1/7/2024 - Donuts and taking down holiday decorations


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
The time has come.... to remove the winter holiday from the house..... I won't get it finished in one day but I will get it started...... we are expecting terribly high wind gust later in the day and a storm later tonight into tomorrow.... my Phoenix Bonsai friends had to cancel a big outdoor show today because of the storm....

I hope everyone has a great Sunday, please be careful if you are out in the storm....
Yesterday's wintry mix turned to rain which lasted until this morning. Now there is another wintry mix happening, 36 degrees. It does not look like there will be measurable accumulation, but time will tell.

Robin: Good luck with "de-holidaying" your house, and be careful with those winds and the storm.

Hope everyone is doing well despite bad weather all over the country. Stay safe!

Well, Robin, you inspired me to take down my ONE holiday decoration inside the house.....well, actually one on the wall, and one with real pine branches plus fat red candle which was in center of dining table. That one made a big mess as the pine needles were dried out, of course by now, so were shedding everywhere. Think I got most swept up. Still have real pine wreath on outside door........That I just take to dumpster , but I know will shed needles in the car. Ugh.
Tis 23 ° out there now......no sun again....but at least not snowing. Really nice to see white expanse with no footprints out back, looks so pretty. Not so pretty for plows, snow shovels, etc. in front, that is work! Fortunately, so far, management here has done that......
Got the Sunday paper today, finally.......Sunday papers sure are getting thin, and price keeps going up. Read nearly all of it already. Used to take all day, now only a couple hours, and that includes the comics! Ha.
It's sunny and in the 50s this afternoon.

This morning, I took my decorations down before my walk. My church had an Epiphany service today.
First time my church has done it.

robin, I hope it's not too windy today and you won't get too much snow.

Wilde Woman, be safe during the winter mix.

Poirot, I hope you enjoyed the paper.

I hope everyone has a restful day before the first full work week of the year.
39° here in SE Kentucky. Has been a cold drizzle for a couple of days. Have had very little snow. A ground covering one day. May be some about Wednesday. Staring at my tree trying to convince myself to take it down. Most everything else is down now.
Poirot, my little town doesn't get a Sunday paper, or even daily paper anymore. They used to be delivered from Lexington (about 70 miles away), but that stopped several years ago. I miss them. We do have two local ones that come out weekly.
My Sunday paper comes from Minneapolis/St. Paul, about 150 miles south of us. Only because there are several outlets up here that take a stack........Being a tourist area, despite this being Wisconsin, the Minnesota papers do get sold out We used to get Milwaukee Journal, but that stopped several years ago, no idea why. We do have a once a week local newspaper, and lucky to still have it. Was published here in town, right on Main St., but as the years passed, got purchased by investors, who managed to really localize it (in other words, taking some sections and creating newspapers in other towns in the state, while maintaining the paper as strictly local to the area. One of the original owners used to stay at our place, so got to hear/know a few things at the time.
Our wintry mix was much ado about nothing, THIS time. Feeling grateful.

Sending good thoughts to all dealing with rain or snow events.
Wichita's paper, Sunday and otherwise is now delivered via the USPS system. When we moved here I went with the electronic version for many reasons, the main one being we didn't live in an actual delivery area.... I miss the Wednesday grocery ads and the Sunday ads. I never remember to go to their websites and look for what's on sale.....

Wind is just starting up now.... I've got the wreaths down and the ornaments off the tree. I need to have help to get the tree off the table then into it's box till November.....
You know, when you live in a big city (for me, Chicago) you take for granted everyone gets a daily paper, so it is quite the shock to move some place where you are lucky if you get a once a week paper from some other town a lot bigger than yours. And really lucky if there is one published in the town you are in. Sometimes it take umpteen years, as it did here, but finally have local once a week paper.
Good afternoon. Hearing about conditions where some of you live around the country is a reminder for me not to complain. The wind is blowing here too, and will get worse tomorrow and Tuesday. Still, almost no snow, if any, is expected so that's a good thing. Looks like it will be windy to varying degrees all week--and much colder the end of the week.

I've been trying to rearrange some furniture, to change my "office" area from one room to another. Same old story of switching things around and never really accomplishing anything. There just isn't enough space for what I've got.

Poirot, maybe you could put your wreath in a garbage bag to keep from getting pine needles in your car. But I'm guessing you've thought of that and it isn't something that will work for you. Anyway, I hope your mess is minimal. Pine needles don't sound like fun to clean up.

Nameless, it's good to see you get on board here. I always enjoy hearing about life in different areas. You said you live in a little town but I know that means different things to different people. Out here where I live towns have populations of under 1,000 to around 2,500 and are scattered by about 30-40 miles in between. The larger town, which has a Wal-Mart, probably has 5,000. Anything bigger than that is 65-90 miles away and is thought of as a city, even though the smaller ones are technically cities too.

Wilde Woman, glad you missed the wintry mix--this time.

Kat, I imagine you're getting the wind, like most, but I hope you don't get the messy stuff with it. I've never been to an Epiphany service.

Robin, you are always on top of things. Be safe and stay warm as the storms blow through. Doesn't sound good for your friends in Phoenix.
We do have a WalMart, just about a mile from me, and this town is only 2500, however it is a tourist area, which is why we have a huge WalMart store, not a small one. Come Spring, the snowbirds return, then the tourists start coming, which goes to November, the area's expansion is mind-boggling. When I first moved here, town really closed down come late fall, all the stores except the very small A&P & a butcher shop. LOL Come to think of it, used to be a dime store, but is gone. The thing is town may be small, but the county is full of lakes, resorts, vacation homes, and our little town is the only close one. Yep, you can travel 40-100 miles and find bigger ones, which is a "special" trip for a lot of the locals. LOL
Hope we start getting lighter later, soon, as having dark coming in at 4-4:30 gets tiresome.
Take care all..........
My yardman came today to look at ditch. I need him to fill it up some. Unsure when he can start job since
ditch is so wet and more rain tomorrow.

My paper is only delivered on Sunday now. Subscribers have an iPad from paper to read other days online. You
can buy a single paper in some stores during the week.

OC, I get the wind tomorrow. The Epiphany service talked about the Wise Men and one song we sang was "We Three Kings"
Ooh, I love that song, Kat! Interesting to have a a service about those things after Christmas has passed.

Poirot, I'm surprised at your population being that small, but the seasonal draws do explain how it's possible. Sad to say, we have no tourist attractions out this way. The closest recreational body of water is about 60 miles away. People are not attracted to places where water is scarce.
Old Cowgirl, I think the official census is less than 1000 and less than 7000 in the whole county. The nearest Wal-Mart is about 20 miles in the next county. And, it's a very small one. The nearest Wal-Mart Supercenter is 40+ miles. Lexington KY is the nearest big city, about 65 miles away. Being an "army brat" I lived in many places but after retirement, I ended up back in what I consider my home town where both of my parents were born and raised.
There is a church in the area that we drive by that had a Nativity scene, Mary, Joseph, critters, Baby Jesus arrived on the 25th, we assume we weren't here, then along the side of the church life size camels and men, every day they got closer to the nativity. They did arrive at the Nativity on the 6th. I enjoyed watching the statues move closer and closer.......
robin, that's interesting. Is the Nativity down now?
I haven't been outside due to weather. This California Girl doesn't do snow or ice and that's what we have. I imagine I'll see it tomorrow as I do have to go out, HB will be driving.....so I can look.....and check it out. They most likely took it down after Sunday services or today in between stormy times..