10/30/21 - Donuts and Calm Winds

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Finally, the winds have calmed down and turned back out of the south. I'm hopeful it will result in a calmer head for me too. I have to cook two packages of meat today or else they'll spoil. I have a bad habit of letting that happen. Nothing else going on here today. I have a lot I need to get done but I'm not moving very fast so far.
Good morning..... we were 93 yesterday and will be in the high 80's today.... but clouds will move in later this evening but no rain.... with the clouds will come wind.... my eyes and nose are just about done with this entire wind and pollen thing...... so OC you too will be getting wind mid next week. Not much happening around here....something was happening last night.... the police helicopter was flying circles with the spot light for about 15 minutes last night.... drove the BEAST nuts..... and that's not a far drive somedays......

Happy Saturday and Halloween Eve.......
The sun is out this afternoon and in the 60s.I walked after I did errands. I raked awhile after that.
Tonight is Sunday school supper and games.

OC, I hope you got your meat cooked.

robin, enjoy your cooler weather.

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon and evening.
Good afternoon everybody. Still cold and rainy here.

Laundry was done this morning then started cleaning. Realized I needed to make a Walmart run for frozen food when I was figuring out what I needed to cook tomorrow to have for dinners this coming work week.
I left home at 2:00 for the 5 minute drive to the store. (Thank God I don't have your long way to Walmart, OC!) Figured everyone would be home getting ready for Trick or Treat at 4:00. NOOOO! Just a few minutes after I got there, everyone and their brothers decided to shop for costumes and candy at the...very...last...minute. GRRR

One guy didn't believe the elderly employee when she told him that costumes sold out over a week ago. Plus the big bags of Halloween candy were gone. He kept saying he was going to beat her you know what if she didn't get some for him. The police ended up taking him out.

After dealing with wacked out and rude people, empty shelves, and empty freezer cases, I finally found a few things on my list. Then it took me another hour in line before I was checked out, and that was with all 12 checkouts and all self scanners open. I haven't seen all of them open in years.

OC, I hope you start getting relief from those nasty migraines and allergies. Do you ever get a hard freeze there that tamps down the pollen?

robinsnest, I wonder what the Beast thinks he would do with that helicopter if he caught it?

kat, enjoy your dinner and game night.
rs, that's terrible how the man treated the employee. I hope he goes to jail. Now you know why I go early morning on Sat to shop.
I was happy to find a turkey breast today for the Dec big meal.
Squirrel, how disheartening to see people behaving that way in Wal-Mart or anywhere else. Makes you wonder how they are going to cope when shortages get even more serious than Halloween candy and costumes.

About the pollen, yes, we will probably get a hard freeze in the next few weeks that will kill off the ragweed and some other lingering weeds. Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, "Mountain Cedar," which I believe is a kind of Juniper, does its thing during the winter and blows up here from south Texas, dealing much misery to many. Also, one of my allergy doctors told me decades ago that I'm allergic to everything in the air in all four seasons. I've heard that Zinc is good for allergy problems so I'm increasing the amount I was already taking, per my doctor's suggestion.

Kat, congratulations on getting your holiday turkey!

Robin, I would be so nervous if a helicopter were sweeping the area around my house for a bad guy!

One down, one to go. I just took a meatloaf out of the oven. Hadn't made meatloaf in ages.
We had probably the last fairly decent day of the season, as it was sunny, pretty calm, and about 55°. Tomorrow will be 10 degrees cooler, in mid 40s, next day the high in the upper 30s. Yuk.
My younger son is up for a few days (hunting, of course) but stopped by this afternoon for a bit.
He won't be deer hunting this year, so is planning on coming up just for Thanksgiving with me, so I won't be alone, but will return home within a couple days. I think perhaps (at his suggestion) we may try to visit a restaurant...not sure yet.
Hope that extremely rude man gets a few days in a cell, & thinks hard about his treatment of that clerk.
Got to go eat dinner, hope everyone has a nice evening. I think Hallmark has new movie tonight. Thank goodness..........I know many enjoy the sports, but they were on all day, even the radio. LOL Enjoy. Think I'll make a meatloaf tomorrow.....been a while. Thanks O.C. By the way, my sinus dripping has slowed down quite a bit. Nice to not have to constantly have a tissue in my hand. LOL
Sounds like your cold temperatures have cut off some of your allergens, Poirot. Yea! I think your son has a wonderful plan. I had wondered if any of your kids would be coming around. Be sure and check ahead of time to see which restaurants will be open. Most of them close for Thanksgiving around here. But then, a lot of them close regularly on Sundays and some, even Saturdays.

My Hallmark channels (all three) don't show any new movies for tonight. But they would be new to me, since I don't watch Christmas movies or Good Witch.

I have a chicken casserole in the oven now. Going to go take a shower while it's cooking.