03/01/2023 - Donuts and Hello March


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good Morning all..... March is roaring in here in the desert we are on storm alert.... up to 2 feet expected in the mountains and we can get up to a half inch of rain in the Valley.... all per the weather guessers.... it is cloudy and "wet" feeling outside.... and cool..... so maybe....

Today's big activity is to clean the fish tank..... Ben and Jerri are all green and the plants on top are needing some water.... it's a closed container tank with plants on top but it's an ugly mess today.... so that is the big plan....

Hope everyone else has better plans than cleaning out a fish tank.....

Good Wednesday to all
NY is a tranquil 42 right now. Sun comes and goes..

Robin - Such weather in your area! Love the names of your fish. Easier than Haagen and Dazs:)

Everyone enjoy your day!

Good morning everybody. Well, it'll still be morning here for a few minutes.

Cindy came this morning and made a shopping list. When she got back, she figured out a way to get my laptop to me so I could finish my taxes that I started on Super Bowl Sunday. Now I realize that I can't get to my printer. Oh, well. At least everything is saved in my TaxAct program in the laptop.

robinsnest, cleaning the tank sounds like a big job. Are the plants outside the tank with their roots in the tank?

WW, sounds like we have the same weather today.
Hiya everyone,
I can't stay long as I'm buried in work, but Poirot sent me a private message so I though I'd stop here too. We're supposed to get some more snow today, but only about an inch, after getting 14 inches last week, so I won't complain at all.

We are in the thick of Girl Scout Cookie season, with cookie booths the next 2 Saturday mornings.

I also got roped into helping coordinate the Easter Breakfast at church, it's a huge fundraiser for the confirmation kids to go to camp, so yippee. Gena and I will both be getting to church at 6 or 6:30 on Easter to start making scrambled eggs and pancakes for breakfast.

Robin good luck with the fish tank.
Squirrel, I haven't even started my taxes yet, so congrats on being almost done.
Wilde Woman - 42 sounds amazing.

Miss you all!
Good morning.....have a sort of blizzard goin' on here. It was calm, grey earlier, but around 8 the wind picked up, and huge lovely snowflakes began, could not even see, it was so thick. They are smaller now, not as thick, but coming down hard, for sure. I definitely do not want to go out.

Girl Scouts finally called yesterday, the one kind of cookies they were out of, is now in, so they will drop the box off some time this week......yes, I had paid in advance.

Wonder if any mail will come. This is first time mail box doesn't have mail. I mean it is odd. Guess maybe companies are not doing as much junk mail stuff as they used to. LOL. They keep raising postage rates, the result is less use of postal service I guess.
robinsnest, cleaning the tank sounds like a big job. Are the plants outside the tank with their roots in the tank?
Yes in 2019 I took the kids to Orlando to Walt Disney World, at Epcot we did the "ride" Living on the Land and it had a big tank with lettuce growing they used the lettuce in the park for dinners, and for the animals at Animal Kingdom.... I got one of these for each of the kids. Originally we had a beta fish in it but he passed, now we have two albino catfish Ben and Jerry as we don't know their genders, we used to grow wheat berries and peas on top but ended up with a house plant in place. This is the tank that in December of 2021 Hunny Bunny was carrying to a neighbors when he fell and cracked his femur......This past Christmas while they were at a friends house so we could go to Wichita one of the fish laid eggs, they didn't hatch so who knows what's going on....Ben and Jerry were the size of guppies when we got them they are huge in comparison now....
It was cloudy and in the 60s when I walked this morning. It's still cloudy and in the mid 60s.
After lunch, I'm going to rake more while I can.

I'm under a flood watch from Thurs afternoon until Friday morning. Rain is suppose to start Thurs AM.

manda, I'm glad you stopped in today. We miss you too.

robin, good luck with fish tank.

rs, I'm glad you're able to work on your tax return.

Wilde Woman, enjoy your partial sunshine.

Poirot, I hope your day goes well at home.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
robinsnest, that's similar to a tank that my neighbor has. He has leaf lettuce growing on his, and he has me harvest it when he goes on vacation. He says the fish poo in the water makes good fertilizer.

kat, I hope you don't have to go out in that rain storm tomorrow. It is supposed to hit here on Friday.

Poirot, stay safe up there! I'd gladly take some of that snow.

Amanda, you're one busy lady!
Finally federal, state, and local taxes are done, e-filed, and accepted. That's a big load off my mind.

It seems my federal refund keeps shrinking while my state payment due has been $3 for years. Local always breaks even.
Hello. I've been trying to get some blood pressure issues worked out for a couple of days. Went to see the doctor today. I also took my b.p. monitor in with me to check it with theirs. Seems to be off some so I'm ordering a new one. I've had it for nearly five years. The nurse said they have someone come in and calibrate theirs once a year.

Kat, my weather is like yours. Also expecting severe thunderstorms tomorrow.
Since it's going to rain and be cooler the next couple of days, I'm going to start my tax return.
I got the tax forms on Friday and I have two financial statements. So, it's time to start.

robin, are you sure you're only getting rain? It's snowing in Los Angeles now.

OC, I hope you won't get bad storms.
Hey Amanda nice seeing you drop in..... hope all is well with the Cookie Sales.......
Ah the tale of two fish.... the fish tank pump died.. sadness..... went to the Pet store they had a pump but NOT any tubing.... I went to Sprinkler World thinking these guys dealt with irrigation and dripper systems they'd have what I needed, NOPE but he did suggest Aqua World, I called them but alas they don't deal with tanks smaller than 50 gallons..... so off to the other Pet store they didn't have tubing or pumps small enough for my hydroponic fish tank sent me to Lowe's..... meanwhile Ben and Jerry are sitting in an old mason jar.... I've never been in Lowe's so I went to "ignore the sign we aren't Customer Service" and asked where the drip irrigation section was, the guy said he didn't know. His badge said he was a 5 year employee of Lowe's.... I asked if he could check for me.... Out in garden I was told.... NO ONE was working in the garden section and the rain hadn't started yet..... the cashier was clueless, but give she didn't know she'd be working outside today I couldn't blame her, a customer pointed me in the correct direction..... a dark section of the outside section that required, I turn my flash light on my phone on so I could see the shelving..... nothing for me.... I called Hunny Bunny and told him he'd have to MacGuyver something or we'd try Home Depot...

Hunny Bunny MacGuyvered something and Ben and Jerry are in their newly cleaned tank with a new pump.... all is good with the world

My tire pressure warning light came on so I had to go fill my tires too.... we are home and the storm has started.... winding and off and on heavy rain....
THAT is not snow, just some white rain. Sorry, but I know exactly what snow looks like, and that is not it. Wish I knew how to transfer my pics on phone here.........but alas I don't. So, I really don't take any for that reason. No point.