Lives - Tues., July 6, 2021


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Dec 29, 2012
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It's still the night of 4th of July and Chanel has a face change (new actress).

Nicole is looking in Henry's bassinet. Duke the bear is there. She picks him up. Allie comes into the living room. Nicole wants to know if she feels better after her shower. Allie says she's not sure after being in the lake with Tripp's boss' body. Allie says Eli is treating Tripp like a suspect and he might come over. There's a knock on the door. It's Chanel and she's crying.

Abe and Paulina are still at the Horton Square. Abe tells her he can't believe she planned to demolish the square during Eli and Lani's party so no one could stop her.

Lani and Theo are at Julie's Place. Theo is worried about Ciara. Lani knows Ben won't hurt her. Theo tells her he saw Ben try to inject the memory serum into Ciara and Theo had to stop him.

A replay of Monday's show where Ciara tries to leave and Ben starts pulling mementos out of his backpack. He wants Ciara to remember their life together. Ben stands by the door and locks so she won't leave. He's never going to let her go.

Allie introduces Chanel to Nicole since they never met before. Chanel tells Allie that she won't get to have her job because Sweet Bits is cancelled. Nicole leaves to get Holly who's with a friend.

Abe is upset because Paulina played him. Paulina said she cared for him. Abe is upset because she played on his guilt to get put the market in for minorities. Paulina said things went too far and she couldn't stop even for Chanel. Abe asks if she was still a multi millionaire or if she was broke. Maybe she was desperate for money? Paulina said she still has money.

Ciara asked Ben if he was keeping her locked up. Then if he had a tie and would strangle her. (ha, ha) Ben said no. Ciara said the names Vincent, Rhodes and Evan. Ben is excited she remembers the name. She only knows them because Theo and her mom told her what they did. Ciara is happy she doesn't remember what they did to her. Ben realizes that he was acting like them and unlocks the door. He tells her she's free to go. He tells her it would be the biggest mistake her in life. He was never going to give up on her like he never gave up looking for her when she was gone. He knew she was alive. Then he found and saved her. He would never forgot that day when he did his job to find her. He kept yelling her name while looking for her. Ciara starts gazing off in the distance and hears Ben calling her name. Ben sees her glazed over look and says you remember something.

Eli comes back to Julie's Place. He says Doug and Julie on their way home. He starts cleaning Tom and Alice's plaque. Doug told him he was sending it off to be repaired. Theo is anxious about Ciara and leaves. Lani tells Eli that Ciara and Theo are engaged. Theo was going to tell everyone at the party. Eli mentions that their surprise party had a lot of surprises. They decide to go home. She can't believe the twins slept through it all (neither can the audience).

Paulina tells Abe her story about falling for a rich older man. He would buy her anything. One day she started at looking at other men and he got jealous. He cut her off from her friends and family. Abe asks if he Chanel's father. She said this man happened years before Chanel was born (will he show up in Salem one day?) The man started abusing her and she lied when she had to go to the hospital. She started taking money from him so she could leave. She promised herself she would never again be beholding to a another man. Abe wants to know how she got Chanel.

George was different. He had no money. He was decent and kind. She was the breadwinner. Losing George was the worse thing that happened to her. Paulina can't believe how her plans didn't work out, especially with Lani's husband being part of the Hortons and falling for Abe.

Chanel tells Allie what happened at the square and it was her mother's fault. Her mom knew the whole time there wouldn't be a bakery. Chanel is sorry Allie won't have a job now since she stopped looking. Allie tells her they could get loans and bake in Nicole's kitchen (there might be laws against that). Chanel ready to leave, but she has no place to go. Allie says she can stay there. They make plans to have drinks while watching the fireworks.

Ben asks Ciara again if she remembers something. She's thinking about it. Since the door is open, Theo walks in and wants to know what's going on. Ben says he was telling Ciara how he rescued her and she remembered something. Ciara says that can't be truth since she was unconscious at the time (how does she know that?) Theo wants to see the fireworks and to know if the papers got signed. Ciara said Ben tore them up. Ben says he's not signing because Ciara doesn't have all the information. She doesn't remember our love. Ben tells Theo he and Ciara have a special connection. He tells him Ciara will start to remember and he doesn't want Theo hurt. Ben says our love is still there. Theo not happy. Ciara says I don't remember being that girl. Ben tells Theo don't rush into marriage. Ciara tells Ben she'll see him in court. Ciara and Theo leave.

Lani and Eli are back home. Lani tears up the check. She doesn't want Aunt Paulina's dirty money. Lani says Paulina like her fairy godmother and now she sees how she really is sneaky and greedy. Eli talks to Lani about all the obstacles that happened on their wedding day. Don't let Aunt Paulina ruin their anniversary.

Abe tells Paulina that was a moving story, but he's not sure if he believes her. He believed the story when she wanted to fix the Horton Square and that was a lie. Paulina was trying to explain who she is. Abe doesn't know how he's going to explain to the city he was conned. He's humiliated. He starts to walk away. Paulina wants to know about us. Abe says there is no us. He says her project isn't going to happen. He will move heaven and earth to stop it. Paulina wants him to come back to her place. He says no. He wishes she never came to Salem (oh my).

Ava and Rafe are outside the Brady Pub looking at fireworks. Nicole leaves pub and sees them. (did she leave Holly with Roman?) Nicole looks at Rafe. He turns his head and sees her. She walks off.

Ben picks up the torn up divorce papers and puts them in a trash can. He picks up the wedding picture and hugs it.

Theo and Ciara are on a park bench looking at fireworks. He kisses her hand.

Lani and Eli are looking out their apartment window and watching fireworks. They kiss.

Abe walks into Julie's Place (someone forgot to lock the door). Song starts playing until end of show. Abe looks at Tom and Alice's plaque.

Paulina sits down at the Horton Square. She tries calling Chanel and then she starts to cry.

Chanel puts her phone down after she sees who calling. Allie puts the drinks down and turns on the TV to start watching the fireworks. They hug. Then they kiss.
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Thank you, kat.

Thank goodness Ciara had a glimmer of a memory. I can't wait for her to remember, and for Theo to leave with his awful man bun. In my opinion, he's taking advantage of someone who isn't in full control of her faculties.

Isn't Paulina gone yet?!?! I don't trust a word that comes out of her mouth.
Line of the Day: This goes to Ben for telling Ciara that she loves Theo the way she loves puppies.

Myopia: Fraudster Paulina is upset because only now she's realized what the Town Square means to Eli and Abe? What about the rest of Salem?? That's why it would have been a nice touch if the old "I'm with Jack" crew showed up and gave Paulina the same treatment that they once dished out to poor Haley Chen. And where were members of the obnoxious Salem media? Why weren't they asking the faker some very tough questions? After all, plotting against the beloved Town Square is Salem's crime of the century.

When Things Get Tough, the Tough Get Going: Instead of just fuming at crooked Paulina, Abe should be going to court to get an injunction against her vile project. It's so outrageous that if clueless Judge Damon Thorpe heard the facts, his head would explode. As for bought-and-paid-for DiMera judge, Karen Fitzpatrick, even she would be shaking her head over the duplicity of it all. Finally, Abe should also go nuclear and speak to Melinda and the state attorney-general about bringing fraud charges against Paulina, based on her attempt to effectively steal the Town Square.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: How creepy is Theo, let me count the ways. He's trading on his old Mr. Nice Guy image to effectively steal another man's wife while she's suffering from a form of mental illness. He richly deserves all the nastiness that Ciara will unload on him once she gets her memory back as all Salem amnesiacs eventually do.

Here's to the Good Old Days: This Salem 4th was a pale imitation of the holidays where Bo Brady would grill up tasty Brady Burgers and Doug would appear in his Uncle Sam suit.
Just like Stefan and Abby's alter, Gabby.
Yup, it runs in the family. Remember what Stefano did to Marlena during the whole "Queen of the Night" storyline? *yuck* Being a rapist (by force or through trickery) is considered a badge of honor among the DiMera clan. *double yuck*
I have watched Days since the first day it was on the air. I have been unhappy with many of the storylines, but the Paulina story is the worst. The writers had the opportunity to show the positives of black-owned businesses but instead trashed the whole story and Paulina with it.
I think Ciara and Theo are taking advantage of each other. She doesn't have diminished capacity. She knows what she's doing. She's aware of the memories coming back to her but has decided to be stubborn for reasons that are unclear (other than poor writing to create drama). She's not confused or vulnerable. Ben was right when he said Theo is comforting and convenient. She knows he has a thing for her and is using that to avoid dealing with her life.

And Theo knows the only reason she's with him is because she doesn't want to face Ben. He doesn't care, so he comforts himself by proclaiming Ben is dangerous. As long as every time Ciara gets irritated with Ben, she turns to Theo and bats her eyes (which she does purposely to annoy Ben), he'll go along and hope he gets to keep her.
I wonder if Chanel and Allie are actually kissing or if it'll end up being Chanel just imagining/dreaming it?
I hadn't thought of that. I so hope it's true but I have my doubts. When she walked away from Paulina, my first thought was that she has no place to go now. Second thought was, "I hope she doesn't move in with Allie."
What I hate most about Ben/Ciara/Theo is you know Ben is the modern John, or Roman, or Bo so that will make Theo the villain of this tragic farce once everything gets sorted. Why must the "writers" ruin yet another good character? Theo never displayed the vaguest sign of becoming a true DiMera until this storyline now he is obsessed with an amnesiac. What the hell "writers" is wrong with you!?