10/4/2021 - Donuts and a bunch of busy people


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good mid morning, early afternoon all...... It's not normal for this thread to have not been started when it's 11 am west coast time..... y'all must be really busy. MY task for the day after the summary is to find something to wear to the service tomorrow and that includes shoes. Boo.....

I"m also going to start on the bathroom as I'll have a bunch of people using it on Friday. The bonsai trip is this week and I'm not going even though I had planned on it. Water under the bridge.

I hope this is a great Monday for everyone...
Good Afternoon,
Much busier days for me now that I'm on the training team. Mostly trying to get up to speed for when we get our new class in 2 weeks, but that's a lot in and of itself, then throw in the extra meetings and what not some days I feel like I'm running in circles.

Robin - good luck with picking an outfit, always a struggle.

I'll try to check back in later.
Another cool morning. I had a hair appt today. I came home and worked on studies.
After lunch, I went outside for awhile. I have Zoom meeting in about an hour.

robin, thanks for starting the thread. Some days I don't know what to say to start
donuts with.

manda, I hope your evening is a relaxing one after your busy day.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day.
Wow, this really has been a slow day for Donuts! Kat, I hope you're happy with your haircut.

Manda, it's a crazy busy time for you but maybe the job will be more rewarding, once you get into the routine of it.

Robin, I hope you accomplished all you needed to do today. Thanks for starting the thread and writing up a summary.

I woke up at 5 this morning with insane allergies. I was afraid I might be getting sick with something else so I told my niece maybe I shouldn't go with her to put out hay. It ended up getting postponed anyway. We had a welder guy come out to see about hanging some metal gates to replace some wire gates, and for me, I want to have a double carport built over a concrete slab that comes out from the old garage/shop. It's complicated but I'm thinking of it as a first step in maybe reducing the rodent infestation in and around my vehicles.

My allergy calmed down but is lurking, leaving me headachy and tired. I did a couple of things out in my guest house. Found out the internet is not working out there. I hadn't checked it in a while. I'm helpless to do anything about it until my son comes, which now looks like it may not be until Thanksgiving, but not a big need for it. I don't know of anyone who is coming except for a cousin, later this month, but she can get along without it.

Squirrel, I hope your head is okay. So good of your neighbor to bring you food.
Hi all,
Wow, Facebook down for 6 hours [and counting?]. I hadn't realized how much I count on it. There are groups that I communicate with -- including family groups.
I'm still trying to figure out what is causing my latest health issues. Can't get into the neurologist until Nov. 9th. In the meantime, I'm journaling my day and trying to find connections.
Good evening everyone.

Very tired after a long day at several different schools in my northern county. I had to be on the road by 7:30, and the misty rain made it feel muggy even though the temp only got up to 70.

Cindy said thank you for asking about her family. She's doing much better. Just some lasting bruises and achiness.
Her son is trying as hard as can be with physical therapy, but it is slow going . He's in a lot of pain because he is now refusing the opioids. (Can't blame him.) The therapist keeps telling him that he can't immediately do everything as he did before his fractured back, shattered hip, and fractured knee. He just needs to take things slower without getting so frustrated.
The doctor has ordered tests for this Friday to see how his body is adapting to all of his new silicone parts. Even his staples are silicone. I had no idea they were no longer stainless steel.

I had to laugh about the Facebook outage today after the whistleblower came forward yesterday. Coincidence? I don't think so, but who knows for sure? I just feel bad for anyone owning any of the stock since it took a huge nosedive today. I'm thankful that the folks managing my 2 IRAs sold mine off a while ago.
rs, thanks for the update with Cindy's family. Does her son work? I hope they will keep his job open
for him. I hope you won't have too much driving tomorrow.
I heard something on the news this evening about Facebook being down today. It must have happened during the 2-3 hours I was out of my house, since I was on and off it briefly throughout the day and it wasn't down.

Lil0, it sure would be nice if you could figure some things out on your own while waiting for the appointment in November. Trying to nail down causes for symptoms can be wearisome.

Squirrel, thanks for the update on Cindy's family. It sounds pretty rough to be in that kind of pain and not be able to take the opiods for relief but like you, I don't blame him. If he can tough it out he'll probably be better off for it. I hope you have an easier day tomorrow.