Days of our Lives - Friday, October 1, 2021


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
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Open (Today has the possession story)
Ben and Ciara return home.

In the square, Chanel tells a smooching Allie and Tripp to get a room.

Johnny's asking Abigail to play a possessed Marlena as Chad enters the Dimera living room.

In the hospital, replay of Doug telling John that Marlena tried to kill him. He reiterates: Marlena wants me dead.

Replay of the devil taking over Marlena's recorder.

(spinning hourglass)

Chanel says she's joking but asks them to tone down the PDA in front of the bakery, which consists of a table in the square. It's quitting time for Tripp, and he invites Allie to happy hour. Then, he invites Chanel, which prompts Allie to giggle about a signature aperitif from a Parisian bartender back in their party days. Tripp gets awkward because he doesn't know what any of it means and doesn't know what an aperitif is. Chanel is going home. Allie pleads because it's the weekend (so I guess it's Friday night in Salem).

More devil, repeating and taunting how he got to her through Doug. Literal replay of the day Doug was in her office. The devil is mad that Marlena "turned away from him" by listening to John. Marlena is frozen and struggling at her desk as the Devil complains how cozy he was in her until John evoked God's name, which cast him out. He demands she let him back in.

Doug keeps insisting that John has to stop Marlena and asks if he wants Doug to die. His blood pressure goes up. John leaves to get Kayla and runs into Julie, telling her what Doug said. Julie thinks the drugs must make Doug paranoid. John insists they need Kayla. Julie goes to sit with Doug.

Tripp and Allie run into Ben and Ciara at their new watering hole and sit together. Service is slow, so Tripp gives Ciara the drink he'd ordered and takes Ben to the bar. He asks Tripp if evil can be passed genetically. Meanwhile, Allie wants all the honeymoon details, including about Ben's baby hesitation. Reasonable Allie says babies are hard, and they should take time to just be newlyweds.

Abigail fills Chad in on Johnny's possession movie plan. She's not sure. Chad agrees to listen to Johnny's investment pitch. His nephew will get storyboards together and hands Chad the script with his notes. He leaves.

Chanel walks through the square and runs into Johnny, who is playing the guitar. He serenades her as she smiles and giggles. (He should do that instead of making a movie. He's very good.) When he's done, they flirt and talk about all the jobs he's wanted and the talents he has.

Abigail is reading the script on the couch, next to Chad, and talking about Marlena turning into a panther. It may all sound silly, but it's her job to make it believable. Chad is surprised that Abigail is actually considering acting. No offense but playing a pancake in the 2nd grade doesn't prepare you to play a possessed psychiatrist. Abigail says she can do the movie while the kids are at school and she's on leave from the paper.

Marlena is still fighting off the devil's call to her in her office. He wants her to kill Doug.

Allie doesn't think Ben's kids would be evil the same way she doesn't worry Henry will be like his biological father. Ciara worries she won't be able to change Ben's mind about kids. In the bar area, Tripp tells Ben there's not a gene to make you a killer, but if he committed those crimes in a psychotic state, the mental illness could be genetic. So Ben is right?

Julie returns to Doug's side. He doesn't want any more drugs and wants Julie to believe him. She's worried and clearly doesn't.

More devil. Marlena is crying. He can give her power. But he'll take care of Doug with or without her. There's another way to get Doug out of the picture, so Marlena has to choose. (I don't understand how if she can weep and say no, why she doesn't tell someone, call someone, etc. As long as she has a choice, what's holding her back? They haven't explained what's making her mentally vulnerable this time around.)

Allie suggests adoption—not through an agency that would reject Ben's past, but through a lawyer. But Ciara hates that he thinks he's cursed.

Tripp says Ben's children also could be born without a propensity to mental illness. There are no guarantees. He wishes he could tell Ben something to make him feel better. The women join them, and Tripp says they were just trying to figure out what's in the drink.

Julie tells Doug he's surrounded by love—including Marlena. Doug weeps. The scene cuts to Marlena, shadowed in a corner over Doug's shoulder, eyes glowing yellow.

Johnny and Chanel sit on a bench and talk about what they wanted to be growing up. He compliments her, and then she yawns. She's tired. He puts a flower in her hair and says goodnight before kissing her on the cheek and leaving. Chanel looks smitten.

Abigail wants to do something outside her comfort zone and get over her terrible experience as the 2nd-grade pancake. She forgot her lines and was recast in front of her whole class. Abigail gets weepy at the memory and gets up for a tissue. Chad apologizes for joking and starts to comfort her. She spins around. She didn't forget her lines. She was great and boasts about her acting ability. They laugh.

Back at Nicole's, Allie says how nice it is to relax with friends without worrying about Henry, who cries as if on cue. Tripp tells her to relax and goes to get the baby. She says aloud that Ciara should be careful what she wishes for.

At Ben's apartment, Ciara says the night was fun. Ben's in a mood, so Ciara asks what he and Tripp talked about. He tells Ciara the truth, but Tripp couldn't really answer his question. Ciara suggests Ben talk to Marlena (and I get a sinking feeling we're headed for a demon baby or Ben turning into a killer again or both).

Cut back to Marlena in the corner of Doug's room.

John goes to Marlena's office to ask about Kayla and wonders where Marlena's gone. He finds the recorder on her desk.

Julie gets up to get water. Marlena doesn't interact with Julie, who doesn't see her. Just when I wasn't sure if Marlena was really there or how the room suddenly is big enough for her to hide in the corner, she jumps up with a cafeteria-type food tray and whacks Julie on the back of the head while Doug is lying back with his eyes closed. Julie drops to the floor. (THE END)
So, Abby can film while she is on leave from her job??? How long of a leave did she take? Good thing the family owns the paper.

Also, I am pretty sure that we are going to get a demon baby (a la Rosemary's) and that they are leaving it up to Ben to rescue Salem and for once and for all, be the hero. I guess they think that John has been the hero before and he is getting too old to wrestle with the devil, so hunky Ben can do it and save Marlena and their baby. I wonder if the baby will grow super fast, since I don't see them dragging this out for 9 months and will be ready to be born very quickly. JUST MY SPECULATION, based on horror movies and the fact that this writer can't think anything original.
Just when I think I can almost take Johnny seriously we get his I wanna be a list..... really what is he 4??
Very creepy having Mar-Devil sitting in Doug's room without Julie noticing.... and Doug is getting on my last nerve..... why can't he spit out WHY Marlena wants him dead? I mean if anyone understands it would be John..... with Julie constantly interrupting Doug has the other nerve almost gone.....
Thanks Tina for the summary......
Abby says she's been on leave for four months and can extend it. I wish I could take a six- or seven-month break from working and be assured of having a job. Oh, Salem money tree, you are amazing.

Did anyone else find the layout of Doug's hospital room suddenly odd? The perspective was strange. I didn't understand how Marlena got inside the room or how she could be in there without Julie noticing. That part was weird today.
Thumbs up for a great summary, but I give the story a giant thumbs down. this just keeps getting worse.
Amen. This episode was so bad that it was a relief when halfway through the beagle let us know that she needed to go out for a pit stop.

Dumb and Dumber: With more possession nonsense and Johnny's singing, the old movie title fits perfectly for this episode..

Miscasting: Johnny thinks that Abigail could play Marlena? Really? Why not Gabi, Gwen, or even Susan Banks?

Negative motivation: Is Johnny's latest plan to get money for his so-called film now based on the idea that people will donate if only he'll stop singing?

Bad genes: Does med student Trippy realize that if Ben's kids could inherit his mental illness, why couldn't his be the second coming of Ava, Cousin Angelo, or Daddy Martino Vitali (the guy who was shot dead by Bo Brady at the Pub)?
Did Ciara say 4 days of honeymoon? So the last 3 weeks are 4 days Salem time.

Nice to see Ciara and Ben talk to other people. Ciara should listen to Allie and put the breaks for now with the baby idea.

I know it's a bit weird but I like Ben and Tripp as friends. It looks like they dropped Jake and Ben as friends.
Real friendships are really lacking on this show.

My wish for the possession story is that it's all a dream and Marlena will wake up for November sweeps and tell John and they have a good laugh about it.

Thanks for the recap. :)
Am very grateful for this recap, missed most of the show. Did catch Johnny singing........I felt he was lip syncing (perhaps to his own voice, but still, just moving his lips. )Song must have been something he wrote, (I did not see credits) since Days won't pay for music.
Super annoying that Doug cannot just spit it out..........the devil is in Marlena now, was in me. Short sentence.......but knowing Salemites, all would say.........oh, delusional from meds.
I do not know why Re-Ron thinks this is all so fun and isn't. It is exasperating, makes no sense, but then, that is his pattern, isn't it?
Tripp gets awkward because he doesn't know what any of it means and doesn't know what an aperitif is.
Tripp is a genius, like Rex.

OK, I have to say that even with the jump, Charlotte shouldn‘t be old enough for all-day school yet, unless they've been mini-SORAS'd. And it‘s ridiculous that Abby suddenly wants to act. On the other hand, if it gives Abby something to do other than pout or chase married men, I'm game.
Tripp tells Ben there's not a gene to make you a killer
Why would anyone take medical advice from the guy who couldn't even figure out a paternity test?
They haven't explained what's making her mentally vulnerable this time around
DA PLOT coupled with narrativium.

Too bad Johnny and Claire are close relatives, or they could have been a singing-and-loving duo.
Charlotte shouldn‘t be old enough for all-day school yet, unless they've been mini-SORAS'd.
Since she was born in November 2018, she'd be almost 3 in real time, almost 4 in Salem-time-jump time, so a mini-SORAS to 5 or 6 isn't that bad.

Honestly, we're just lucky this isn't Charlotte now:

Nice to see Ciara and Ben talk to other people. Ciara should listen to Allie and put the breaks for now with the baby idea.

I know it's a bit weird but I like Ben and Tripp as friends. It looks like they dropped Jake and Ben as friends.
Real friendships are really lacking on this show.
I agree with this, except for Nicole who is FRIENDS with Rafe and Brady and they are always reminding us......
Thanks, Tina.

Wow. Ben and Ciara didn't jump into bed right after they got home.

Chanel and Allie talked about giving away samples. They need to stop doing that if
they want to make money.

So, Abby wants to be in the movie. I'm not sure that would be a good idea. The devil might play a
trick with her and have Abby be Gabi again.

Poor Doug. He still can't get his words together to tell John about Marlena.

It was freaky to see Marlena as the devil just appearing in Doug's hospital room.
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I started kindergarten at 4 (turned 5 during the year). Charlotte could be in Montessori school or something all day.
I picked up onAllie I think, saying perhaps Ben shoud see Marlena. NOW... with Marlena being possessed, and Ben being in the office,could the so-called devil pass into Ben? then we're looking at a possible "Rosemary's Baby" kinda Halloween or worse, a story line that never ends !! Heaven help us ! Maybe John will don his old collar and take care of things once and for all. This storyline was done and now we have to indure it again !
Why is Ciara still going on about how Ben has nothing to worry about having a baby? Sure she loves him but there should still be some lingering doubts and fears from her recent amnesiac period when she was afraid of him as the necktie killer. It should have given her more perspective when she did regain her memories and her love for him. It would give their story more depth if they would write them as more aware of the faults and misgivings of each other. I get so frustrated how these two are written with no depth to their romance and all they do is have sex and have her defend Ben to others who only know his reputation.

A possessed Marlena sitting in Doug's room really freaked me out. Marlena with those colored contacts really looks scary. So the devil did leave Marlena for awhile after seeing John and Julie praying, which is probably why Marlena could walk in the chapel. I feel so bad for Doug that he's so frightened that he cannot tell anyone that the devil is possessing Marlena and it is the devil trying to kill him, not Marlena, who as John rightly pointed out, would not hurt Doug.

I wish they would move the story along with Chanel, Allie, Johnny, and Tripp. It seems the story is going along so slow.
Abby says she's been on leave for four months and can extend it. I wish I could take a six- or seven-month break from working and be assured of having a job. Oh, Salem money tree, you are amazing.
I took a 3 month leave of absence from my job a couple of years ago for what turned out to be undiagnosed general anxiety disorder. All sorts of laws ensured that it was paid under disability (including partially a company policy about mental health awareness), and I could have taken more if I needed it

For those who care, ultimately, I went back and quit the job because there were too many stressors including a manager who could not constrain the requests from external departments - he never said no to anything and there weren't enough of us to handle all the global round the clock requests. That was Feb 2020. Great timing. (Yes, I found another job, and I'm super happy now)