1/24/2024 - Donuts and Steady Rain

Wilde Woman

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Queens, NY
Right now it is 43 degrees and pouring. Supposed to rain all week. But at least temps are more tolerable. No traces of snow.

Aches and pains worse when it rains, uncomfortable no matter how I sit. "Arthur Itis" is an unwelcome visitor. :sad:

Morning flew by since very busy at work, a good thing.

Wishing everyone a great Wednesday!

Sounds like Wed is a bad day for everyone so far.

I slept on my neck wrong and it's been hurting all morning. I got my walk in and skipped my Bible class.
I've been putting heat on neck, but I still have pain if I turn it the wrong way. I'll be getting a new pillow
on Saturday since I need a firm one for my neck. I didn't realize pillow got too flat for me to use.

It's was foggy this morning. It's cloudy and in the 50s. Tomorrow more rain.

Wilde Woman, I hope your arthritis won't be too bad with all the rain coming.

robin, good luck with your first day at the skating rink.

I hope everyone has a better afternoon.
Robin, I'm looking forward to reports on your day at the skating rink. Sounds interesting. Me and Maxine have a lot in common! :)

Kat, I hope you can find the perfect pillow for your neck. I've been experimenting some with pillows myself.

Wilde Woman, it's hard for me to figure how rain can be a positive for people living in a big city. I guess it has to be there too, in order for it to fall on the farmlands of the surrounding areas. I know it's necessary to sustain life in populations large and small. Seems like human (and sometimes animal) bodies often suffer from it with arthritis, migraines, allergies, etc. I hope you can get some relief. There's been some crippling arthritis in my family so I know how painful it can be. Cute picture of the little Dutch? boy. When I was a kid I so badly wanted some shoes like I'd seen in pictures of children from Holland.

No rain here but still cloudy and wet, in the 40s*. We won't get sunshine until the weekend. Next week looks real good though. Not much else going on here.

Robin, I thought of you and Vinnie this morning when my niece was telling me about her dog. She's basically an outdoor dog and loves hanging out with a couple of the barn cats outside. But she comes inside and stays when the weather is too hot or too cold or stormy. Lately, with all the cold weather, she's been driving my niece crazy. Every five minutes she goes to the door and wants out but as soon as she sticks her nose out and realizes it's too cold, she stays in. Five minutes later, repeat. Etc.

Sexton, this morning I heard of heavy rains down your way. Be safe!
Not much rain in my area from 8 to 12 noon..... rain is starting to pick back up... the majority has been closer to Houston and north....
I am 55 miles SW of Houston.
2 inches from the rain last night.... they say more rain is supposed to come through.
Today is Vinnie's 4th Birthday!!!!
I was so busy that I was amazed when my replacement showed up to relieve me. I worked the sign in desk. Skater Coaches show up to let us know there team is here, the two paid employees do the computer work while I do the "go fer" work, grab the bags with the information and put them near by the official employees. Then when that wasn't busy I was selling programs and pins. Tomorrow, I'll wear my volunteer tee shirt..... I just hope it will be warm enough...... I didn't get to see the kids actually skate today day 1 of the event. I will try to watch some tomorrow.

Happy Wednesday night....
Good evening everyone. How did I miss posting in Donuts when I was on the Spectator most of the afternoon?!?!

We had dense fog and heavy rain most of the day. The rain is still here, and the fog is supposed to return overnight. I had to go to the school in my southern county that was canceled last week because of the ice and wind chill. They have to be done by the end of the month due to restrictions from their funding source so there was no canceling again.

robinsnest, volunteering at the skating venue sounds interesting and a lot of fun.
Robin, the skating place sounds like a fun place for you to work. Hope you get to watch tomorrow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SWEET VINNIE!

Squirrel, I don't think you ever get just a little bit of rain. I hope it stops soon.

Muzz, it sounds really crazy to me, when Canada is warmer than Texas! I don't know which part of Texas but in my area we're supposed to reach upper 60s*, possibly into the low 70s*, next week so watch out! Oh and I'm sort of in the northern part of Texas. It will probably be even warmer down toward the coast.
Happy Belated Birthday To Vinnie!

OC: To your point, Where I live, we do have grass and trees throughout the complex, and they certainly need the rain, but I ask how much is TOO much? Certain areas are prone to flooding, like basement apartments and my building's basement laundry room which is built on a downward slope and the elevator often needs to be deactivated during heavy rain. The significant weather change, from bitter cold and snow/wintry mix to higher-than-normal temps and rain is definitely concerning.
Up here, no sun, but woke up at 6 a.m. to 34°. So snow is melting some, slowly, but when temp drops middle of night.....that is then ice.......and worrisome. A car can suddenly be sliding all over the place.
OC: The rain would actually flood the basement, where the elevator lands. During a recent hurricane (don't remember which one, it was not Sandy, but a later one), the boiler was completely destroyed, and we had to have a temporary one installed outside until it could be repaired/replaced. Many homes in Queens are near water and were left in ruins by Hurricane Irene in 2011, Superstorm Sandy in 2012, and many more storms. NY is not prepared for these storms. The subways flood, too.
WW, it's remarkable how many things we don't know or think about that happen in other parts of the country. Oh we hear the headlines when disasters hit, but don't really know the effects that play out in personal lives in the aftermath.