07/26/2017 - Donuts and Chocolate Protein Shake


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Morning all.

Have to contact stepmom. Attorneys have new dates for depositions. As her driver, I have the honor of taking time off to drive her around to these things.

Other than finding out what days she has available out of the 10 days from August through October, I have just the fun-filled final days of State Reporting to deal with. Yippee.

At least the monsoon as left us for a couple of days. The heat will return, but the heavy air will be gone. Hunny Bunny's foot is wrapped. He had a "growth" removed. Mr. Gus is now in charge of keeping Hunny Bunny off his foot. Big job for Mr. Gus, but his lap-warming skills are strong.

Have a great Wednesday.
Mornin' all.........already been busy for me......so more or less drivin by. Hunny bunny, poor man, really hard to stay off a foot......does he have a walker?

Been overcast & dark clouds all morning, since early......but, seems to be moving away. Guess the rains went south of us. Bad night's sleep again, ugh. Too much on the plate, for sure.

Hope all are feeling well, or better. I know Noel has surgery tomorrow, so let's all remember to say a prayer or two. :)

JS, trust the mice have been kept at bay, and that dying cat brought some chuckles to the house. LOL
Good Morning everyone,

I'm just getting ready to take Bonnie to the vet's this morning. She has an allergy to something and probably needs a shot of Prednisone to help with the itching and she needs the first of this years shots, Bordetella for kennel cough! Chiwee gets to go for hers next month. My neighbor is taking us. It's hard not to be able to drive anymore.

Hope everyone's mouse situation is better now! Mine is running slower now!!!

Have a good day.
Goldie and I went out early again for our walk. We only went three times around because
I had to take care of mess in the road. I wish other people would do the neighborly
things, but hardly anyone else does. Mess was there Tues AM. I had hoped when
trash can was moved, someone would take care of litter/glass in front of it. It's
taken care of now.

Since it was cooler this morning than yesterday, I spent about an hour in my front
flowerbed today. I pulled some weeds and took off dead flowers. Maybe some will
bloom again. Heat index will be close to 100 today. Rain Fri with a cool down after.

Is anyone watching "Remember Me" on PBS? An interesting show if you like
ghost stories. Last episode this coming Sunday. You can watch on PBS website.

robin, I hope you can work your stepmom's depositions with your schedule. I hope
hunny bunny won't be off his feet too long.

Noel, prayers for tomorrow. I hope you won't have to go back to the hospital like you
did after your last surgery.

newt, I hope Bonnie got a good report from the vet.

JS, I'm glad the mice are staying away.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and evening. And sleep tight, don't let the
bedbugs bite
It's been 27 days without rain here. I know we need it but I'm sure enjoying this weather. The next 10 days are calling for the 90's!

We have the little girls this evening, which means I will swim with Ember, and Papa with watch Harlow. She usually sleeps most of the 2 hours they are here, so he loves that.

Keeping Noel in my prayers for tomorrow!

Have a great day.
Mostly, Via suitcases from folks who either were visiting here from overseas, or citizens here returning from a trip abroad. Mattresses being burned right and left everywhere.
Good afternoon everyone,

Praying for Noel's surgery tomorrow. Here's to hoping all goes well. And I'm also hoping those with rodent problems have them resolved soon. I can't imagine dealing with them that much! Like Muzza, I have a tremendous fear of rats (and mice too).

It's overcast today but only in the 70sF, which is nice. However, the mosquitoes are awful. I got a frog out of the pool today and let it go into the bushes. Hopefully it can take care of some of the mosquito issue. I went with my mom early this morning to her job and to lunch after. She needed help cleaning out her old office before our vacation. When she returns and gets her paycheck, she'll be quitting, as she got another job that suits her much better and will allow her to work from home.

It's gonna be a night of packing tonight, because we're catching an early flight tomorrow morning to San Diego. I'm finishing up this book first, so I can bring another on the trip. And we already dropped Sally off last night to the pet hotel. I'll be bringing my computer, so I'll probably be on Donuts a few times and read the summaries for the soap.

Have a nice day, all.
(come out of her corner, hands on hips and a frown on her face and as she looks around, she spits into her spittoon and winks at her dead aim)
Weeel where in tarnation did 6 weeks go? ahs gotta git maself back to the old school house tomorrow wit the the other edumakers. the riff raff is reckon to show up on Monday and weeze gotta be ready for 'em.

Sorry ahs haven't been around ahs much. I actually felt more like a creeper stalker readin' all yer fine writin' since ahs got no idea what the frack is going on wit the show that much...lol!

I'll keep the corner clean if you'll keep the light on fer me.

Until next, see y'all.

rewski is outski
rew, school starts early where you are. Do you teach in year round school? There are
two schools in my area that sort of are.

rew, don't be a stranger
Hello. Husband has been keeping me busy. He got me up at 5:00 this morning. Has some things going on. Keeping me hopping. I'll probably sleep on the couch in the room with him tonight, in case he has to get up.

Noel, you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Thinking of all of you and enjoyed reading your posts.
OC, when is your help going to start coming once a week? I hope it's soon.

Thanks, Kat. The nurse came this morning. All they do is check his vitals, ask questions and help with medical solutions if there is a problem. They are only here for a few minutes so they aren't of any practical help with the things I have to do day-to-day. However, it IS nice to be able to call them for advice when there is a problem, and to have them take a look and make judgement calls about treatments, etc. when they come. They can order supplies, get in touch with the doctor at any time for consultation, and that sort of thing, so it saves me from making trips to the doctor or possibly even the ER, when problems and uncertainties arise.