Summer Preview 2022


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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From the writer, Ron Carlivati

Sami/Lucas - Sami comes back to Salem. Lucas proposes to her and she accepts. Sami still thinks EJ kidnapped her.
Will things change before Sami and Lucas get married?

Jan/Shawn/Belle/EJ - Jan is still driving a wedge between Shane and Belle. Belle files for a legal separation. Shawn
thinks Belle doesn't want to fight for their marriage and she wants to be closer to EJ. This is happening when Sami
gets back to town. These two stories will come together.

Johnny/Chanel/Allie - The writer says this is the story he's been waiting to write. A boy and girl twin in love with
the same girl. Who will Chanel pick?

Lani/Eli/Paulina/Abe - Lani will have visions with TR tormenting her what she did. Will she finally tell the truth?
Paulina and Abe decide to get married. The pick Juneteenth day, June 19. As they plan the wedding, Lani
gets more uneasy.

Xander/Sarah - She's finally Sarah and Gwen has been put away. Since it's a soap opera, there will bumps along
the way. Side effects from the medicine. Big problem will arise which will be part of another story.

Eric/Nicole/Rafe - Nicole and Rafe are engaged. Nicole is committed to Rafe, but is this there a possibility
of Nicole and Eric being together. Roman tells Eric to tell Nicole his feelings. Will he do it before it's too late?

Ciara/Ben/Hope - Ciara and Ben are new parents with Clyde still living there. A present arrives from Hope which
has them make a big decision about their lives and future.

Murder Mystery - There's a shocking murder with a very long suspect list.
I'm guessing Leo, masked as Abigail, for real murders Abigail, who disguises Abigail as Leo, who disappears, so he doesn't get caught being "alive"....Confused yet?!?... :rotfl:....Or someone, from the long list of suspects, murders Leo/Abigail, thinking that it's Leo, but it's really Abigail, that Leo has drugged/disguised Abigail, as himself, and disguised himself as Abigail, to make it look like she murdered him, but something goes wrong with the other person actually murdering Abigail, for real. I know it's confusing but it would make sense if Abigail is set to possibly die and Leo is looking to exact revenge on her. Maybe he didn't really plan on her dying, just being set up to look like she killed him.....Ugh, I don't know just seems like the craziness that TPTB would throw out there, and since Salem PD can't seem to solve ANY crime, they will go on thinking that "Leo"(Abigail) is dead and "Abigail"(Leo) went on the lam for killing "Leo"(Abigail). :head scratch::whack:
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Johnny/Chanel/Allie - The writer says this is the story he's been waiting to write. A boy and girl twin in love with
the same girl. Who will Chanel pick?

forgot to add this one.... how gross it this.... I've been dying to write a story about twins in love with the same person....... I'm sure the porn industry is waiting for just someone with his special talent......
Mouillette - That Leo/Abigal/mask story sounds better than what we will probably get, sorry to say.

Poor Lucas, hasn't he learned his lesson? It is just a matter of time before Sami dumps him again for EJ, no matter how close EJ and Belle become.

Re: Johnny/Chanel/Allie - They need a spin-off: Salem Sister Wives. Or Salem Polyamory. It is truly icky.

A present from Hope which will impact Ben and Ciara's future? A house in Genoa City? A condo in Los Angeles? A cabin in Port Charles?

Side effects for Sarah - I can't even speculate.

Sami/Lucas - Sami comes back to Salem. Lucas proposes to her and she accepts. Sami still thinks EJ kidnapped her.
Will things change before Sami and Lucas get married? [Will things change? That's a dumb question.]

Jan/Shawn/Belle/EJ - Jan is still driving a wedge between Shane and Belle. Belle files for a legal separation. Shawn
thinks Belle doesn't want to fight for their marriage and she wants to be closer to EJ. This is happening when Sami
gets back to town. These two stories will come together. [They'll come together and the viewers will be the ones to suffer.]

Johnny/Chanel/Allie - The writer says this is the story he's been waiting to write. A boy and girl twin in love with
the same girl. Who will Chanel pick? [ReRon has been waiting to write this? And this guy went to a Catholic college?]

Xander/Sarah - She's finally Sarah and Gwen has been put away. Since it's a soap opera, there will bumps along
the way. Side effects from the medicine. Big problem will arise which will be part of another story. [Pity the poor X-Man. The writers won't give him a break. The least Victor could do is give him a good job at Titan to ease his pain.]

Eric/Nicole/Rafe - Nicole and Rafe are engaged. Nicole is committed to Rafe, but is this there a possibility
of Nicole and Eric being together. Roman tells Eric to tell Nicole his feelings. Will he do it before it's too late? [Did the church hierarchy really have to dump Eric back into the Salem luv market? Nothing good can come of this.]
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I feel sorry for poor Rafe. He's kinda like Roman, great guy, never really gets the love he deserves. (We know as soon as Roman finds out Lucas kidnapped Sami and Kate knew, it's kaputs for Kate and Roman). Same for Rafe, now that Nicole knows Eric is free from his churchly duties, we know it won't be long before Nicole's clothes fall off in front of Eric, and they do the table top worshiping.
Well, since we know who is supposed to die a brutal death, I can't imagine a long list of suspects, so it makes sense to get the masks involved again. LOL - if it is Leo wearing an Abigail mask, I wonder at what point they will realize the difference? I would rather it be Gwen wearing an Abigail mask, and Leo kills her by mistake!
The writer says this is the story he's been waiting to write. A boy and girl twin in love
Then why's he doing such a bad job of it?

To be fair to the people who think this is "gross" or outrageous or's not a lot different than Sami/Lucas/Austin/Carrie or Bill/Laura/Mickey or now Belle/EJ/Sami/Lucas. Siblings in love with the same person/s. It's less "gross" than Julie/Doug/Addie or Chelsea/nick/Billie or Kate/Daniel/Chelsea or, let's face it, Stephanie/Max/Chelsea, too.
I would have been interested in the Johnny/Chanel/Allie thing last year instead of the Devil. Now, it feels tired. Ron C is really quite terrible about timing, pacing, and character.

Eric no longer deserves Nicole. He left her 10 minutes after they married with no thought. The whole priest savior story was dumb from the beginning. What was so unique about Eric that a woman flew to Salem from Africa for an hour to say: “Help us, Father Eric! You’re our only hope! You’re the only man in the world who can save Africa even though you’re not from here and don’t really make your home here.” Now he’s just shows up and thrusts himself back into Nicole’s life?

Give Eric someone new. Give Nicole someone new (they’ve dragged this Rafe thing out so much, I don’t care anymore), and give Rafe his own love of his life for once. I hate that they ruined his romance with Jordan. And the first couple weeks of reformed Ava when she mourned Charlie showed promise. That could have been epic if she genuinely turned good and was ride or die with him because he loved her. He’s always settling for someone’s seconds. It never works out.

Why is Paulina thinking about marrying Abe with another big secret between them? She’s like Gwen. Never learns a lesson.

I really just want a fun stretch of couples happy together. They can have drama and mystery without breaking up, cheating, or the Devil. I wish they would do some of the Beyond Salem stories on the main show: chasing a gem, going on adventures, etc.
and give Rafe his own love of his life for once. I hate that they ruined his romance with Jordan. And the first couple weeks of reformed Ava when she mourned Charlie showed promise. That could have been epic if she genuinely turned good and was ride or die with him because he loved her. He’s always settling for someone’s seconds. It never works out.
I think this has been a problem with me for Rafe and any of his romantic interests. The ones he is paired up with always had their own love of their life before (Sami with Lucas or EJ, Hope with Bo, Kate with half of the male population in Salem, and Nicole with Eric). Jordan could have worked, but when they brought her back they made her crazy instead. They really need someone new in town for him, and if they don't want to invest, keep him as commissioner with no love interest.