1-21-16 - Donuts and a Haircut

Good Morning,

OC - I hope everything goes smoothly with your errands and that you come home to a disaster free home.

Our whole department was treated to breakfast on the company this morning due to ending 2015 on such a good note. We got scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, fresh fruit and coffee or juice. Such a nice treat and a fantastic start to the day. :)

I'm getting out of work early today so I can run a few errands and have dinner ready early in order for Gena and I to get to our Girl Scout Cookie Rally this evening. I'll be free to sell cookies as of 12:01 AM tomorrow, not that I'll be up to sell cookies then.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Good morning everyone,

Was a sunny upper 30sF yesterday, a nice change from the frigid weather the day before (and windy at that), but today back in the lower 30sF. Been spending my free time at the gym or sleeping. My first 2 days of school were good--everyone's friendly so far. Today I have a meeting with disability services after my class, and then work later this afternoon, and then I'll probably head to the gym right after. I haven't gone to boot camp the past 2 weeks---just too tired.

Stay warm all.
Morning all. Office still invaded by upper management. All leaving today by noon. Fingers crossed they actually make it out by then. Tons of leftovers from the "Open the Office Party" so lunch is taken care of
Hope everything turns out okay OC with the haircut.

Stay safe and warm. Happy Thursday.
OC - I hope everything goes well while you are away! Try not to stress while you are gone!!

Manda - Nice breakfast - sometimes companies really do appreciate their employees - nice! Good luck getting to the kick off meeting this evening.

Days - Sounds like your busy! I'm glad school went great the first couple of days!

Wow - the news here is really covering the storm getting ready to hit the east. 2 feet of snow predicted and more in other areas. I promise not to complain about the rain - we've just decided to start building an Ark! Good luck with all of you who are in this winter storm's path!

Good morning ladies! It's a sunny warm day today -- perfect for Robinsnest. As I am inside all day, at least it is dark when I leave for the day. I love looking at the stars & moon in the inky sky.

OC: safe travels and I hope you love your haircut. It's an adventure each time isn't it? Praying your hubby remains comfortable & safe in his chair while you are away.

MANDIE: congrats! on being rewarded with a celebratory breakfast at work as an 'atta girl'! I am certain you will be ready to sell the cookies on time. It's not eating them that is the hard part. [wink]

DAYS: is that a record for you -- two weeks without boot camp? You are the most proactive healthy exercising person that I have ever met. Glad school is working out so well for you too. Snow coming your way today per the forecast - enjoyl

ROBIN: sounds like a perfect Thursday when the bosses leave town and the refrigerator is stocked with catered cuisine! Enjoy.

SHAN: hope your Ark is a sturdy one. It is better than freezing rain - sleet -- but sure hope it stops soon.

Take care everyone. Enjoy the downward slide to the weekend.
a Quick HI to everyone......I have to run to town, dr. appt., and a ton of errands. I will probably try to watch Days on POP tonight as I won't get to see the show. Too much to do, and the beauty shop closed today, so cannot even get the haircut. Jealous of OC. LOL......enjoy the day, folks
Hi everyone!

Good luck with your errands, haircut, and coming home to a disaster free house, OC.

Manda, good luck with cookie sales.

I hope you get some peace and quiet in your office soon robin.

Hopefully you won't need that ark Shan.

Glad you are enjoying your new school Days.

Have a good day at work Noel.

Good luck with all your errands too Poirot.

So snow is possibly coming, which means

Have a wonderful day everyone!
A dreary today with clouds. It's in the 30s, but it's damp.

I asked the bread man in a store once if they started the story to buy
bread when it's supposed to snow. He didn't think it was funny.

OC, I hope everyone was ok when you got back home today. Does your niece live
close by now? Maybe she can stop in once in awhile when you're out and
about alone.

manda, I'm glad cookie sales are going well for you. I never get cookies anymore since
they no longer go door to door to sell them.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Good afternoon everyone. I'm sorry that I never made it back in yesterday or last night. I did some cleaning then fell asleep.

Sneaking in now because I'm caught up with my work. It is a good thing because I just want to nap. Three of us went across the street to Applebee's for lunch to use the gift cards our Vice President gave us for Christmas. I had the lunch combo spinach salad with grilled shrimp and the mac & cheese. The mac & cheese (with bacon and honey chicken) is going home for my dinner.

My friend who had the strokes is doing better with that. She has also been seen for the first time by an endocrinologist for her diabetes. n the course of that it was discovered that her kidney function is very poor. She wants to go home, but I keep telling her that she needs to let the specialists check out everything first. Her doctor is an old timer who thought he could treat everything himself. He definitely wasn't doing her a favor with her diabetes. For the first time ever, her blood glucose levels are under control with the new to her medications.

I just read in the rest of yesterday's Donut's about alcohol at work. The Christmas party here is about drinking for a lot of people. It was in police reports that one guy was picked up for DUI on the way home.

Everyone stay safe in the path of the mega snow storm. It is to pass south of me, but people are still out hoarding bread and milk here.

Good luck, OC. I hope your husband doesn't do anything to hurt himself while you're gone.

Shoot! Getting called to go in for an unscheduled meeting. I have no idea what it is about.
Thanks, everyone. The husband was okay and in his chair when I got home but he was pretty upset because he thought I would be back a lot sooner than I was (he always thinks that, regardless of how long I'm gone). He was worried I'd gotten in an accident and he'd been trying to call me and even tried to call our son.

Shan, unfortunately, I was stressed while I was gone.

Kat, my niece isn't here to stay yet but is getting close. She was going to start bringing some of her cats today. But I did check with her to let her know when I left and again, after I got back, so someone would know my husband was here alone, if anything should happen to me. Otherwise, there's no telling when anyone would know to see about him.

Poirot, I wish you could get a haircut. It helps lift the spirits, to get trimmed up.

Manda, the cookies sound so good!

Squirrel, I'm glad your friend is getting the help she needs with the diabetes. I was seeing squirrel things on Facebook and thought of you.
Hi all........squirrelly, what an absolutely fun SURPRISE that was. Glad you got to go.

OC...am glad all was well when you got home. I have a very good friend here, who goes thru all the same things you are with HER husband. He is able to use a walker, but very, very slow, and when he falls, and he does so, she has to call the paramedics as well. But what I was getting around to, was, if she goes anywhere, even for an hour, he is "what took you so long, why weren't you back sooner" etc. So, you are not alone there. She was a member of my Red hat group (which no longer exists) but could never go to dinner, not even to lunch with the group, or if she did, she left after an hour.

Been snowing on and off all day, lightly, but it all adds up. Got most of my errands done, but when I went for my prescription, wasn't ready, said 1/2 hour. Well, I went off to do other errands, and it was getting too late, so I did not go back. Not a happy camper about that. I had already missed lunch. Ended up getting something from Subway on the way home, and I just could not wait until normal dinner time, which would be in a few minutes, but I had mine an hour ago. LOL

I know so many east of the Mississippi to the Atlantic coast are expecting to get pummeled with the huge storm. Stay safe, one and all. INSIDE!!! Stay off the roads. :)