1/6/2024 - Donuts and Winter Be A Comin


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2023
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Calgary, Alberta
Morning Spectatorites. Hope your weekend is going well.

Well.......after what has been such a nice reprieve from a cold winter, by Friday, our daytime high is supposed to be a whopping -23*C (-9.4*F). Ugh......at least Watson will be able to wear his winter dog coat and boots. Thankfully, the cold is only supposed to be here for a few days.

Last night while I was on my way to vball, I received a call from Mike asking if I would turn around and come back home because he needed me. When I got home I found Mike with a towel wrapped around his forearm and when he showed me he had a very deep gash. What had happened was he was trying to cut off a plastic seal off the lip of a aluminum can when the knife slipped and cut his forearm. So off to emergency we went where he received stitches. He's doing fine now but boy was that cut deep.

Have a great Saturday everyone.
Ouch!!! Scary how quickly things can go wrong! Glad he is doing well now.
Rain here. A lot of rain. Pouring down. Plus, I learned this morning that we will have "King tides" today and tomorrow. I guess I know which roads I will be avoiding this weekend. Glad I got my grocery shopping done yesterday.
Wishing you all a good weekend.
Woke this morning to a winter wonderland out there...sure did not expect to see all this snow. Weather guessers and their (a few flurries" LOL. Tis cloudy, and every thing covered in white. No idea yet as to amount.
Good morning...... It's cold here...... nothing is supposed to fall from the sky till late Sunday night.....we shall see.....
Today was to be the day my lights came down from the house, well actually last weekend was but as it was also New Year's Eve I didn't think about it, but now the guy who I paid to put them up and bring them down is "ghosting" me..... annoying...... I'll unplug them and wait till Grandson can tear himself away from gaming long enough to take the lights down.
Muzz how scary that must have been even for a moment. Glad Mike is doing okay, but honestly what was wrong with Watson??? why didn't he just jump in and offer to be in the way and help?? :)
Lil0 be careful around the King Tides they can be very dangerous as you well know....
Poirot I do hope you stay inside and safe today..... enjoy a cup a soup..... at least that's what my lunch will look like....

Good Saturday to all....
Am glad Mike got to the ER in time. Glad you were able to get back to the house quickly........so he did not tell you what happened just get back he needed you. Am sorry such a freak accident....
We are just barely above freezing, so surprised at the snow, and that it isn't melting. Weird weather. Guess if the sun was out, it probably would. We have the "possibility" of snow flurries, for next few days. Am out of bread, no idea about road plowing (if done or going to be done). The supermarket is not far, but the trouble always is, parking in the lot and having to walk (snow/ice) to the store.
It's another cloudy, damp day. It's in the 30s, but feels colder.

I saw two snow people when I did errands this morning. No other snow around.

Muzza, sorry to hear about Mike. I'm glad he's doing well. I hope Watson likes his coat and boots.

Lil0, I hope you can stay home with all the wind and rain. How's your home improvement coming?

robin, how much snow did you get? Does the Beast like it or hate it?

Poirot, I hope someone else can help with your shopping during the bad weather.

I hope everyone has a pleasant rest of the day.
So far only rain here but expecting the "wintry mix" later. 38 degrees. Definite snow sky. Did all my errands early, stayed within the complex, and won't be going out again the rest of the weekend.

This morning, before I went out, enjoyed an "ER" marathon. I looked up how long the show was on the air...September 19, 1994, to April 2, 2009, with a total of 331 episodes spanning 15 seasons. One of the best medical dramas, in my humble opinion.

Muzza - Thank goodness Mike reached you and that he received medical care. I have cut myself on tins and opening various other items over the years and know how painful and scary it can be. Wishing Mike a speedy recovery.

Lil0 - I hope the heavy rain ends soon. and that you are extra careful if you need to go out again.

Poirot - Hope your temps rise so the snow can start melting. Take care if you need to venture outdoors.

Robin - Good luck getting those lights taken down. If you already paid that guy to take them down, he owes you. Maybe he will contact you soon.

Kat - Hope you can inside and stay warm.

Everyone have a great day despite the bad weather it looks like many of us will be getting.

Vinnie HATES the snow and accompanying run off... any cold water.
We got 3 inches but it's been melting pretty fast. That will stop Monday when a new front moves in. Next weekend possible/probability for Temps reaching as HIGH as 29.....
This California girl is in for some challenging days.
Thursday late night into Friday early morning we go 3 inches of rain per my rain gauge.
Today is nice temp is in 60s. Hoping dries out enough to pick up pecans tomorrow. Supposed to rain again on Monday.....Bummer because I have to drive to Lake Jackson to get my eyes checked and get new glasses. An earpiece broke off of my current ones. I have to be careful not to let them fall off my face. I currently have them juryrigged.
Well, it is snowing again, don't think any melting is in the cards now. I was putting on jacket to take car to mail box, and before I could back out of the garage, it was white stuff coming down hard. Yeah, it is normal for here, but was happy with the no snow time we were having.
Everybody's weather sounds pretty yucky. Guess I'm caught in between. Just mostly cloudy and in the 50s* here today, but we're supposed to get the cold blast on Monday. Very slight possibility of a few snow flakes but not looking likely, which would suit me just fine.

Muzz, I'm glad things turned out okay for Mike, but what a scare and it sounds painful.

Robin, all the snow must be a shock for Vinnie, and an inconvenience for you. I hope your winter doesn't last as long as Poirot's!

Sexton, I hope your pecan picking is doable. Wet pecans don't sound fun to pick but fresh pecans are like a treasure to those of us who like them a lot. We used to buy them in the shell and my husband would shell them. It was a good excuse for him to eat as many as he wanted. Sorry about your glasses.

Poirot, if you can possibly hold out, please wait until roads are cleared or it is otherwise safe to drive and walk.

Wilde Woman, maybe I'll have to try ER sometime. I don't think I've ever seen it. (We didn't have a tv for several decades). Right now one of my favorites is Emergency. I tend to like older shows better than later ones but I wouldn't mind checking out ER.

Kat, 30s*, brrrr! Stay in and keep warm!

Lil0, no surprise that I'd never heard of King tides but your area sounds treacherous for driving so stay in and be safe, if you can.

My niece fed our three groups of bovines yesterday. Pasture roads are muddy with some bad mudholes so she wants me to stay home in case she gets stuck and needs someone to come get her. I'll admit I don't mind staying home when it's anything but warm outside.

Windsock update: It's been some time since I saw the heifers playing with it but a few days ago I saw it on the ground, along with the bird/critter water pans being empty, so I knew they'd been around. I intended to bring the windsock into the house but didn't. This morning the "head" of it was crumpled on the ground and all the streamers were gone. No trace of them. I hope the girls didn't eat them. They do love to chew on them.