10/31/21 - Donuts and Halloween


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Happy Halloween, everybody.

Not 1 trick or treater in my area yesterday. Will take the candy that I bought to work tomorrow.

All the talk about meatloaf got my mouth watering for it so changed the menu for this week. Instead I have 2 small / medium size ones in the oven now. One for dinners this week, and 1 for the freezer.

Not much else going on except watching my Steelers on tv playing the Browns in Cleveland. Being half way between the 2 cities, when they play each other it gets rather intense around here. A very good day to not be watching the game out somewhere. My town is 70% Steelers fans, and 30% Browns fans. Drive 3 miles, and the percentages are reversed.

In case I don't get in here before getting on the road tomorrow morning, prayers going up for robinsnest, her surgeon, and her entire medical team.
It's a sunny and cool day. I stayed in today except for my walk.

I have the treats ready for the kids. I'll have the light on from 5 to 7, Candy will be in bowl outside.
I'm going to watch Peanuts this evening since I have on DVD.

rs, did you area have Halloween yesterday because it's on Sunday this year?

robin, the weenies don't look good to me at all. Prayers for your surgery tomorrow.

OC, I'm glad you got your cooking done yesterday.

I hope everyone has a good evening.
kat, all towns in my county had it Saturday from 4 to 6 so kids weren't out when the drunk football fans were leaving the bars after the game today.

It is 4 to 6 every year so no kids are walking on some of the rural roads in the dark.
vERY windy today, really windy....only 41°. Yes, I wore a winter coat to church, & a wool hat (not a cap). came home, got out of the skirt & jacket, into suede slacks & a sweater (turtle neck shirt under. My son is hunting, posted a pic on Facebook a little while ago, said it was snowing! Well I take a look out, the small patio is all wet, not sure if sleet or melted snowflakes...or perhaps a bit of rain. It got very dark here around 4 p.m. Yes, the north wind doth blow now. Sheesh.

Back in 1991, on Halloween, Mother Nature turned into quite the trickster, as that was the day of the Great Halloween Blizzard that dumped over 3 ft of snow in some parts of the Northland. Wicked storm. (it continued in some place til Nov. 3rd, which is why the huge final accumulation. We got over 20" here, I believe, so that winter was a doozy. Plows had no where to pile snow anymore, & farmers were asked if their fields could be used to dump the snow. Plows then filled trucks galore with the piled high snow which were spread on the farmers' fields, bless their hearts. But it made room for the rest of the winter. Heck, you could not see around corners whether it was safe to turn onto another street.

I lived rural for so many years, and honestly, lst year or two, had a lot of candy, but NO trick or treaters. Except the evening of the blizzard, when closest neighbor brought wife & 3 yr old son (wearing a snow suit) in his plow truck. LOL Anyway, the town here does a trunk treat thing, wherein cars are parked in some huge lot, candy in the open trunks.......Seems to go over well.
Have a good evening, my friends.
Poirot, I'd been seeing things about the Trunk Treat in our nearby towns and wondered what it was. Glad you explained. I enjoy hearing about your rural experiences. I used to read my son a poem about "the north wind doth blow and we shall have snow....what will poor robin do then, poor thing...."

No trick or treaters come here anymore, which is fine with me.

Squirrel, I can see how your towns get crazy over the ballgames. Enjoy your meatloaf. To my surprise, mine turned out to my liking. I'm going to take a meatloaf sandwich for my long day at the voting place on Tuesday.