1/17/22 - Donuts and Martin Luther King Day

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. A crisp 22* here this morning. Will get into the 40s*. Sunshine and no wind. I will enjoy it because it's the best weather of the coming week. Wind tomorrow, then going downhill. I hope my cube cart is repaired by this afternoon. I worked on taxes a little bit over the weekend.

A good day to all.
It's sunny and cold this morning. It's going to be in the 40s this afternoon.
I'm going to walk late this morning.

This morning, I picked up my office and found things I can get rid of. I still
have things to sort to either file or shred.

OC, I hope you get cube cart back today.

Wishing everyone a peaceful day.
21* officially here, tho my thermometer says 24!. Anyway, it was 22 during the night, gonna be around 27-28 they say. Sun is out, and tis perfect for the few errands I have to do, however, since it is a holiday, no such luck as closures, no mail, bank shut, etc. LOL. One load of laundry in, gonna try for two, but only about 3 hrs. sleep during night, so I know I will be draggin all day. I even turned on TV at 3 a.m., lay down on couch, hoping I might nod off. No such luck. Got rid of a bit of clutter, but really have to get going better on the VA report (my son) & taxes, which seem complicated this year. I did close our joint account, late last fall, & pay just from an account in my name only, & there are medical bills, no idea what for as ins. should have taken care of them. Sigghhh.
Good morning... I'm heading to PT in a bit..... I just hope Mr. Covid doesn't do anything stupid while I'm gone..... I'm leaving the BEAST to watch over him but you know.....sometimes those two have adventures.......get home from PT and then have to put him in the car and drive to a testing site as he needs to test negative before his doctor will see him....... which isn't CDC guidelines but hey the rules change daily it seems.....
I just realized I have a desk..... it's covered with papers everywhere..... so after driving Mr. Covid around I've got to figure out how many layers to shred or save and PUT AWAY till I see the top again..... sheesh......
Robin, you have a talent for making even the most trying circumstances sound funny. I'm hoping with you for the negative test.

Kat, your weather sounds about like mine. I wish I could (or would) find more things to get rid of.

Poirot, hard to believe your temperature was the same as mine this morning. I've been meaning to mention, my friend was telling me that her daughter, who has various health issues, was told by her nurse to try CALM to help her relax and sleep. It is a magnesium supplement. I haven't tried it because I already started taking magnesium recently. Just a thought......

We're not too hopeful about the cart getting done anytime soon. If it's not ready by noon, we may go and take it somewhere else. These repair places are booked out like everybody else and so many workers are out sick throughout the communities. Feeling some urgency to get back on track with feeding before the weather turns bad. I also need to go get a prescription at another town. Not sure how everything's going to fit. In the meantime, I've been e-mailing back and forth with my CPA for a few days. Somehow the information I was sending her was getting blocked as spam!