04/24/16 - Donuts & Midnight Oreos



Good morning. High of 74°. I enjoy these milder days because I know once the summer comes my air conditioner bill will shoot up.

So since TR has returned, my sleep walking and sleep eating has returned. Last night he woke me up in my chair because I had sleep walked to the living room, got some Oreos, the bottle of juice (with only like a quarter left thankfully), no cup, my morning medicine, opened the blinds, turned on the news and went to regular sleep again there.

I wear a face mask because I have a bright light outside my window at this new house and I was totally sleep walking around with it on. I think it is a stress thing lol.

TR's job at the fish farm is going good. Both my friend who hired him and TR are happy with his work so that is good. I told My friend who hired him that I appreciate the opportunity but he can never become better friends with TR than me. My friend understands.

So the pups played outside for like an hour yesterday. For the second time they came in with red spots on their tummies. Like the size off a fingerprint, not raised, not seeming to cause any discomfort but looking red and angry to me. Last time it happened, it was a weekend so only the emergency vet available. I scoured the interwebs and found scarce info.

A thing for ask a vet online popped up, which I did have to pay a fee but what is five bucks (plus three dollar tip) compared to the last emergency vet bill I had that cost $879. He said some kind of blah, blah, blah and I could try putting antibiotic ointment on them. I did so before bed and the spots were gone in the morning, yay!

But it concerns me if this will happen everyone they lounge outside because they really like it out there. I am wondering if there is something I can do/spray out there to stop it from happening but I do not know what exactly is causing it. I have no grass back there, just dirt and leaves because it is very shady. I suppose I will call Home Depot today and the vet tomorrow.

Good Sunday to you all!
Thank you very much. What is strange though is that it is only on their tummies and goes away with overnight antibiotic ointment. Plus they have flea protection but maybe that is just killing any fleas that bite but does not stop them from biting.

I just called Home Depot, where I have a credit card, and asked for lawn care and dude was super unhelpful like whatever. He kept saying I am not a vet. I was not impressed.

So I called Lowe's because this is like an issue and what if I want to go sit in the yard for some reason, I do not want the allergic reaction. They told me to get a sample of my dirt and where I could take it to get it tested for free. The place will tell me anything in my dirt, bugs, pesticides whatever and what I need to do to fix it so yay! Now I will cancel My Home Depot card.

I can not hang anything, it is in my lease, so no new curtains for me. Landlord said maybe after renewal, I asked.
Good morning all, raining like mad here. Been raining all night. Guess our "high" fire danger will be taken down now. Dark & gloomy. Have not heard a forecast, but yesterday they said "chance" of rain, which they have said all week. Is in mid 40s. Have a lot of shopping to do after church, not going to be very good, with all this rain, for sure.

Since we have not had a dog for some years now, cannot help in that dept. But, living out here, the problems for dogs is huge, so when ours went to doggie heaven, we definitely decided not another. Take care, all, be back this afternoon.
Good morning. Too bad you can't have drapes, YPG. Those eye masks are not comfortable for me. I wake up with my face sweating. Hope you can get the red spot problem resolved. I like Lowe's better than Home Depot anyway.

Nothing going on here. Beautiful weather but a bit breezy today, compared with yesterday. When I had my bathroom remodeled last year, I had a light (like a canned light, waterproof) built into the ceiling in the shower. The halogen bulb I got for it lasted for about a year but burned out last week. I got a new one just like it but when I put it in, it came right on, then after it was turned off to put the cover back on, the light would no longer come on. I've tried the bulb in a couple of other places. It does not work. Now I don't know whether the bulb was faulty (it did work right at first) or if the fixture is causing bulbs to burn out. I'm going to try a different type of bulb that I have on hand, just to see if it burns out too or if it will work at all. Troubleshooting. :rolleyes: I'm irritated with myself that I think I threw out the receipt and that halogen bulb cost $8. But then, if the fixture caused it to go out, I wouldn't try to get a refund anyway.
I can not hang anything on the walls. No curtains, pictures, hooks, etc.

I do have blinds but the light shines through. I have them folded up instead of down but I am very sensitive to light. I work the mask off on most nights and end up waking as soon as the sun rises. Most every house down here has blinds, at least rentals do.
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Good Sunday. Things are not going well at the rehab center. Someone is not working with the therapists. I don't want to go out there today. My house needs me. Waiting for a call to update me on what I will get to do this week. If he doesn't start working, they will request we move him. Not sure where.

Until then, off the interweb and do work around the house. I'll try to check back later.
A good idea. And, it would look a lot better than the hard-core contact paper that I was going to mention. :eek:

YPG, how big are the windows? You might be able to press-fit cardboard, etc. into the window opening. Something like those temporary inside storm windows.

OC, I have been gradually replacing bulbs with LED versions. Started with the 3 60watt that were in the hard-to-change kitchen ceiling fixture. The bathroom halogen spots are on the list, as soon as I run out of spares. :rolleyes:

Robin, I hope your dad will start doing re-hab, before the unfair (in my opinion) Catch 22 Medicare rules kick in. Prayers, AG
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Sunday is a busy day for me. Church at 8:15 than Sunday school. I walk Goldie
as soon as I get home. Then I eat, go outside when I can.

Another beautiful day here. It's close to 80 with a small breeze. I'll be mowing the
big side of my yard today.

YPG, too bad you can't tint your windows. I have my bedroom windows tinted the darkest
since it gets afternoon sun. Good luck with your dogs. Since dots only on their stomach,
maybe they are allergic to something in your yard. Do you put flea stuff on your dogs?
I do on Goldie even though I've never seen any.

robin, good luck with your dad today.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Sunday.
Hello everyone. Y, if you don't have custom-sized blinds, maybe you could replace those with light blocking blinds. The brackets are already there and the blinds just slide in, so no new holes.

I couldn't sleep last night (for whatever reason) and doubt I will tonight after what I saw in my kitchen. It's bad enough to have a snake fall out of a tree in my yard, but that is outside. What I saw today was a large, distinctly marked snake IN MY HOUSE! Sorry for "yelling", but I couldn't help it, lol. I got a pretty good look at it, but not good enough to identify it. I think we scared the devil out of each other. Remmy did not even bark and stayed away like I told her. This thing was about 2 feet long and coming out of/retreating back into a hole in a kitchen cabinet about the size of a quarter. Some critter drama is fun, but this had me shaking! No getting up in the dark to go to the bathroom anymore, lol.

Take care folks.
Oh, my gosh, kt. I would be a basket case. Any way to seal that hole?

I was also going to suggest tension rods. Heck they have them for bathroom shower curtains, to. (I have them for mine).

I am guessing the landlord, in the past, has had to patch, fill, paint, etc. because of nail holes, so thus the strict rules.

Still pouring rain here, it lightens up a bit, but then comes pouring down again. Raining in Houston again as well. Glad the inbetween has sun & blue skies...:)

Today I got to church earlier than usual, and could not understand why there were so many cars there already. As soon as I got inside.......ahh, was First Communion and thus all the families of the children were already there. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents, cousins, etc. etc. Lots and lots of babies in church today. Don't know if visitors or local. LOL. But lucky I found a parking spot, gotta tell ya.

I cut my shopping short, because it was raining so hard, not easy to get your groceries to the car without them getting soaked. They are remodeling or something in my main grocery store, and I about had a fit. They had a big area (frozen foods) with pkgs. of skinless, boneless chicken for $3.00. Now that surprised me, as in the regular area they were $8.00. So, I check, as always, for the expiration date. It said......."To be sold or frozen before 12/8/2015 !!! This store was purchased by a Minnesota big chain last summer, and everything is sure changing (besides the prices going up) and all this stuff now being shipped from Minneapolis area, instead of much closer. Even the bakery (which used to be baked fresh on the premises.) Sorry, I know I am ranting, but it really has gotten bad, everyone is complaining. Enough of that.

Got a roast in the oven for dinner, time to get the potatoes in. Enjoy the day and evening, my friends.
Oh Kt, that is horrible!! I've had rattlers in my house but I was always able to get them and take them out and kill them. So you did see it go back OUT the hole? Right? When a mouse gets in my house it bothers me on every level. I always think, if there is a place where a mouse can come in, a snake can also come in at the same place! Please stop up that hole, if you haven't already. Use wadded up tin foil or duct tape or whatever it takes.
Robin, it sounds like you are left with all the decisions and responsibilities. Nothing fun about that! But if you don't get any interference from other family members (the stepmother and her family), that could be a plus. I sure hope whatever transitions have to be made will go as smoothly as possible for you.

Poirot, I don't know how much more rain the people in Houston can take. Or you.....that grocery shopping expedition didn't sound anywhere close to ideal, for more reasons than one.

A. Guy, when I had all the remodeling done last year I had to get quite a number of light fixtures, for inside and out. I don't adapt to changes very well and was not at all happy with trying to figure out what kind of light bulbs to get for each location. I've tried florescent, LED, and halogen in different places, and I have to say I am not overly impressed with any of them.
Oh, my gosh, kt. I would be a basket case. Any way to seal that hole?

So you did see it go back OUT the hole?

I have one long counter with cabinets underneath. On that end of the counter, there are no cabinet doors, just a panel with two holes cut out. This is an old house, so I figure there was maybe a hot water heater there at one time and the holes are to remove the panel to access the space (I'm not going there, lol!). It doesn't go outside, just into the cabinet space, so I don't know where the snake entered. I've been looking up snake identification sites online (while periodically stomping my feet on the floor, lol), but I can't tell what it was. It looks like a rat snake, a king snake, a rattlesnake or a young cottonmouth. I hope it's one of the first two and a friend, lol. I may need a few cans of courage (beer) to sleep tonight, lol.
Oh, for heaven's sakes. It is still raining, still in mid-40s, has not changed all day. Forecast is same for tonight and tomorrow, and then guess what? Mon. nite & Tues. they say, "rain, transitioning into snow". Do you believe it? Ugh, this is unreal.