1-25-2016 - Donuts and the Big Cleanup


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Annapolis, MD
Good morning to all. It's bright, sunny, and there's no wind. The radio is broadcasting news of train delays and backlogs at the NYC airports. Piles of snow are everywhere, the roads are not entirely clear, and in the driveway there's one car (mine) that needs to be dug out. The weather reporters have returned to their usual duties, and are not predicting new storm (which I think they'd really love to do). Speaking of our intrepid weather reporters, the champ of the last few days was the guy who stood in the howling wind, reporting from a beach on the Jersey Shore, which was rapidly being eaten by the surf.
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Good morning..........Another grey & gloomy day here, and while those affected by Jonas are happily enjoying sunshine, we have a snow with possible freezing rain, in fact, now changed to winter advisory, what that means in weathermen's winter lingo. LOL. Yeah, a storm..
Looks like lots of digging out yet out east.......Dr. Baker, good luck. Wayne posted that in D.C. all Federal offices closed today!!!! Hope the sun & warmer weather helps melt it all, however, I would make sure to wear boots. :)
Thanks for starting Donuts, DrBakerfan. Are you staying home today?

I woke up this morning and it was in the 50s. It's partly cloudy and temps
will drop all day down to the 30s tonight. I missed out on the moon rise again
last night because of the clouds.

I hope everyone will have the best day they possibly can.

Link to winter storm Jonas pictures.

Good morning. Thanks for starting the thread, DrBakerFan. I've been watching a lot of the reporting on the storm. That rushing water with big ice chunks is pretty horrifying. As to the storm overall, I don't know what you locals are thinking, but my impression from afar is that the cities impacted were about as well prepared as possible for the event. I hope you can get your car out soon.

Poirot, when I just now looked at the weather forecast, I was sure you would be getting hit. Is your heater fixed yet?

We have sunshine and will get to 60* today. Yesterday was 70*. It brought wasps and honeybees to life, so I'm satisfied with 60* for now. I have a feeling the pest invasion is going to be bad this spring. I have some annoying things that I've been putting off so really need to attend to them today. A tire on the cube cart has had a slow leak, no big problem, but yesterday I found it completely flat. I need to air it up and see if it will hold for me to take it to the local farm store/gas station for repair.

Last night I had gotten to that wonderful but elusive stage of falling asleep watching tv. If I can get up and go straight to bed when that happens, sometimes I can get right to sleep in bed. So I was about to get up and go, when the husband, in his recliner where he lives, suddenly let out a yelp. He keeps a big "glass" (plastic cup with lid) of green tea at his reach all the time, so he had somehow gotten the lid off and dumped the whole thing in his lap and all over the chair and floor! Needless to say, that disrupted my sleepy mood. Then before 6:00 this morning I was awakened by his calls for help. I found him fully reclined but saying his recliner was broken again. He said it made a loud "crack" noise twice so he was afraid to try to do anything with it. His covers were out of his reach and he was cold. I pushed the button and it worked okay, seems to be okay, but I don't doubt what he said because that was the same thing that happened some months ago. I'm uneasy about the chair but getting it in for repair is so complicated, we'll continue to use it so long as it works.
Good morning everyone. I'm sitting at my desk while waiting for the work center supervisor to let me know when I can start a training for her sighted employees. Now I wish I hadn't stayed late a few nights last week to finish up some reports that aren't due until tomorrow.

We're having a beautiful sunny morning here after clouds and fine snow last night and early this morning. It is supposed to be near 40*F today (is this really January?) so I may sneak out to the craft store across the street at lunch time. I have a $20.00 gift certificate, and the silk garlands I want are half price this week. I need to replace the ivy ones that I took down from the ledge above the vertical blinds in my living room.

Kat - the orange colored full moon looked spooky early this morning when seen through the clouds and fine snow

Yikes.......snow, ice, freezing rain, wind, wasps, and honeybees! Stay safe out there folks. OC, I don't even want to think about your rattlesnakes becoming active again.
Morning All,

Sad weekend for my family, my mother-in-law had taken a turn for the worse and the family was told to make arrangements for hospice care. Her heart, lungs, and kidneys are all failing. One doctor gave her 6 months (the kidney specialist), however the heart specialist said a week or two at most. My sweet Gena is praying that Grandma can live until her birthday in 3 weeks and draws her a new picture every day to cheer up her room as she's not allowed to have flowers. My husband is just devastated. I'm trying to be strong for them both, but it's very hard.

I'm glad all of you affected by the storms are okay, we're at an 80% chance of snow for today, which just about guarantees we'll get snow.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. I'm relieved to be back to the routine of work.
Morning all. This morning my partner thought he'd try something I've mentioned several times, but as he heard from someone else, of course it's a go. Oh well. A group of folks meet at the botanical garden and bird watch. It's free and they have loaner binoculars. I hope he has a great time.

The hound and I are at the office waiting for the water cooler guy to come fix the cooler and work. I'll try to test out the alarm system before I go. Too many people last week in and out of the office to make that successful so today's attempt should be okay.

Waiting to hear how my brother's phone call with my dad went. Since my dad refuses to wear his hearing aids, I'm sure it was an interesting conversation.

It is Monday, the last Monday of January if you are doing the "put a dollar each new week starting on Monday". Today's jar feed is $4.00 and your total is $10.00. I'm generally able to keep this up till June. Then a car or house needs something and the kitty goes away and my interest to refill never returns.

Happy Monday.
OC, I'm sorry to hear that you are having more chair trouble. I have worked on a few of them (replacing motors/gearboxes, and hand controls), and they are usually pretty reliable. It sounds like that broken footrest may be coming back to haunt you. :( I understand how hard it is for you to get it repaired; how much warranty time remains? It would be nice if you could pick up a used chair to have around as a spare. I've seen them at yard sales, etc., at very reasonable prices, but I suppose that you don't have a lot of such sales near you. :( All the best to you and yours!

Manda, sorry to hear about Gena's grandmother. When I read about her pictures and birthday, some dust blew into my eyes. It was a reminder of why the Lord especially loves little children!
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Good Monday my friends.

Happy you all survived Jonas and are soldiering on the remnants. I feel bad that our weather is so.........summery. It will be 73-75F today, full sun with no clouds. That makes 99.9% of the residents happy. You can guess the name of the other percentage point. :(

Dr Baker: a friend of mine in Philly was scheduled for work at QVC yesterday. Her street had not been plowed so she walked 3 miles to a pay phone and then called a car service. As a new employee I think she impressed the supervisor. But what a mess. Hope your area is plowed soon!!

POIROT: your area seems prone to stormy weather. Sure hope your heater is working at A+ now. Guess you'll be treated to more live weather reports from idiots standing on black ice and counting snowflakes. :rolleyes: Thanks for the update about Wayne.

KAT: sorry you missed the moon glow last night. It was a different color than the night before, but beautiful. And thanks for posting storm Jonas pictures.

OC: Glad you will be having nice Spring-like weather today for your outdoor chores. So sorry about hubby's struggle. Growing old is not for sissies -- it takes a courageous heart. Is your niece nearby to help you now daily?

SQUIRREL: enjoy your craft/garland shopping. I need to visit Michael's when they load the shelves with Spring-like items. Last week it was Valentine garlands Bringing the season into the home is always fun and cheerful! Hope your work day picks up speed and you're finished before you know it.

MANDA: so sorry about your sad family weekend and adjustment to hospice care. It is difficult -- I have been there -- and a long goodbye. Your Gena is precious to make her grandma a new picture everyday. That will comfort her soul and strengthen her for the journey. You and your family are in our prayers.

ROBIN: you're like the office babysitter of idiots that don't deserve a job! :) What would they do without you? Keep your chin up lady and hope your Monday is better than expected. Enjoy your warm sunshine. I will gladly send you the west side's heat in an hour or two!

AGUY: you always share such practical advice & are so knowledgeable over a vast area of subjects. Love your idea of an extra chair for OC's husband. Kudos.

Today is my little sister's birthday so I will be very busy tonight too. Thinking of you all -- wishing you a beautiful day,
Good morning. A busy week last week, but we're making slow progress on our bathroom. Hubby's brother-in-law came over to help a bit, but Hubby is back on day shift until the weekend so it will sit for a while. I went to town earlier to pick up some letter stickers for Annabelle's science fair posterboard, and of course I'll have to go back because the pack I bought only had one H and one Y and we need two of each. But that project is winding down and the science fair is Thursday. Then the next craft project will be Valentine boxes for their class parties.

Annabelle had her first livestock show this weekend. She placed 6th out of 6 in her pig's breed and weight class. Mostly because her pig was one of the smallest ones in that class. So, we'll change up the feed a little bit and see if we can get the pig to gain a little better. But it's a learning process for all of us.
Prayers for your family, Manda. Prayers for everyone who wants and needs them.

We are supposed to be in the 50*s for the rest of today and tonight. We get those drastic changes often, lol.

Kat, I love watching the moon rise or set anytime, whether it's full or just a crescent. It will be a gibbous moon tonight, still large. It rises at 7:03pm CST. When the moon is waning, it rises about an hour later each day.

Stay safe, folks.
Manda, I'm so sorry for the sad time your family is going through. How precious of Gena to try to bring some cheer!

Noel, my niece is not here altogether yet. I hope within the next week. But she is coming out more days than not, and we are feeding our cows together twice a week now.

A. Guy, I do appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. I kept the old recliner. It isn't a lift chair but we can manage with it if we have to. The lift chair will be under warranty for a long time yet. It was a very expensive, highly recommended chair. I don't know why it is having problems. The problem with getting it repaired is that it will cost $200 for them to come get it, and then bring it back, after it is fixed. I can do that if I have to but I'd rather not. My truck is a flatbed, not good for hauling a chair, and I don't like driving it in the city anyway. Once my niece quits having to spend most of her time on the road between here and Fort Worth, we can probably take the chair in her truck. But for now, the chair is working, for which I am thankful.

Robin, I hope your partner enjoys the birdwatching. That would be so much fun, for me. Things like that can be more fun when there are others around to share the interest. I know how aggravating it must be for your dad to not wear his hearing aids. Sometimes I have to deal with that too. But hopefully he has his own teeth or if he has false teeth, he wears them. I've known old men who have them but refuse to wear them. :eek:

Squirrel, silk garlands sound so beautiful. I hope you were able to get what you wanted. I don't want to think about my snakes either but the truth is, with wasps and bees coming out off and on during the winter, I can't help but think about the snakes on these days that get into the 60s* and up to 70*. I am constantly looking around at the ground when I am outside.

The morning wasn't a complete loss. I got the tire aired up and pulled the cart to the station (five miles) and got the tire repaired. Hoping it holds! Now I have to call Amazon about an order that is probably wrong and could be a pain in the neck for me if it gets delivered the way it appears. I'd rather deal with flat tires (which I definitely don't like) than have to deal with phone calls of this nature!
Good afternoon all,

Another clear sunny day here, and it got to 40F so some of the snow has started melting, but it won't do much good because it'll freeze at night (nights here have been in the teens and twenties F). We did have a snow day though--no school and no work! Yay! I slept in and watched some TV. I'm going to try and go to the gym tonight, and also tomorrow for boot camp. Haven't worked out all weekend and feel bad about it, lol.

Manda, so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. Prayers for your family.

OC, sorry to hear about your chair and hubby's struggles.

Have a nice evening everybody.
Sounds like everyone is still having the same weather. Ours is still the same but we did get a clearing Friday night and also yesterday!

Poor Lovo! I just read the message that RS copied here. I had been wondering about her.

Sorry Manda about your mother-in-law. It's so hard to go through this.

We are a fog bank today and visibility is almost none! But 37 so I won't complain

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KT: glad you flex with the weather extremes in your area. Hope Remmy is keeping you entertained.

OC: thanks for the update about your niece. Good luck with your phone call. Hope tonight is restful.

DAYS: congrats! On your day of freedom due to snow. Shoveling snow is a good workout.

SHANNON: fog is beautiful as long as you're indoors. Enjoy