1-14-19 Donuts and Brrr!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. It was 12*F when I came to work this morning.

I saw that Lil0 was on, and wanted to give her the opportunity to start the thread. I have to head to a meeting now so thought I better jump in.

The shopping trip south to IKEA and lunch at Steak & Shake on Saturday was fun. It was just a short trip though since we had to head back north when the snow started coming down. We out ran it, and made it back north before the storm hit in my county.
IKEA was a madhouse! We didn't get to look at everything that we wanted to check out. I told the ladies that next time we'll have to go on a Friday. The store was also out of a few things that I wanted in white so I ordered similar items from Amazon instead.

robinsnest - Myrtle looks beautiful in the rustic "wooden" pot. She seems to be right at home in it, too.
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Good mornin'. and wierdly, RS, it is 31* here at 6 a.m. ! Wokeup at 2:30, bathroom visit, took a while, but did fall back asleep, but..not really a "good night" in that respect. Wide awake but draggin' is just not what one wants on a Monday a.m. (or any other, for that matter). Lil0, hope you are feeling better, but if not, time for a dr. visit. Take care all.
When I went outside with Goldie, I was surprised to see white stuff on the roofs.
Most of the ones I saw only had snow on the bottoms. Cars that were outside
had snow too. There wasn't any snow on the ground.
I know it wasn't frost since
I touched the garbage lid.

The temperature at 32 when we out today. It's suppose to get in the 20s tonight.

I'm washing clothes today.

rs, I'm glad you had a good outing on Sat and got home before the snow.

Poirot, I hope you'll sleep better tonight.

I hope everyone has a good Monday.
Morning all.... I am ready to leave the house for work...... after a busy weekend that got my juices running regarding my trees... I'd so much rather stay here and repot and cut back...... there is always next weekend......

I'll try to get back today..... we are looking at an 80% chance of wet over the next 48 hours.... not much... or maybe a lot .... depends on who you listen too......

Have a great Monday
2 meetings done, and 1 more to go this morning. The 4th one with our new vice president was canceled because it is moving day for our office in my southern county.
I'm just about finished with the United Way proposal. The rest is cosmetic such as transferring parts of it to letterhead and adding photos, but I'm stuck until the document and language are reviewed by the VP. Hopefully she'll get to it tomorrow morning. In the mean time, I guess I'll clean more drywall dust off my desk and equipment. I swear that stuff seeps under the covers and plastic sheeting I put over everything.

Poirot - WOW! It is quite a bit colder here. This weather is very strange. We're to have the teens at night and 20's to low 30's during the day. Then a big storm is to hit this weekend with 6 to 18 inches of snow depending which meteorologist you listen to. Mother Nature will dump how much she wants no matter what they say.

kat - I'm glad you were able to have your walk with Goldie without snow on the ground. I bet she was happy, too.

robinsnest - I hate when our work interferes with what we really want to do. Oh well, at least the jobs give us the means to pay for our passions.
rk... keep us in the loop.... I know I am pulling for you and your family......

Hunny Bunny's family in Kansas City just sent pictures from this morning... Holy Cow!!!!!!!! lots of that white stuff......
Saw this all over social media today.... if I could have just 1/10 of her energy..... and ability to move...

Morning everyone. Please send us some snow. The snow and ice that we do have is still from November. If we do not get some good dumps of snow this season, it will not be good for the summer.......I mean, fire season. Our daytime high is to reach 6*C (42.8*F).

RS - I'm with you. I absolutely hate going to IKEA and will find any reason to get out of going there, even on a weekday.
Robinsnest - yup, work always gets in the way of fun, eh!?!?
Katmouse -I'm surprised you have snow. Does your area typically receive the white stuff?
rknudson - Fingers crossed for you. Hope you get the winning bid.

We had a nice weekend with friends and activities. I went to a crossfit class on Friday then after work went to beach volleyball drop in. Saturday my sister and niece were up in the city for a meeting so they came by for a coffee and for us to say goodbye to my niece. She will be leaving for France for 3 months on an exchange. The girl she exchanged with was here from September to November now its her turn to host my niece. After they left we started preparing dinner for 2 friends that came over. The dinner ended up being a cherry themed dinner and because it was 10*C (50*F) on Saturday we barbequed. So we started out with a grilled zucchini salad with roasted pine nuts and a bing cherry vinaigrette served with some baked brie and sour cherry glaze. For the main portion of the meal I barbequed steaks and Mike made a tangy cherry sauce for the steaks and some vegetables. Then for dessert, we served homemade cherry ice cream we made after I got home from Volleyball the night before with a nice cherry liquor that we happen to come across, Oh ya, and I'm on a sour cherry beer phase right now so I picked up a bunch of bottles of that to serve. Afterwards, somehow the hats and the wigs came out and we karaoked the night away. Was such a good time. On Sunday we slept in then I went to rehearsal.

This is a link to an article about an area on Minnesota I'd never heard of and what's interesting about this part, is it's location. If you have the time some of you may find it interesting. There are parts of each of our respective countries that I find odd that certain areas are not a part of each other's countries. Like Alaska.....it's odd that it is a U.S. state or parts of southern Ontario, which feel like they should be a part of the U.S. anyways, here's the link.


Hpe everyone has a nice day.
Snow is gone.

Muzzaman, my area used to get more snow when I was growing up. It's been
a few years since we had a big snowfall here. Thanks for the link. An interesting

rk, good luck on getting the house.

robin, have a good Monday.
What an interesting article, learn something new all the time. Have a friend who lives in International Falls, thought he lived as far north as one could go in MN. Wrong. LOL
Being that rain got rid of all our snow around Christmas, what fell New years was all we have had since, and a lot of that melted or softened or whatever and is ice. There was some kind of snowcross race on Sat or Sunday, and they hauled snow in from elsewhere. (parking lots, etc. have big mounds in their corners from when plowed, plus farmers fields I g uess.
Saw pics from Kansas City, Kansas, & Kansas City MO posted and I agree......WOW! to their snow.
Morning Everyone,
Had another busy exhausting weekend, topped with a case of upset having an upset stomach on Saturday, but that was my own fault for eating fried fish and french fries for dinner Friday night. I don't normally splurge on all that deep fried food, but I gave into temptation and paid for it Saturday. Gena decided to help out by making dinner Saturday, but what she made ended up being a lot more work for me than the pork roast and potatoes I had planned. She made Mexican Lasagna, which was amazing, with sauteed veggies (zucchini, summer squash, and carrots), and strawberry shortcake for dessert. She's quite the little chef, but still needs lots of guidance and assistance. Next weekend she's planning an easy meal of cheeseburgers. I made the roast last night instead.

Muzz - I wish I had snow to send to you, everything is just brown and frozen here.
RK - praying your family gets the house.
RS - good luck with the drywall dust, that stuff will hang around a long time.
Kat - hopefully the snow was enough to take care of some of the bugs you were hoping would go away.
Robin - I saw that video earlier, she's incredible.
Poirot - hope you energy perks up today.

Have a wonderful day!
Manada, I think that is awesome that Gena is so into cooking and learning this skill at such a young age. So many kids when they home after high school and on their own, eat so poorly that she is gaining this skill so early. Groups like girl guides, Brownies, Boy Scouts and 4-H are such great groups for kids to join that develops such great skills to prepare them for the real world. I have 2 nephews and a niece that are involved in 4-H and the level of responsibility and maturity that they have after being in these groups really shows in so many areas of their lives. Good for her.
I read the article that Muzza posted the link for. WOW, those folks really are "in the middle of nowhere" caught between the laws of both countries. Other than going through Canada to go anywhere, their little town seemed a lot like some in Alaska that were on shows I watched on Netflix.
There are also some neat places on the Quebec / Vermont border. One house sits on top of the border, and an opera house in another town does the same thing.

rk - sending up prayers that you win the bid for your old family home.

robinsnest - I love watching gymnastics.

Muzza - I love IKEA, but usually only get to go once a year. You and Mike have the best dinner parties with friends!

Amanda - Gena will become a master in the kitchen with your mentoring. She has already accomplished a lot for her age.
Good morning. Muzz, I have to chuckle as I read what you've been doing. You must have a flawless equilibrium. I would be dizzy in the midst of all that activity. It's great that you have so much fun, and I enjoy hearing about it.

Rk, I sure hope you get the house. I know how important it is to you, since I am living in the house I grew up in. Thinking about you and hoping for the best.

Squirrel, you and Robin aren't far behind Muzz, if at all, when it comes to being busy. I hope that drywall dust doesn't make you sick. It is impossible to keep out, no matter what measures anyone takes. I think I might even want to go out and sit in the snow, to get away from the dust but it's there and it won't go away so tackling it head on is best.

Robin, 80% seems like almost a sure thing for rain, but I know we can't always count on that around here and I imagine it's even more true where you are. It could mean a downpour or it might mean a bit of mist or a few sprinkles or nothing at all.

Kat, I hope it isn't too wet for you to hang out some things. I know you like to do that when you wash. But it doesn't sound too hopeful unless it warms up some for you. It was 32* here when I got up. Has made it to 33* but the sun is trying to come out. I think it will get into the 40s*.

Poirot, dragging from insufficient sleep, ugh. You probably won't get in a nap either. I don't know if I've ever heard you say you took a nap.

Manda, I hope you are over the tummy attack and feeling okay today. It's pretty remarkable that Gena is already doing so much cooking, even if she does still need help. I'm guessing in a couple of years she'll be sailing solo, and what a big help that will be! I have a granddaughter who is that interested in cooking. She just turned 5. She sits and watches all the cooking shows on tv and does as much as she can in the kitchen.

I have some things pending today. Waiting on others to show up or call, before I can get started with much. Otherwise, I'm wavering between cleaning floors and starting on my taxes. I don't know which of the two is more distasteful to me.
That is interesting RS. I'm going to have google some of these places and read their history and how they ended up where they live.

I used to go down to Montana to help a guy with his branding in the spring and his fence line was the Canada/U.S. border. He was an older guy and has since passed away but he was good friends with a lot of first nations people on both sides of the border and would often let them cross through his property to visit family and friends. Some of the stories he told I cannot recall but I recall him saying that he'd get visit from U.S. Border Patrol every now and then. This was back in the 60's, 70's and likely the 80's so there wouldn't have been the technology then like there is now for crossing borders at unauthorized checkpoints.
About that gymnast.....I read that she had been injured at some point, so was off a team for a couple years...........took the time to heal up, and it sure has paid off. She is fantastic!, loved her groovin to the music inbetween her exercises. :)
OC - I'd go with cleaning the floors, the taxes can wait and are more of a headache. I'm feeling much better thanks, just had to get all that deliciously greasy food out of my system. I was better already yesterday.

Muzz - I watch a lot of the cooking shows too, so Gena has learned a lot because of it. It's funny as she'll refer to the chefs by first name, I'll know who she means but my husband gets very confused when she starts talking about "Gordon (Ramsey), Guy (Fieri), Alton (Brown), Bobby (Flay), and Ann (Burrell)". Gordon is by far her favorite. :rotfl:
OC, too cold to hang outside today. Washer did well. I put the jeans in again for an
extra spin to get
them dryer. I usually don't wash two pairs at one time. I won't do
that again. It's interesting to watch the washer work since it has a glass lid.

manda, I'm glad you're feeling better. It's good you have Gena help with the cooking.
Afternoon y'all!

My daughter had a great party and sleepover on Saturday. I think they were up until 1 am! My husband left for a business trip to Florida today. He wasn't thrilled to be heading to the heat. LOL. Always busier for me when he's out of town with the kiddos. I better get used to it again because he'll be traveling 2 on and 2 off the next few months.

Red - I actually like to go to Ikea but I typically only run in there 1x a year.
Poirot - Hope your sleep is better tonight!
Kat - Laundry never ends!
RK - Good luck!
Muzz - always busy!

Have a great Monday everyone!