1-31-2018 - Donuts and Lunar Eclipse



Good morning. I only got to see part of the super blue blood moon eclipse this morning, before the big orange moon went below the trees. It looked like something was taking bigger and bigger bites out of that cheese, lol. I saw about a third of the moon eclipsed, then watched the rest on the NASA livestream. What I saw was still very pretty.

Take care everyone. Lil0, I hope everything checks out fine for you today at the doctor's appointment.
Was hoping you would check in about that. I did not know WHEN to look for it....last night, tonight, or??? So, it was this a.m. and I missed it. Will have to see pics or something. Thanks, kt.

I think ol man Winter must be drinkin' or something. Yesterday a.m. it was sooooo below zero, and this a.m. it is 29 above!!! It snowed yesterday, sun is coming out, tho pretty cloudy. Too weird.

Well, got the room here pretty well organized, tho there is still a lot to do, but currently, not as cluttered looking......tho still cluttered. Trouble is, I have current bills, taxes, reports, etc. so it there is not as much left over time. Plus, putting things away, and then forgetting exactly where I did. LOL.

Hope all goes well for everyone, especially Lil0
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Good Wedneday Morning!

The moon looked extraordinary and I wished I could stay awake longer just to gaze at it. Anyway, what a splendid view in our life time!

My day will be work, errands, and household/family duties before bed time. I am counting the days until I can sleep in on Saturday! Sounds pretty boring I know but life gets basic at our house often.

Lil0: Thinking and praying for a good report at your doctor's visit today.

KT: hoping you would start this thread this morning! Sending warm thoughts to you, and Remmy, of course.

Poirot: good luck on the paperwork organized piles.

Kat: sorry you missed much of the eclipse, but thanks to NASA, we can always view it later.

Take care everyone!
Morning all.

I saw the moon rise last night and then instead of taking and savoring those last few minutes in bed, I got up and caught the last bit of the event. It was pretty amazing.

I found out yesterday that I get to be the person who verifies a persons I-9 status. Oh joy. Anyway, given the office is made up of 5 people, and 2 of us were verified at the holiday party in December, that leaves just 3 folks to check out. Unless they open up all of the AZ remote staff.

Prayers and good thoughts for LiI0 today.

Happy Wednesday.

NOTE: Form I-9, officially the Employment Eligibility Verification, is a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services form. Mandated by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, it is used to verify the identity and legal authorization to work of all paid employees in the United States.
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Morning Everyone,

It was snowing while I was driving into work today, but not much and considering how warm it feels, I don't imagine it will stick around long. No view of the moon for us, too many clouds. I did get to see the Australian view on the news this morning and it was lovely.

Lil0- thinking of you today. I hope your doctor's appointment goes well

Noel - I hope life slows down a bit for you soon.

Poirot - I agree that Old Man Winter must be hitting the bottle this year. Hope you can make some headway on your mountains of paperwork.

kat - sorry you missed the moon last night

kt - I'm glad you were able to view the eclipse.

Robin - praying that you only have to take care of your office and not the whole state.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
I posted about the super blue blood moon eclipse early in January, but I failed to give a reminder. I think OC specifically asked for a reminder, but I haven't been up to par and forgot. I'm sorry some of you missed it and I'll try to do better. The next super blue blood moon eclipse will be January 31, 2037 if that helps. :rotfl:
That doesn't help at all, kt :)

I didn't realize until this morning the moon would be behind my house. Maybe
I could have driven somewhere to see it.

kt, is there anything else to look forward to this year in the sky?
Oh that's a great help, Kt. Ha ha! Maybe I'll be able to watch it from Heaven. I did miss this one. I'd heard someone say it would be early this morning but I didn't know what time. I woke up at 4 and again at 5, and got up and went to the west windows to look both times but it was just a full moon, no eclipse. I've lost some enthusiasm for celestial things anyway, since I can't see them very well. I'm hoping that will improve after my cataracts are removed.

Even worse, now I can't see to read a lot of things, as I mentioned yesterday. Kat, I do have a magnifying glass and I use it for small things like microwave instructions and prescription bottles, but when I tried moving it around on the sheets of documents, I started getting sick from the movement and it was too hard to follow the lines and columns, etc. anyway. I finally broke down and contacted my older son (an attorney who has been helping me some with legal things over the past few years) and asked him right out if he could come out sometime and help me with this, hands on. He said of course, he had been planning to do that right along. But I didn't know that!! I don't like to ask my kids to leave their jobs and families to come out here, and almost never do. He may come this Saturday. That's a big relief.

Noel, you asked about my husband, thanks. Overall, he seems to have mellowed out. I don't know if all the meds have finally gotten him into a better balance or what, but he has been pleasant and calm most of the time when I'm there, for the past week or so. However, the fly in the ointment is physical therapy. Medicare is shutting him down a month or so before his time would be used up, because he has refused right along to participate in therapy. Saturday I had a talk with him and explained the financial implications. He understood and said he would do the therapy if I wanted him to. So on Monday I told the therapist and she came to try to take him to therapy. His response was to go off the rails again and adamantly refuse to do it. So that was that! Shortly afterwards, he was back to being all nice to me, as though nothing had happened.

Robin and Squirrel, I feel for you and all those reports you have to do. I don't like paperwork at all. Like Poirot, I'm having a hard time finding the space and getting things as organized as I want them.

Noel, you need to go to bed!! Hope you can soon.

Manda, thinking of you and hoping those bedbugs never appear!

Lil0, you've been on my mind. I'm hoping you get a good report at the doctor.

Gotta get going--to the nursing home today.
OC - glad your husband seems to be settling in at the nursing home, even if he is resistant to physical therapy. I'm glad your son will be coming to help you with your paperwork and I pray that the surgery will help you be able to see again. I can't even imagine how hard that must be.

So far no bugs have been presented to us from upstairs, and I haven't had any bites or found any bugs downstairs either. The very first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is grab the flashlight and check the bed, as there would still be some stragglers on the sheets at 5 AM when my alarm goes off. However, I hate that I even have to worry about all this again.
So I missed the eclipse. It's another pretty day here. Sunny and in the 60s. I washed
towels and hung them out. After lunch, I went out in the ditch and raked leaves
behind my other neighbor's house. The water wasn't flowing and there was a
lot of leaves blocking the flow. Hopefully, no one will notice today they can
see water where the leaves used to be.

OC, good luck getting your husband to do physical therapy. I'm glad your son is coming out
to help you with the other matter.

Lil0, I hope your doctor visit went well today.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and evening.
KT - you are the one I thought of this morning as I crawled out of bed at 4:30am. I threw on jogging pants and grabbed a coat because it has been warm here, and headed out back. I discovered real soon it was really cold but the moon was just gorgeous. I thought for sure we were cloudy but we weren't. I continued to watch it every time I got a moment getting ready for work. It was so beautiful. Even heading to work at 6:30 it was still partially covered.

You always know exactly what is going to happen and I stood outside and hoped you were too.

Poirot - good for you for making headway.

Noel - halfway to Saturday. Hopefully you can make it.

Robin - sounds like you get a not so fun job to do. This whole immigration thing is so sad to me.

Manda - so glad you haven't seen any bugs. I will continue to cross my fingers.

OC - My mom did the exact same thing with her therapy. When we sat down and told her Medicare will kick her off if she doesn't try, she said she would, and then didn't. She just couldn't understand why she just couldn't go home. It was the hardest thing I ever went through in my life. She so wanted to come home with me, but didn't understand why I couldn't bath her, carry her, take care of all her needs. I cried so much during those days. I had taken care of everything for 3 years and she was so used to me just doing it all. I feel for you.

We had the girls last night and had fun. Harlow is getting so fun and loves to play hide and go seek. Ember is so kind to her but does have her limits. LOL

Have a great day.
Good afternoon all ~

Thank you so much for your prayers and expressions of concern and support.

EKG, CT scan, and blood work done. EKG was perfectly normal. It will take awhile to get the other results. Her main concern was to rule out bleeding, and we don't know that yet.

I'm supposed to have dental work done tomorrow, and of course I have the cataract surgery next week. I think I better contact both of those providers to see if they think we should postpone any work.

I still have a mild headache, and that is a concern to me and the doc. So, we'll see.

OC ~ Glad to hear your hubby has settled in a little bit, but it is a concern that he is fighting the whole PT thing. So sorry for the struggle you are going through.

Wishing you all a good evening.
Hi Everybody,

Sorry I've been MIA for so long. I have been reading the board and keeping track of you all and what's going on in your lives though. Just have been in a kind of funk for awhile.
It's just taken me a little longer than normal to get out of it!!
Lil0, sending up prayers for you!

We've had a long spell of rain this winter. We need it but we're all getting tired of the gloomy days. We've started to get a couple of dry days during the week lately. That helps a lot!!

Have to fix the dogs dinner and mine too! See you tomorrow.

Hugs to you all.
Well most of you may be in bed by this time of night east of the Mississippi. I am just having a moment to myself and wanted to check in with you all before bed.

Robin: glad you caught a glimpse of the super blue moon show. Dealing with the I-9s does not sound like a job to lift up your day. Hope they did not open up the remote staff for your review. Sleep well!

Manda: I know you must be tired of the snow by now, but just reading about your driving to work in a light snowfall made my day. I can only dream about such beautiful weather [to me]. Hope you are rested up for the events you have scheduled the rest of the week.

KT: I would mark 2037 on my calendar but I may not be alive by then. LOL. :rotfl: Thanks for always keeping us informed on astrological events we can view without a telescope!

Kat: NASA has pictures online of the super blue moon -- give it a try.

OC: thanks for the update on your husband's situation. I can relate to the swift and unpredictable mood changes of dementia because my Mom [aunts, grandma's] all had Alzheimer's disease. He may not even realize that he broke his word to you, or even agreed to it, but hoping he changes his mind so his body can repair properly. You have so much on your plate right now that I am thrilled your son is coming to help you with the taxes/paperwork. Definitely praying your cataract surgery will give you crystal clear vision and reduce the severity/number of migraine's you experience every week. Hope you are resting up tonight.

Shan: how wonderful your evening last night was filled with the love of Ember & Harlow. Making new memories with children is one of life's brightest moments. Hope your weather changes to more sunshine and you can enjoy the outdoors more often going forward.

Newt: hope your weather brightens up with clear sunshine soon. Sometimes a change in weather can lift our spirits too without our even trying.

Squirrel: wishing you a sound night of restful sleep.

And off to bed I go now.