11-11-2016 - Donuts & Veterans Day


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Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
Happy Veterans Day to all our hero veterans!


We are on the road today to a city in the northern part of the state. I posted about it in Chapel thread the other day. Donuts are perfect traveling food for kiddos.

Wishing all who served America in the military a blessed day. Please receive a grateful and heartfelt salute and our admiration!
Good morning everyone and Happy Veterans Day to all who served!

Safe travels Noel. Sorry your trip is due to such sad circumstances.

I'm getting my engagement photos done today. At least it's a nice sunny day.

Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful day!
Good morning. Today we remember all those who have sacrificed to keep our countries safe and protect our values, freedoms. Take a moment today to remember those who have lost their lives fighting for us. Lest we forget.
The day is called something different in Canada & the U.S. but, it is dedicated to the same brave people. They have fought, been wounded, died, experienced things beyond anything anyone should have to do, or ever thought they would. Remembrance Day, Veterans Day, it stands for the same thing. Honor those men & women, pray for those who have died, and always thank a vet when you meet up with one. :)

Once upon a time, November 11th was called Armistice Day, as it was the day the first World War ended. And, in France, was signed on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month in France. After World War 2, the name was changed in the U.S. to Veterans Day, originally was honoring those who died, but now honors ALL vets, living and dead. Many other nations celebrate this day as well.

O.K. you all probably know all this, but I was thinking of a relative, who was 14, lied about his age, and somehow got into the fracas of 1st World War. I have a lot of relatives who served in the wars, most are gone now. But I always, always, thank a vet.

Good morning all, so I got a bit nostalgic this a.m. The temp dropped a lot, wind has really kicked up, lots of clouds, tho the sun is trying. I was just visiting my very best friend down in Chicago area, who lost her daughter last year. Today is that daughter's birthday......and then, MY daughter's best friend from 1st grade, passed away yesterday, after spending a year in the hospital following a liver transplant.

So...forgive me......I do have to go to town today, and I think a visit for a bit to church will be on my agenda.

Thank you for putting up with me. LOL

Gotta tell ya, I dragged out the fuzzy, warmer robe, and am thinking a winter jacket will be pulled from the closet for the trip to town as well. LOL Brrrr. (it's the wind!)
Thank you to all of our veterans here.

My Dad's side of the family has a long history of fighting for our country from the Revolutionary War through all of the Gulf Wars. My Great-Grandfather received the Medal of Honor for his actions at the Battle of Carter's Farm (Virginia), July 20, 1864, during the Civil War.

My Mom's side emigrated from Italy, and all of her brothers served during WWII.

The only time my family opposed the government was during the Whiskey Rebellion in 1791. ( This was the first tax imposed on a domestic product by George Washington's government. )

Noel - prayers for your family, and for your safe travel.

Red - Have a wonderful day taking your engagement photos.

Muzzaman - Thank you to all of our Canadian neighbors who served and sacrificed.

Poirot - My Dad's next to youngest brother (age 15) also lied about his age, and joined the army after my Dad was shipped to the South Pacific. My grandmother was very ill, and didn't know he did it until my youngest uncle (age 9) found the note he left for her.

Oh my goodness, I'm sooooo glad that I put flannel sheets on my bed yesterday. The nights are definitely getting cold here.
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Happy Veteran's Day,
All 3 of my grandpa's and 1 uncle are veterans, I appreciate very much the sacrifices made by our vets. Thank you to anyone who is a veteran.

Poirot - So sorry for the loss of your daughter's best friend, I'm sure it's hard on you too. Prayers for peace
Noel - Safe travels, and prayers for you and your friend's family also.
Red- have fun with your pictures.
RS - you come from a long line of Patriots, that's amazing.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Good morning. I'm adding my thanks to all veterans. My dad and other family members served in various wars too. Also condolences to all of you who have lost loved ones or have someone dear to you who has suffered such a loss. Life can be so very sad at times.

We are having near perfect weather here this week. It will reach 74* today, mostly sunny with very little wind. For me, it doesn't get better than that. Everything was sopping wet with dew outside this morning though. I could see the white fog hanging over the river in the distance, and over the tank just down the hill from the house.

Have the best day possible, everyone.
Good Friday to all.

Thank you to all who have served and kept this country safe.

I wish I had a real story of WWII. I heard them my entire life. But then in an attempt to get veterans benefits for my dad I discovered his enlistment date didn't jibe with any of the stories.

Off to work 3 products as the sole support person. Hoping all/most districts have the day off.
A big thank you to all our veterans, today and everyday!

It got colder than I expected. I'm still feeling a bit chilly, but I'm a big baby in cold weather. The drought is still on and no rain in sight. My neighbors' small pond has almost completely dried up and I wonder if the fish can survive in there.

October and November have several minor meteor showers. With many nights of clear skies I've been fortunate to have seen quite a few. I must be in the right place at the right time. We really need rain, but no clouds on full supermoon night, please! LOL

The only time my family opposed the government was during the Whiskey Rebellion in 1791.

Sorry RS, but I found that too funny! :rotfl:
Red: so delighted you having your engagement photos completed today! You are creating new memories to last a lifetime . Enjoy! every minute of this time.

Muzza: yes, "unless we forget". Beautifully stated tribute to our veterans. Thank you for voicing their value, worth and appreciation.

Poirot: Nostalgia on Veteran's Day is also a part of my day. So sorry about the loss of your friend and your own daughter's best friend. Life teaches us loss but it is never forgotten because our lover is stronger than death. May the Lord comfort and strengthen each of you today.

Squirrel: like KT I laughed out loud when I read your comment about the Whiskey Rebellion under George Washington's administration. Hope your day is a carefree one and thanks for honoring our veterans.

Manda: wishing you a lovely weekend. Thanks for supporting our awesome veterans and those who served in your family. You & Gena will hopefully have fun this weekend together making new family memories.

OC: gratitude to the members of your family who served in the American military. Thanks for sharing their service with us. Rejoicing you find the weather near perfect for you. Your description of the fog over the river sounded refreshing to me.

Robin: be brave today as you face the vendors alone today! Hope you are right and the districts are lightly staffed today so your day goes smoothly. I so appreciate your heart for our veterans -- anyone hurting -- and the depth of support you reach out to them.

Bookworm: We honor your relatives who faithfully served our country in various conflicts. Thank you for sharing their brave memory with us.

KT: Thanks to the veterans in your family too. And thanks for the meteor information you shared a few days ago. I ran outside to enjoy the beauty in the skies. Let's hope it continues for a while.

No need to be sorry, kt. Those ancestors are always a funny topic of conversation in our family.

Besides fighting for our new country, my relatives also supplied Washington's army with meat, vegetables, and whiskey. When the new government enacted the whiskey tax in 1791, they fought the tax collectors and militia who were sent to southwestern Pa to quell their rebellion. After that, they hid their stills in the "hollers".

During and after the Civil War, the government left them alone because the feds were more interested in the Hatfields and McCoys.
Thank you to all the veterans. Do our allies celebrate this day too? Praying that all war will end soon.

Another busy, nice day here. I put in 90 books in the computer today. I wish I could have stayed longer.
I had to go to vet and get Goldie's medicine. It's close
to 70 today. After lunch, I used the trimmer. I'll be
spending the afternoon trying to get the book done.

kt, are there any more meteor showers this month? This is when a fancy phone would
be handy to give me an alert about them.

I hope everyone will have a good rest of the day.
Happy Veterans Day to all! My husband's brother was killed in Vietnam in 1969. Never were told the true story and when the Vietnam wall came through town a year ago we found a man crying at Jack's name. When Rick asked him if he knew him he did but didn't want to talk about it. Just kept saying so senseless. A few months later he ran into him at a gun show and after all these years got the true story. So living or not, bless them all!

Our weather is still sunny but cooler. They are even mentioning snow for next week. We always say if we have snow before Thanksgiving it's going to be a long snowy winter.

Have a great day.
Happy Veterans Day

My husband was in the Merchant Marines during WWII. He and a friend joined when they were 16. His mom had to sign his paperwork, she thought that she was signing him up to work on the ferry. He sailed on the Atlantic Ocean for 4 years. They brought our military supplies, food, weapons and vehicles and whatever they needed.

It was the most dangerous ocean to sail because it was full of Japanese submarines or (U boats) and were always being torpedoed. They would join a Navy convoy for added protection but that didn't always work. When we got married, the first few years he had some really horrible nightmares. He was 88 when he died 2 years ago and never forgot, but didn't talk about it.

We were happily married 60 years. Had our 2 quarter horses and we rode together for years. We had one child, Mike, who also rode until he got married and had children. Then he couldn't afford it. Harry was a steer roper and team roper. He final quit at 78 years. We have made many friends since we moved to Washington state 34 years ago. Many of them are also veterans and I wish them a huge thank you for their service and Happy Veterans Day!
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kt, are there any more meteor showers this month? This is when a fancy phone would
be handy to give me an alert about them.

I just the internet for upcoming night sky events. I look at several sites, but this is a good one that explains things and lets me look ahead:


Don't you have a Kindle now? You may be able to get some apps for it. I don't know, since I've never had one. I use Sky Map on my phone. It's a live version of the night sky. Hope that helps.