10/9/21 - Donuts & no ferries


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
Good morning. I just learned that 141 ferry crossings were canceled yesterday -- 25 of those were off this island. I guess if I have a need to do something off-island I better plan on a VERY long day. The problem is staff shortages. COVID related. The active cases are as bad as they have ever been, but we seem to be acting as though all is well -- except we do wear masks. At one point recently the local grocery store had a lot of empty shelves because most of the staff at their warehouse was down with COVID. This is a long way from being over with!
Other than that . . . I hope you are all well. Weather here has been pleasant. I'm still struggling with health issues. More and more, I'm thinking I have blood sugar problems. Trying to learn what all may be causing it and how to deal with it.
Wishing you all a good weekend.
It's a beautiful day here. I mowed Wednesday evening when it was cool; in the 80s. My youngest son is edging, etc now and will help with a few other things inside when finished. The local Methodist is having a garage sale yesterday and today. They picked up a heavy load earlier in the week and I added 5 more loads myself. Most of it was husband's clothes and other things I just don't need anymore. I had already taken 5 BIG boxes to the women's Thrift Shop where everything made goes to help women trying to get back on their feet. I'm still going through drawers and closets and reorganizing everything. Found enough "memory" stuff that I think Christmas shopping is done. I will add the updated part of "Our Lifestories" book I have been writing since the 70s, but I need to get it up to date first.

Hopefully, I'll finish the office closet and the wash today. Hope to get to a select league football game tonight. Two of my great nephews are playing. I think it's there last game.

My numbness has gone away which means I am now feeling more pain. However, I have to work through it. Getting stronger each day, especially with the therapy twice a week. Hoping my "tweeked" knee holds out until after the first of the year. I don't want any more surgeries or deaths this year.

Lilo, I hope the ferry situation gets better!

Everyone have a Blessed weekend. Hope to check by in during the day.
It was in the 70s when I walked early this morning. It will be in the 90s later and I'll have to turn
on the A/C again. The rain on Sunday is suppose to start late at night. We'll see.

No outside work today. I'll do some tomorrow.

Nanahl, good luck getting to the game tonight. Be sure and rest tomorrow after you busy week.

Lil0, I hope the shortage situation in your stores won't get worse before it's better. I hope you'll
can figure out your health issues.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend.
Hello. Or good afternoon. We have a chance of rain starting tomorrow night too, Kat. Going to be in the 90s* today and tomorrow, then in the 80s*, and by the end of the week, 70s*.

Lil0, I hope you can figure out or find out the root of your problem. Blood sugar issues are not always easy to detect. Over 40 years ago an endocrinologist in Dallas put me in the hospital and monitored my sugar for 3 days, then told me I had low blood sugar. Soon afterwards I moved off to PA and never thought much more about it (in spite of feeling tired and run down my whole life), partly because I didn't even know what any of that meant or what to do about it, back in those days. But over the years I've had checkups, with typical blood work that includes sugar tests, and nothing along those lines has ever shown up but I still think the doctor in Dallas may have been on to something. So keep trying and maybe you'll get some answers.

I hadn't thought about you being on an island and not being able to get off. Yikes! I hope it doesn't come to that altogether. It seems we're all experiencing things we never expected to see. We're being told daily to get Christmas shopping done now because it's going to get worse. I've been buying some basics (mostly paper products) along, to keep a few extras and doing a few other things but I don't have much space to store things and one has to wonder, how many extras are enough?? I don't buy up a bunch at once, just pick up an extra package of toilet paper or whatever, every few weeks.

Nana, based on all you are doing now, I think I'd try to stay out of your path when you aren't nursing an injury! :wink:But seriously, you must have an extraordinary amount of energy. I just hope you aren't overdoing it. Enjoy the game, if you get to go. Are you g-nephews playing on the same team?

I thought I'd be sore from pulling weeds yesterday but I'm not. I also thought I would fall right asleep when I went to bed but I didn't. However, once I did get to sleep, I slept for over 7 hours. Still have been tired though. I've been bogged down all morning except for washing my sheets and doing a few other easy things. The south wind is blowing with some punch now so I didn't even consider working outside this morning.
Good morning.... it's late, so Good afternoon. I've been playing fetch with the beast most of the morning. Even after going back to sleep after the bus group left yesterday I was dragging all day. Went to bed at my normal time and slept like a log till morning.
Today I've book our "light tour" through Christmas Lights. This place allows Vinnie as we are in our own car driving through a light maze, listening to Christmas Music. On our way out we get a cup of Hot Chocolate. Last year it was the highlight of a sad and lonely Christmas. We could rent a carriage, looks cute, but as they are horse drawn, they wouldn't let Vinnie ride with us.

My Son and family went to Mexico this is a picture of his hotel. Yes, those bottom 3 floors have pools, instead of balconies!! Eek....
Patricks hotel.jpg

Good Saturday to all...
robin, that would be freaky to have a pool for a balcony.

OC, I bought one extra package of toilet paper. Hopefully, it will last awhile.
I'm glad I don't have to worry about Christmas shopping. I haven't bought any
gifts since my divorce because I can't afford it. I missed it though.
Robin, a light tour sounds so nice. I haven't been out at night to look at Christmas lights in so many years. It's a long way for me to go and I don't drive after dark and fact is, I don't have much desire to go out at night for anything anymore, even when there is someone else to drive. The hotel in Mexico looks like a pretty location but I'm with you and Kat on swimming pools for balconies, :eek:.

Kat, I haven't done Christmas shopping in years either. It was more than I could handle during the years I was taking care of my husband, then after he was gone, I just never did start back up again, though like you, I miss it and I kept thinking I'd start again. Then last year was not a good time to do it. Today I was thinking how it's a good thing I'm used to not doing it, since it looks like there may be a lot of extra stress and frustration associated with shopping this year.

I slept for nearly 2 hours this afternoon so I'm probably going to be up tonight. I couldn't help it though. I had to sleep.
A pretty moon sliver to the southwest, with a planet just below and a little to right of it. It was so clear and bright right after sundown, with the sky still clear and a glow of the sunset on it.