I'm curious about the "Murderer" thing that was painted on what looked like the window of Sweet Bits. Any ideas? I mean it would be easy to think that the vanilla smell that Sonny and Chad had smelled in connection with Abigail's murder, and the attempted murder of Sonny, could have come from someone working at a bakery. Chad was standing right in front of the bakery area when he smelled it, and as far as Sonny smelling vanilla at his attack, Chanel could have just come from baking all 10,000 or so cookies for Paulina's campaign cookies and had that smell fresh on her. However, it does seem like it's pointing to Clyde.
Chanel would appear to have no motive for killing Abigail, and framing Leo, but again this is Days, so who knows, perhaps there's some previously unseen reason why. It would also be unclear to me why Clyde would kill Abby, and frame Leo, UNLESS this would be revenge on EJ's family, that Clyde promised for EJ telling anyone what Clyde had done, in the past????
The fall spoilers show the murder sign and seem to indicate that Chanel has done something that could hurt Paulina's chances at winning the election, so just spit-balling here, not sure what else that murder sign could refer to??