1/1/22 - Donuts and Birthday cake


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Happy Birthday, Poirot.

It's been raining here since last night. A lot of it heavy rain. It's going to take a long time for the yard
to dry. Temps are going to be in the teens overnight. I got my shopping done this morning.

DaysD, thanks for the update. How long will you be in the US?
Good morning all, LOVE the cakes, thank you for the birthday wishes. Even the sun is out, despite the 11 below zero temps this a.m. Hey, we are supposed to get up to 2 above! LOLOL
Am stayin in, of course. Tonite, they say 24 below.......I shudder already. Gonna be a quiet day, lots of sports games are on all day, so gonna have to hunt for something I can watch. LOL (no, don't care for watching sports)
Wishing you all a very Happy, healthy New Year.
DaysD, so glad to see you back!

Gonna try and figure out dinner......definitely the crock pot. Ha.
Have a great day, my friends.
Oh Robin, my heart dropped when I read you fell. So glad you are okay. I wouldn't know how to deal with the doggie bathroom issue in those conditions. I hope you came up with a good solution.

Poirot, somehow I don't see you partying today so I'm wishing you birthday surprise blessings! Your weather is beyond my commenting abilities.

Degrassi, your family must be so pleased that you did your service in Israel and have now returned to them a time.

Lil0, you've had quite a spell of weather too. Sounds like you're due for some clearing. Once snow starts melting, I'm ready to see it go completely, rather than more messing around.

Kat, I'm glad you got a good rain, although it sounds like maybe a little too much. Looks like the rain missed us except for a sprinkling last night, hardly enough to measure.

The cold front hit here at 10:30 this morning. Dry but rapidly dropping temperatures with a stiff north wind. I thought it wasn't arriving until after noon so I got caught outside, taking out the trash, checking for mice in the car and doing a couple of other things outside. We took care of the cows yesterday and got the faucets protected, etc. So I only went out briefly this morning and hope to not go out for a day or two, after this thing settles down.
I had a restless night. Couldn't get to sleep for a long time, then kept waking up, woke up early this morning. At 5:30 am I heard a pickup with some kind of trailer pass by my house. No doubt my hunters. I almost never see them when they come and go. This is the end of deer season and probably many hunters want to take advantage of the cold weather. Most of the month has been way above average, sometimes even hot. Not what they like for hunting.
OC you will laugh at my "solution" to the BEAST aka Vinnie's bathroom issues..... I wait till I see smokers outside, and I go down and ask them if they can take him as I'm a California Girl and this ice and snow stuff is foreign to me..... so far it's worked!!!!

Grandson received a medal in the match so that was good news.... Hunny Bunny is now napping as my fall then getting ready for the day all happened before we are used to and he is still not feeling well...... pain from the fall and not drinking enough water.....

I watched the Rose Parade.... did anyone on the board watch? They had some parachuters and it looked like one's chute didn't open properly but I never heard anything.... thought I saw something on twitter but can't find it now to read......
I just finished watching the Rose Parade. I was little upset with my local NBC channel. They didn't show the first
30 minutes and the NBC announcers weren't the best. They started skipping stuff when ads came on. I found the
parade on YouTube KTLA channel. No ads. It was great. I saw two men land, but nothing was mentioned if one
didn't get down. I taped the parade to watch this afternoon.

robin, I'm glad you figured out how to get Vinnie outside. I hope you're feeling better after your fall. Good news
about the grandson. I hope you're going to stay for your full visit.

Lil0, I hope you have enough food to last awhile.

OC, try to stay warm the next couple of days. It's going in the 20s tonight and in the teens tomorrow.
I thought I saw that picture but couldn't find it. I watched the parade on KTLA YouTube channel..... I prefer the HGTV version but that wasn't available here.....
The BEAST wants to go potty.... so I check the weather.... wind is howling.....
I don't remember -11, but I trust this to be correct....
BEAST is getting faster at the potty thing....
Robin, I love your solution! I know it's a thing these days for women to be completely independent but I, for one, don't mind asking for help. People usually are happy to be helpful so it works out well for everybody. It's even more true as I've gotten older. I now have people sometimes offer to help me even when I don't ask--and don't always really need--help. Playing your "California girl" card was a brilliant idea!
Congratulations to the grandson on his wrestling medal. When I was a teen, my best friend and I had a terrible crush on a Native American boy in our class, who was on the wrestling team. I wonder whatever became of him??
You may need to force feed HB some water. Just kidding, but staying hydrated is important. I know, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Kat, it's in the 20s* here now. You stay warm too!
Oh, did I chuckle at Robin's coy solution to Vinnie's bladder urges. LOL Love it!
Oh, congrats on the wrestling medal earned by the grandson. My ex-son in law was a champion wrestler, I went to a couple of his matches in high school, so know how it goes.
Robin, currently 1 above here, our high was 4. I don't have ability to snap a pic and put it here, but I feel for you, since you live in a very warm climate, so know how difficult this is for you where you are now.
My GA daughter called, was 76 there, she was out walking as we talked, she could not even fathom it being only 2 above at the time. But it is all what we get used to, or our bodies get used to, I guess.
Wish there was something on TV I really want to watch, but nope. Well, have BBQ ribs in the crock pot, getting dinner together......have a good evening........
Happy Birthday, Poirot!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Daysd, I hope you enjoy your time with your family.

robin, you are definitely not used to that weather and neither is Vinnie.

OC and kat, I’ll have your weather Monday. Today it got up to the upper 70s and was super humid. Monday will be a high of 37 with a mix of rain and snow.

Lil0, hope you are staying safe and warm.

I took down all my Christmas decor today. My house feels empty now.

Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
Good evening. Swell! I've been quietly cheering the above freezing temps that arrived this afternoon. Now I see "high wind warning" from 10 PM tonight to 11 PM tomorrow. 45 mph with gusts to 65 mph. This means a good chance of power outage. Ha! And winter has just barely begun. *sigh*