1/5/2022 Donuts and Nobody Home??


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Hello? Anybody there?

Just had a chance to pop in for the first time today to find that I'm the one to start Donuts.. Very Strange.

Have to work the reception desk and man the phones for 9 companies under our umbrella of management today. (Receptionist is out with COVID.) I was relieved by a caseworker so I could eat a late lunch now. Must get back out there in a few minutes. If the powers that be want to pay me my salary to sit and read on my Kindle for most of the day, I'm not going to complain. I made sure they understood that I couldn't do any of my work that would entail spreading confidential paperwork all over the counter.

Hope everyone is ok, and just having busy days.
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LOL, just more of the (by now to you all) boring snow falling. It was to start around 10 p.m. but did not, of course, doing a bit around 5 a.m. then stopping, & then returning with a wind friend, so it is whipping around a lot. The pine tree branches have some resting there, visability is reduced. & I have been trying to work on some end of year reports. My printer seemed to not want to print a Quicken report, & I was just so puzzled, trying different things. Finally I attempted to print something from this site, and it worked! (I thought the connection between my computer & printer was at fault.) So I go back to Quicken, nope, still would not. So I started screwing around with settings, I have no idea at all what I did, but I finally got the report printed. But Alas, I used up last of my printer paper! So, other stuff will have to wait now. Grrrrr. It is supposed to snow all day, and tomorrow as well, and then deep freeze time. Frustrating.
Good Afternoon Everyone,
Sorry to be missing so much now, this new job role does not leave me much time to visit the side, much less type anything. With the snow, wind, and cold we have today, most of the trainees are working from home, so I have time to breathe and check in on all of you wonderful people. Our weather guessers are calling for 5-8 inches of snow here, which really means 3-12, but I know we are long past 3, so who knows were we'll end up.

Gena resumes confirmation class tonight now that Christmas break is over. Other than that there's not too much going on for us.

Have a wonderful afternoon.
I walked this morning before I went to the church libraries. Its was cold, but not as bad as the weekend.

We had some books donated at library so we got them ready to go on the shelf. She had me do some of the work.

I got home later than usual and walked dog as soon as I got back. Then I went to the social security web site to get
stuff done there. Yep, I'm at that age. Where as the time gone? I hope I did everything correctly since you can't
make phone call appointments for awhile.

robin, I hope you had a nice time at the farm.

rs, I hope you won't get too far behind on your paperwork while playing receptionist today.

dachsie, I hope you won't get Covid.

Poirot, I'm glad you got the printer figure out for now.

manda, thanks for checking in. I hope you and Gena had a nice holiday season.

I hope everyone has rootin tootin afternoon.
Vinnie had a great time running around outside at the farm. His cousin dog didn't come as dogs were really needed at the funeral yesterday. We had Morning Glory muffins for breakfast and bacon lettuce tomato sandwiches for late lunch. Back at the hotel now. Weather going to turn NASTY in a couple of hours. IT was breezy and 26 today storm blowing through starting 9ish temps dropping single digits and wind chills in the negative numbers..... stopped at a store to get something to fix for food tomorrow as I will only leave hotel to potty the beast.....
the cold is not helping Hunny Bunny heal.... at least he has a doctor's appointment when we get home.....
Kat, "rootin tootin, highfalutin son-of-a-gun from Arizona--Ragtime Cowboy Joe." (Old cowboy song). :) I hope your transition to Social Security goes smoothly.

Manda, I'm glad you got a breather long enough to check in with us. Don't get snowed-in!

Poirot, it's no use telling you not to get snowed in. Sorry your tax work was so frustrating.

Dachsie, thanks for stopping in on your lunch break. I hope you can stay well.

Robin, I hope it was a fun-on-the-farm day....*Just saw your latest post. I don't think it's possible to have fun in that kind of weather but your food sounded good. When are you going home?

Squirrel, thank you for starting the thread. Good for you, letting it be known that you couldn't do your regular work while being a fill-in receptionist. Hope you stay well too.

I thought I'd start the thread this morning but things kept interfering. Then I was off and running for the day. Had to cook some things this morning, then my niece and I had to take the cube cart to town (25 mi.) to get it filled. We usually get it at our local feed store, only 5 miles away, but they are out of feed and so is the one in the next closest town, 20 miles. After getting loaded we went on to another town to do a couple of things. This town is only a few miles across the river from me. It's where the tower is that gives me internet. However, in order to drive there, almost a full circle of some 30 miles has to be made for the only river crossing in the area. Finally, we got home and put out hay for the cows. A cold front is coming tonight. Tomorrow the high will be 35, with 30 mph wind gusts.