1-22-2019 - Donuts & Tuesday


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
Yesterday was so lovely in the northern pine & birch tree forests, that I was dragging myself out of bed this morning. The snow was lovely, it was cold, the breeze sent the pine aroma all around us, and the picnic I packed was perfect in the snowy cold. We lit a bonfire to keep warm and enjoyed cheese crunch sandwiches, hot cocoa and a brownies.

These sweet babies have mellowed my mood and I am glad to be taking care of these vulnerable little ones. Still, I keep whispering "Let It Snow" as I care for them!

Hoping each of you have a Tuesday that feels less like a Monday than mine did today. At least this week is a shorter one!
Good morning everyone. It was -2*F when I left for work at 6:45 this morning. At least there has been no more snow. Unfortunately, it is to reach +32*F, and we're to have freezing rain this afternoon and tonight. That will make for treacherous conditions again.

I started to catch up with Donuts this morning, and saw that Lil0 had been in the hospital this weekend due to a TIA. Prayers are going up for you, Lois, that this was the only one, and that you remain in good health.

I'm in the after aura of the migraine, and I'd rather be home in bed. As OC asked yesterday..yes I think the migraine was triggered by the bright sunlight reflected on the snow plus stress about the plowing.

I must get moving to pack for a school across the state line in Ohio. (It is part of our United Way service area.) I get a little reprieve because the school district is on a 2 hour delay due to the cold so the preschool is delayed also.
Thank you, rs. I hope it is the only one also! That was scary. This morning I am already doing research regarding what all I can do to prevent another one!!
Yes, I too wondered if the sunlight on the white snow triggered that migraine. Those flashes of light can catch you off guard, and some seem hard to avoid.

Wishing all a very good and safe day.
A cloudy morning and in the 40s. All the wind we had yesterday brought in
warmer temperatures. It's suppose to rain most of the afternoon. I'm not
worried, the ditch is still flowing. Hopefully, it will be after the rain. It's
going to be cold at night the rest of the week.

Goldie and I went around three times today since it was nice. The first time around
we got a surprise. Behind one of the houses there were four deer. The house
is in front a field, but the deer were in the backyard. The deer and I had
a staring
contest for awhile. There was a mother and her baby.

Today I'm doing something new. There's a Newcomer group in area and
anyone can
join if you pay dues. One activity is canasta. The group meets once a month. I've
never played the game before. I hope it's easy to learn. The group plays at a
restaurant. I'll be gone most of the afternoon.

rs, please take care going to the school today.

Noel, I'm glad you had a day off yesterday. Where did you see snow?

I hope everyone has a good day and evening.
Good morning all.

This is just a general good-morning to all my friends here on the site. No excuses. I feel bad that I don't have enough time any more, but between work blocking the site, relocating to Florida (where Winter kicks in at 55 degrees), becoming an un-expectant home owner of a place that can always use TLC and a million honeydo's, etcetera, etcetera, yada yada yada, I've simply not had the time available that I once did to indulge in the guilty pleasure that is both Days, and this site.

I hope everyone is doing well, and I know that Poirot and the crew here are doing bangup jobs at it. I guess I just wanted to steal a half a minute to say Hi, so... Hi..

Hi Wayne, thanks for dropping in and keeping the site going. Are you enjoying
Florida? When I was in Florida, I had to dress warm inside, because everywhere
was cold because of the A/C.

Lil0, have a good day.
Good morning, tis snowing here......well, off and on. It began last night, just a dusting, then middle of night, a bit more, then a while ago was snowing like mad, has stopped....who knows now. We were not to get much. After such a frigid a.m. yesterday, house still felt warm when I got up. Yep, yesterday it was 67, today it was 72! And outside, 17*. Thus the snow, lolol. And then we go back down to the deep freeze to the end of the month. Weird weather.
Lil0, my goodness, that had to be so scary for you. Do you have a hospital there where you live? Or did you have to travel, or ambulance? I kept thinking about you every time I woke up during the the night. Am glad you are home and feeling better.
@katmouse -

Lisa and I absolutely adore Florida so far. We're 20 minutes from about 7 beaches and it's really odd to walk on the beach in late January in basically a windbreaker. I'm sure come July I'll never venture outside the house as it'll be like a bazillion degrees, but for now, I'll take it.

As for "keeping the site going", that's ALL, 100% Poirot and JS I'm afraid. I'm completely ashamed that I've been so distracted with life ever since we moved (and arguably since I got married)...
Morning Everyone,
I have a vacation day today as Gena has her appointment to have a tooth pulled to make room for the permanent tooth that's coming in. We spent our day off yesterday making Birthday Bags for seniors at a local nursing home with our Girl Scout Troop. Then the girls played a couple games of bowling. We're supposed to get a big snowstorm later today.

Lil0 - I hope you are feeling better.
Poirot - I hope you don't get too much snow.
RS - I'm glad God sent that young man to help you with the snow. I hope you feel better soon.
Wayne - good to hear from you.
Noel- your trip sounds wonderful.

Sorry for not responding to you all bit my phone is being glitchy. I'll try to pop on later from my computer.
Ah, yes, Wayne got married, is living in wedded bliss, moved to FL., shows off being on the beach while we all shiver and shovel, but as he noted....just wait. LOL. Where I live, come April, May, Florida, Texas & AZ especially begin losing citizens who flee the heat to stay in the northland til Oct/Nov. LOL. I had a hunch you did not have time any more to even watch Days, Wayne, just glad you are available for behind the scenes wizardry. Lots of work places have sites blocked, so you are not alone there. Just glad you popped in today. So, you now are a homeowner. Well, you have had experience "fixing" so good luck, my friend.
Lil0 that sounded so scary.... I don't know how I missed the original post went back and reread the weekend.... EEK..... please take care of yourself..... I can't imagine how scary that must have been.....

Wayne... moving... an "eh okay" excuse... being a 'newlywed' is a much better... excuse......adding new "home owner" to the list as reasons you are too busy is another okay.... but putting them together.... perfectly understandable... thanks for popping in .....and updating us on how you are doing.....

Off to another fun filled work day.... this week is going to be manic..... with registrations starting for next year..... and they (district powers that be) still haven't figured out how to enter the students into the district software...... the parents were to do it but it was deemed too hard for them to enter their own information into the system?????....so now a district employee is going to do it (me) meanwhile I have 10 little darlings from just Friday that need to be added in addition to the collections and other normal duties.....without interruption it takes 10 minutes per kid......

Happy Tuesday pretending to be a Monday......
Do you have a hospital there where you live? Or did you have to travel, or ambulance?
The hospital is about 20 miles north of where I live. Here is my "miracle" story. Falcon and I were in the car just returning from our walk at a local park. We got to within about a quarter of a mile from home and I saw my daughter walking down the road. I stopped the car to just chat with her a bit. THAT is when the TIA hit!! I told her "something is wrong with my brain". She drove me home. I called the consulting nurse who told me to get to ER immediately. My daughter drove me there. What luck that she happened to be with me for that whole thing!!!!!!
Lil0, that was a miracle when you had your TIA. It's good your daughter was out walking
when you needed help.

manda, I hope you won't get a too much snow. Thank you and to the girls for helping others.

robin, I hope your have a nice evening after your busy day.
LOL, Wayne, that is what we say come fall. Ha.
Lil0, oh, my gosh, your angel was watching out for you, definitely. That was so lucky, to run into your daughter. I can just imagine how SHE felt, being at the right place, right time. God Bless.

@Wayne...However, I have to say, even after all these years, winters are too tough up here, don't blame anyone for wanting warm. However, my friend, a hoodie when it is 60? No excuse unless the wind is blowing. LOLOLOL
Noel - I'm so glad you got to have a winter get away. I loved reading about your picnic in the snow!

RS - you truly had an angel from God appear for you. When things like that happens I just smile for days and shake my head. Be careful going home tonight!

Lilo - Another angel for you also - what were the odds of you daughter being there! I got goose bumps reading that.

Kat - I love to stand and watch deer when that happens - peaceful and amazing. Your newcomer get together sounds fun. I hope you meet new friends and love Canasta - I have never played?

Wayne - How nice to live in Florida! I love to visit there and have been in June when the humidity is at it's best but it doesn't really last that long. What I loved the most is the down pours of rain - I had never seen it rain like that in my life. It was like buckets literally coming down.

Manda - enjoy your day off. I hope the storm passes you by!

Robin - it doesn't sound like your week at work is going to be real fun! Good luck. Did you get your yard work done yesterday that you were going to work at?

Since we had food poisoning last week we are both trying hard to get our strength back. The older one gets the harder we bounced back. I tried to do my laps I walk at lunch yesterday and it took a little longer and I could have napped after - but didn't. I napped when I got home from work and then did 2 miles with Leslie and was exhausted. This morning I'm sore?

Our weather has still been so mild - we all keep saying it's going to surprise us and just dump a huge amount of snow.

Have a great day
Good morning. I don't know how I stay as busy as I do, mostly just taking care of things that keep coming up. I've been trying to get here and post all morning. Had to do some things outside, then got a phone call. Need to get some papers together to mail to my son. Etc.

Wayne, it's great hearing your updates!

Lil0, thanks for sharing the miracle details. God is good.

Kat, what fun for you and Goldie, to see the deer.

Rk, I hope your dad will enjoy the move to town. Sometimes it's hard for older people to give up what they've always done.

Manda, I hope the tooth pulling goes smoothly. I had that same problem when I was a kid.

I have to get to the mailbox. Thinking of all of you. Seems like a busy day for everyone, with weather, jobs, and other things happening.
Our mail person just got here around noon, usually it is around 10 a.m. Still snowing off and on, lightly. Guess they have plowed the major roads, but not in our little subdivision here. Tho, would you believe, someone shoveled out small sidewalk by the front door. LOL
I have some errands, but think I will wait a bit before I venture out. Gotta hear a local weather forecast, see what is coming. More cold......snow.....rain......warm up.......