10/11/18 - Donuts & yes, the "S" word


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Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning, tho am sure it is better wherever you are......Sorry, but when I first looked out this a.m. I said aloud.........oh, my, the frost is on the pumpkin for sure.....til I realized it wasn't just frost. Nope, was flurrying, but roofs are white, cars are white, Grass lightly covered. Tis 33° out there! (2° C) Very windy, am guessing this will melt.....Last night the news was showing the high winds, crashing surf, etc. on Lake Superior, you would almost swear the hurricane was hitting up there.....however they talk low pressure, high pressure, all that stuff. Further north they were expecting 3-6" of the S stuff. (International Falls). So, Muzza, let us know if it hit your way, or is expected to do so.
Well, thought the flurries had ended, no such luck. Looks like this calls for one of those nice comfort breakfasts, Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat.....Have a good day, my friends.
A thankful Thursday for our family. We all experience family crises, so I will just say my heart is now beating normally after a long night of palpitations. So very grateful for the blessing of safe family members even when caught in precarious circumstances. And God Bless our police!!

Poirot: your weather is definitely changing in a hurry. A comfort food breakfast is just that on a cold frosty, rainy or snowy day! Hopefully the sun will burn it off by the time you venture outdoors. Wishing you a great day.

soapkitty: hope your streets are void of rain or snow so your driving will be relaxing and enjoyable. Send all "S" word weather down my way --- please! What I would give to see frost or "S" on the pumpkin again!!

Lilo: how nice your weather improved to give you a lovely day yesterday. Hope the weather pattern continues and you can enjoy the beauty of Autumn another day.

AGuy: sure miss your presence here at Donuts. Prayers continue and you are in our heartfelt thoughts.

Wishing each of you a good blessing to be grateful for this day.
I just learned that a cousin died. She posted on Facebook a couple of days ago that she was in the hospital. This morning, her sister posted that she is now "singing with the angels". That is the second time this year that I've read a FB post from someone going to the hospital and within a day or two a family member announced they had passed on. Gives my a lump in the pit of my stomach. It amazes me that the transition can happen so quickly . . . . that someone can be so "present" and then just gone. :sad:
Morning Everyone,
Cold, windy morning here. Gena decided she better wear her new winter hat and mittens with her heavy sweatshirt today (she's not quite ready to get out the winter coat yet). It's supposed to be a bit warmer than initially was forecast, but very windy.
Another long night at my house, hubby was in a horrible mood, and rather than keep it to himself he always feels the need to share with the Gena and I. I just try to stay calm and keep my mouth shut in an effort to not make it worse.

Lil0 - I'm so sorry for you loss.
Noel - I'm glad you are all safe after whatever it is that happened last night.
Poirot - please don't share the "s" word with me, I'm not ready for that yet, today is your appointment day right? Safe travels as you venture out.
Soapkitty - I'd be happy to not get the "s" word until November, although that's not sounding promising for me anyway. :rotfl:

Wishing you all a blessed day.
Noel, I'm so very thankful your family is safe!

Soapkitty, I'm not sure where you are but based on the location you have listed, I'm guessing you won't avoid snow until Christmas Eve. Wishing you many days without it though.

Poirot, sorry you are faced with it so soon. Cream of Wheat always makes me think of my parents and my childhood. They ate a lot of it and so I did too, growing up. I haven't had it much since then. Maybe I should get some. I definitely need something warm these chilly mornings. I've been drinking hot water, since I'm unable to tolerate coffee or tea or herbal stuff.

It is chilly in my house this morning. I could put on the heat. It doesn't cost all that much but I don't look forward to the warm, dry air blowing. I think that's one reason my sinuses get messed up in the winter. I have humidifiers but they don't seem to help much. I wish I had that heating system you described, Poirot.

Lil0, I'm so sorry about your cousin. It is sobering when that kind of thing happens. Praying peace and comfort for you and the rest of her family.

Manda, my heart goes out to you and Gena. Life can be challenging enough, without someone forever pulling us down.

I haven't seen a hummingbird in a few days. Need to take down the feeders. But I did see an amusing thing a day or so ago. Remember my one cotton boll? I saw a bird swoop down and pick some cotton from it with its beak. Do birds build nests this time of year?

I'll join Noel in counting blessings today. Not a scary thing like you experienced, Noel, but something unexpected that takes a considerable burden away from my routine. Yesterday the nursing home staff moved my husband's roommate into a private room, which leaves my husband in the room by himself again. He doesn't notice the difference, one way or the other, but I can't even describe what a relief this is for me, on so many levels. It could change again, if they get crowded but for now, I'm going to be thankful and enjoy!
Manda: kudos for wisely modeling a good response to a loved one spreading negativity in the home. Hope your husband is in a better place tonight. Hugs.

OC: glad your blessing has lifted your heart and lightened your load at the nursing home. Hope your mornings warm up a bit.
Good morning.... I currently have lots of the "S" word here in the desert.... of course our "S" word ends in "un"...... weather guessers give us a 30% chance of rain today... IF and that is always a big IF it rains... it will be tonight if I get to bring Hunny Bunny home.... his feet are too swollen for shoes so he is wearing those fancy hospital socks with grippers on the bottom.....
In preparation of his homecoming I have dinner started in the crock pot..... of course this is woodshop day so.... I get to miss yet another class...... that's 3 in a row now.....

Lil0 I am sorry for your loss..... and to read about it on Facebook.... I guess that is easier than calling family members......

Poirot thanks for the new found craving or Cream of Wheat..... yummy.....
Good morning all! It is 66* here...nice!

Poirot....not snow already!
Soapkitty....I always wish for snow around Christmas, but we almost never get any...not at Christmas or any other time.
LilO....how is island life? If I recall, you are a sew-er.....I wish we lived closer, I really need to up my skills. I hate hearing about someone dying thru FB. Hugs to you.
Noel....is your husband a cop? And yes...God Bless our police!
Manda....prayers for you and Gena. No one should have to live like that.
OCG....I have been away so long that I didn't know your hubby is in a nursing home.

A beautiful day to all!!
Robin: good news your Honey is finally coming home. Now your daily routine should simplify somewhat and you can heal more quickly too. Oh and 30% chance of rain? LOL

Jammers: your day sounds lively. My Hubs is ex-military but several police & sheriff's in my extended family. Thanks for asking.
A sunny day and high close to 60. I'm not happy with the weather change.
Hopefully, I can get out soon to do more yard work.

Poirot, sorry to hear about the "S" stuff you got.

manda, sorry about your evening. I wish I had a magic wand to fix it.

robin, sorry you have to miss your class again. Hopefully, Hunny Bunny
will be home today.

Jammers, I wish I could remember you. I know you had different avatar.
Getting older isn't fun.

OC, I hope your husband won't get another roommate for awhile.

Noel, I'm glad your day is going better after a busy night.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Oh poirot - not the "s" word! I hope you don't have too many errands today!

Soapkitty - I don't know where you live but I'm with you - snow on Christmas eve only!

Lilo - So sorry about your cousin, I hate getting older as it seems it happens more and more!

Noel - I'm glad you and your family are okay! Live can change so fast.

Manda - so sorry about your evening. You seem to be such a sweet, caring, loving Momma and it seems like he can bring both you and Gena down. I bet your dreading the weekend.

OC - I'm so glad your hubby is alone in his room. I remember when my Mom would get a room mate - I just hated it and so did she. I enjoyed our days alone - she seemed much calmer too!

Robin - I sure hope they let him out today and then maybe your life can calm down a bit. Sorry about missing class again.

Jammers - welcome back! I will take 66 for this time of year!

Kat - I hope your weather warms up also, so you can get outside!

Ember got her Flu shot last evening and then came over to visit. Oh my - she would scream out in pain every so often and really played it up. I got her a warm wash cloth and that really helped. I told her my arm didn't hurt at all from it - she told me the nurse told her since she is so tiny it would probably hurt for a couple days - thanks Nurse helpful! Her little sister kept saying Embee ouch! LOL

Have a great day
Shan, I can't believe what the nurse told Ember. Has she gotten over her fear of
thunder storms after what the Sunday School teacher told her? Some adults
need go back and learn how to deal with children better.

Lil0, sorry to hear about your cousin.
shan - weekends are long and hard, and this is an extra long weekend for me as I took tomorrow off. I will be busy though, picking up Fall Product Sale order forms for Girl Scouts tomorrow, Food Pantry and my sister's wedding reception Saturday, and church and Sunday School on Sunday. I may make more plans just to be gone longer.

What a silly nurse to tell a little one that it would take several days for it to stop hurting.
Kat: hope the sun graces your area to give you more time to garden before cold weather.

Shan: that nurse needs immediate coaching before treating children again. Hopefully Ember will forget about it before she needs a shot again.