11/11/21 - Donuts and Veterans Day


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Dec 29, 2012
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Pouring rain here, began during the night, they are saying all morning, and then.......yep, it is supposed to change over to that nasty S word this evening. Time will tell. All I know, it feels cold...not just chilly. I was going to dash out to WalMart this a.m. but......I think I will leave it for another day.....tho it doesn't seem they are going to get much better. So instead, well, maybe I can try and reduce clutter on my desk and the dining table. LOL
Just realized no mail today....
Good morning..... with the no mail delivery just who will the BEAST bark at today..... guess we shall wait and find out......
another night of broken sleep...... a solid couple of hours then up then solid couple of hours then up..... getting back to sleep is the problem, get warm and cozy... then do I turn my head to the left? or right? or stare at the ceiling? so many choices..... LOL.....
We are warm and sunny during the day..... cool to cold at night..... with cold being in the high 60's at the pre-dawn hours)
Not much planned today....
Good Thursday to all....
Glad to be able to say good morning. Lately it seems I haven't been able to get here before evening. I've been on the go so much, it's nice to spend a day at home but alas, I have another migraine. I don't know why so many unless it's a combination of allergies and having my diet and schedule messed up due to spending more time away from home. I've taken a pill and now I think I'm going to have to take a nap.

The HVAC guys came this morning and checked out my mini-split. He said he could smell a little something too but he checked it out thoroughly and didn't find anything wrong. He blew out everything to remove any dust. Good thing I had them come though. Before they left I asked them to show me how to work the remote control on the one out in my guest house. I'd had it set on 80* throughout the summer, just to keep it from getting too hot in there. When the weather got cool I tried to switch it to heat at a low temperature but it didn't seem to work right. Well, it turned out some control thing was out on the unit outside! I would never have known that and would have continued thinking I just didn't know how to work the remote control. They're having to order a part and they don't know if they can get it before Thanksgiving or not but they're trying. My son's family will be here that whole week but they'll have their RV so it won't matter. But my daughter is coming sometime that week and they usually stay in the guest house. I'm hoping the weather will be mild that week but you never know this time of year.

Robin, I don't know how you are getting any sleep at all, not only with that thing between your legs but also sleeping on your back.

Poirot, looks like you are about to go past that point of no return with cold weather (until next May). Shivers! My table is piled with clutter again. I don't even know where to start on it.

Kat, you are so kind to be taking care of the neighbor's dog. No doubt the bright spot of his day is seeing you arrive.

Thinking of all the Veterans, past and present. I'm grateful to them for their sacrifice and service.
Hey all. Been a busy week. Starting to put my Christmas stuff up. I am going to AZ on Dec 15 so I want to have time to enjoy it. Will do most of it this weekend when I have more time. I am usually pretty tired after work.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Afternoon Everyone,
My energy levels are improving every day, breathing is still challenging if I try to move to far, tonight should be exhausting, as I need to stop for dry cat food and milk. We ran out of catfood this morning, and the milk spoiled on Saturday. We don't drink a lot of milk, but Gena loves the Lipton Noodle Sides and most of them call for milk. One of the ladies at my church, who is a nurse, thinks I had RSV and not the flu, at least it's not Covid, but this isn't great either.

OC - I hope they can get the heater in the guest house fixed before your family arrives.

Thinking of you all, but work is keeping me hopping.
It's sunny and in the 60s today. I didn't walk this morning and I'm skipping tomorrow too.

When I put the doghouse back together Sat, I dropped the top on my foot. I didn't realize until Sunday
or Monday how bad it was. I've been wearing a compression sock to help with the swelling.

A good day at the library. I drove there and the head librarian there today. I asked if the other woman
had day off. She said since it was Veterans Day they should have been closed. That's true. I finished
the project I started last week. The juvenile non fiction books were a mess.

I spent time with neighbor's dog before I had lunch. I left the ball I played with yesterday at the house.
I took another just in case. I didn't see it so we played with the other. He saw bugs in the yard and
started chasing them.

OC, I hope the part comes before Thanksgiving.

Poirot, I hope you found something to keep you busy today.

robin, I hope you'll have a better night's sleep this evening.

manda, I'm glad you're feeling better. I love the Lipton noodle mixed, but don't make very often since
I'm alone.

I hope everyone has a good night's rest.
Manda...if you can find Lactaid milk try a container. I have issues with milk but loved cereal. This milk really lasts a long time and tastes like milk. It also cooks like milk. I used One of the milk alternatives and the pudding wouldn't set. Disappointing.....large bowl of instant chocolate milk instead of pudding
Good afternoon......been gloomy all day, and it did rain all day, just stopped about 1/2 hr. ago. However, the temp is dropping and boy did the wind start up, the huge pine trees are really swaying, branches going up and down. My flag is whipping straight out, flapping away. (I take it down tomorrow, if it isn't raining. Wanted to leave it til Veterans' Day). They said rain tomorrow, or rain and snow.......that is even worse! Slush galore. Had to have lights on all day, been so dark.

It is great that kids can take casual pics for graduation. They really are more natural and work better.
Mandy, Rest, rest, rest. If you try too much, you will only take longer to recover. Can you call the store, ask if the items you need can be in a cart near checkout, so you can just come in, pay and skedaddle. ??
I like milk, but only use skim milk. Hubby did NOT like milk one bit, tho his coffee had 1/2 & 1/2, & he did like chocolate milk. LOL
Am picturing Vinnie expecting his daily bark target, who doesn't come, and he is wandering around looking for him. LOL
Hallmark is doing a Vet Day Christmas movie called U.S.S. Christmas.......that's on my agenda this evening.
Kat, am so sorry your good deeds have resulted in an injury. Hope for a speedy recovery (I am such a slow healer, so hope you do well. Glad you are foregoing the morning walk for a bit.
Poirot, I was cleaning out the doghouse my dog had. My cat sleeps in it sometimes during the winter.
I should have cleaned it out sooner. It had so many cobwebs in it.

Kris, I love the outdoor picture of Siege.

manda, I understand the milk prices. I buy fat free milk in a quart. It used to be 78 cents. Now it's almost $2.
Vinnie did well today...... AMAZON came by to drop off a package..... stuffed flopping fish for his cat cousin, Picasso's, Christmas gift... this driver must be a regular as he makes sure he is heard walking down the walkway and says howdy doggie as he leaves.... of course Vinnie is beside himself with wiggles.....
Kris, Siege is such a pretty girl. I like everything about her picture. I agree, the way they do pictures today is so much better!

Manda, I'm glad you are improving. It sounds like that RSV or whatever it was hit you pretty hard. Is Gena back to normal? She was a good helper for you while you were down.

Dachsie, I bet your house is going to look so pretty. Enjoy.

Kat, I'm glad you had a good day at the library but I'm so sorry about your foot. I hope the compression sock helps. It seems good you are taking some time off from walking.
Thanks everyone. I love how they do the pictures now too. Less posed and more personal I feel. She got a couple with the puppy too.