11/12/18 - Donuts and white stuff


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Dec 29, 2012
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Goldie and I went out when it wasn't raining, but it started again. There was white stuff with it.
It was probably sleet since it was nosy. Nothing should stick today since it was in the 50s
yesterday. We only went around because of the wind. Maybe we can get out again later.

I hope everyone has the best day they possibly can.
Good morning, wow, darker this a.m. than usual. Not snowing at the moment, but..it's in the forecast. Dreary weather, have tasks here and just do not want to tackle any of them. I know many of you like to watch sports, but honestly, weekends are for the pits on TV, as it is all football, regular, college, same goes for radio, plus they do high school as well. And then it will be hockey, basketball, and it doesn't stop. Would not be bad if it was just one channel, but all the networks do it, in addition to some of the cable ones. Oh, well. Guess they must get ratings.
Tis 21 this a.m. Hey, Robin, 36 would sound pretty good to me. Have wanted to ask how the healing is going after your facial surgery? time for me to get going here, first thing will be laundry. Want to wash some lite jackets before they are stored for the winter. Hate on winter coats the collars (neckline) seem to get discolored, but the rest is fine. No cleaning place in town any more, wool coats. Must be some way to clean them one's self.
Have a good day folks. No mail, I guess, today!
That is all I did over the weekend, but only one new one, rest were reruns, and then I found a channel (called UP) which is very family oriented, and I swear must be owned by Hallmark, or else have a contract, as they are also showing nothing but Christmas movies, but older ones. Friday nite, I watched one with that actor who used to play Jeremy Horton. He was not very good in it. LOL
Good morning. I don't know if I have the day off but I'm taking it off and staying home. Temperatures are dropping and wind gusting to 30. Not a lot of rain but it is sopping wet, possible snow flurries to come. Water standing on my deck. We'll have a hard freeze for the next two nights which means there will be scattered ice puddles. I don't think my husband will miss me too much, if at all. He's been taking extra pain meds for several days and has mostly been zonked.

My new grandbaby is breathing on his own now but they're going to keep him in NICU until they go home, which will be a couple of days more, due to C-section. The mom is missing those early moments of having him with her but I know I feel better that they are giving him the extra attention and observation. Noel, I like to imagine someone like you giving him that attention.

Robin, safe travels home. I'd be ready for the return to warmer temperatures too. I hope your family is safe in California.

I don't know which direction the winds are blowing out there but I've been wondering if smoke can be smelled out Phoenix way. The reports coming out of CA are just too sad to even watch. I keep thinking someone on this board has mentioned being from Paradise. Could that be where your family cabin is located, Robin? I don't know who. I wonder about Mtnmom too. I think she lives around the Sierra Nevadas.

Kat, you and Goldie are brave souls, to go on and make your rounds in that weather!

Poirot, I feel the same way about weekends and sports. Even at the nursing home, all I could hear about yesterday from the surrounding rooms, was the Cowboys. I know it is un-Texan of me, but I truly could not care less whether the Cowboys (or any other team) do anything or not.

Noel, thanks for the reminder of what I've been meaning to ask, and I'm sure you would know the answer. Do both of the Hallmark channels carry only Christmas movies throughout all of November and December? I knew one of them did but I wasn't expecting it to be on both of them and they even started in October! I'm not a fan of Christmas movies. Only will watch a few of them (older ones). But it's nice for you and others who do enjoy them. I just was surprised to see both the channels running them full time. Oops, and now I see Poirot has found yet another channel that runs them.
Good Morning Everyone,
Cold and snowy here, it's been snowing on and off all weekend. It turns out Gena did not need a new coat, she just needed the velcro at the wrists to be adjusted. She did however need new boots and we found a brand new pair Goodwill for $14, along with some more warm pajama pants. 1 pair of warm fuzzy pajamas pants just doesn't work for the long winters and I don't like doing laundry that often.

OC - glad you new grandbaby is doing better, I picture all NICU nurses to be angels like our Noel. :)
Poirot - I love the UP channel, especially when they have Touched by an Angel on.
Robin - have a safe trip home
Kat - oh yuck, sleet is the worst.
Noel - I hope things calm down for you today.

Have a wonderful day!
So far, only sleet/rain and none of it is sticking.

manda, I'm glad you found some nice things at Goodwill for Gena.

OC, yes both Hallmark channels are showing holiday movies. So sad. I won't watch of
them. Too depressing when you're alone. I did write Hallmark and complained they
didn't need to show them on the Mystery channel. They could show old TV shows
Christmas episodes. That would be original. I'm glad your new grandbaby is doing fine.
OC: great news about your precious new grandbaby! Certainly NICU nurses have a heart for vulnerable babies so those nurses are looking over your grandbaby day and night. And yes, Hallmark [this year] began showing Christmas movies on both channels: the regular channel shows more romantic stories, the mystery channel focuses on Christmas miracles. I enjoy them both: positive, uplifting, Christmas music & decorations, and nothing offensive especially before bedtime.\

Manda: that is awesome about Gena's coat and great find on new boots! You obviously are an astute shopper! Somehow kiddos just grow out of everything so often that we parents need very deep pocket books and shopping skills. Bundle up yourself so you are not freezing on your exhausting work schedule. Thinking of you!
Gosh, seems like we were all complaining about the heat and now we're all cold! Weather turned quickly. 40's here today. Counting down the days to vacation for sure. I'll get the cast off about a week before we leave so I'll have a bazillion errsnds. Currently, I am binge watching The Office on my tablet, Christmas shopping on Amazon via my laptop and checking in with you all on my phone! I have a friend coming a bit later to visit. She was going to bring lunch but I fast on Mondays so no food for me. Lots of water!!! I am reading a decent but weird book called Baby Teeth. Any readers here??

Poirot - We got rid of cable last week and are just streaming Hulu/netflix/prime now. My husband is trying to get used to not having life TV/sports. But, I agree anot cable on the weekends - terrible!

Katmouse - I didn't realize Hallmark did that on both. Mystery is mystery and they should keep it that way.

OC - wonderful news about your grandchild. Continued prayers.

Kat stay warm on your walks!

Robin - hopefully your home by now and warm! How nice to go from 36 to 70-80! Enjoy

Noel - hopefully your life is slowing down some by now. However, I'm sure the NICU is always busy.

Poirot - I just can't get used to the darkness yet! Last night at 6:30 I said gosh it seems like 9:00pm - and we all agreed. I keep waking at 3:20 --- which is actually the time I do wake up before we set the clocks behind!

OC - I hope your new little grandson is still doing great! What did they name him? Medical today is so fantastic! Stay warm tonight!

Manda - yahoo on not needing a winter coat for Gena and great find at Goodwill.

We had snow on Friday and it lasted until mid day Saturday and we didn't have to shovel either. That was the perfect snow fall if there was such a thing!! Cold today - it was 26 when I got up and it's only climbed to 29! But no moisture is do!

Have a great day
I'm still getting snow flurries, but nothing is sticking. It's in the 30s now.
Tonight it will be in the upper teens.

MPM, I'm glad you'll getting your cast off soon.

Hallmark calls it Movie and Mystery. I wrote to them years ago when they called
it Hallmark Movie (I think). They showed TV mysteries then. I asked why it was
called movie channel when they showed TV shows. They changed name after that.
I just read Stan Lee (Marvel comics) has died at age 95. Oh this one makes me sad. I love some of the Marvel characters he either created or help create and really loved his cameos in the Marvel movies. He always stole the scene.
Heya Everybody! I hope that everyone is doing fantastic! I am doing so-so here as I have not been well the last while. Today has been a pretty busy day. I went to work, came home and had dinner although dinner seemed to take longer then usual to prepare. After dinner I have been doing all kinds of chores that needed to get done. Right now, I am pretty tired so I am actually looking forward to going to bed.

The weather was okay today. Right now it is mostly cloudy and 37*F. This Autumn has been a season of little sun here. I miss summer already, this girl needs her sunshine.

My cats are all doing okay. There is one cat I am still a bit concerned about but I do have faith with love and care she will be okay.

Wishing you all a magical Monday evening. Much happiness!
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Good Evening all...... so many things.....
My son sent this picture of the house in Sacramento this past weekend....
Citrus Heights.jpg
This was taken in the middle of the afternoon.... we are roughly 130 miles from Paradise and the Camp Fire....
My Sister's house in Santa Monica is okay they were to told to "Shelter inside" this weekend..... Or at least her husband and dog were to shelter to in place... I haven't had a chance to connect with my older sister.... but as she hasn't contacted me I'm guessing other than being very smokey she is fine, she too lives in Southern California.... My Long Beach Son is also dealing with lots of smoke....

I purchased a Spiderman poster many years ago at a Comic Book convention.... It was a numbered poster and already autographed by two other Spiderman folks... Stan Lee was speaking a the convention and he was also going to do some signing.... I stood in line.... with my poster and a friend who also had somethings to be signed... Rob Zombie was also there and he was signing..... at the same table... so the rules you could only get one thing signed... I wanted two things signed but my Spiderman poster was the thing I really wanted signed... the man in front of me in line had two items he wanted signed by Rob Zombie so he asked me if I'd hold one of his things and get is signed.... so I agreed....asking him if he'd get Stan Lee's autograph on a simple comic book... The agreement was made..... He gets his thing signed... I'm next and I had over his 2nd item for the signature....it gets signed... dude says thanks snatches it from me and leaves...WITHOUT getting my comic book signed OR returning it to me.....Rob Zombie and Stan Lee both were appalled..... Rob and his crew autographed their current movie poster (House of a 1000 Corpses).... Stan held up the line to sign my poster apologize for the rude dude and sign another better comic book and give me a hug.... sadly this was before cell phones contained camera's so I don't have a picture of it..... But I will remember his kindness.... that day.....

As for my face.... it is healing nicely I guess.... at least that's what my sister and brother said this weekend..... I still see an ugly raised scar..... but I guess that is normal..... since I'm living with it........

Sorry to be so long winded this evening......