11/14/22 - Donuts and Winter Advisory


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's 35 with clouds this morning. I have a winter advisory starting at 3 until midnight. There
might be one to two inches of snow. I'll believe it when I see it :)

This morning, there's a luncheon I'm going to. It's from 10:30 until 1. I'll be getting home before
the bad weather. I'm taking Fenix out before I go and after I get home. I usually take him out
at 11 and I won't be home at that time.

I hope everyone has a the best day possible.
Quite the temp drop in NY. Saturday it was 70, yesterday in the 60s, now it is 41 but sunny, at least.

Kat - Hope the weather people are wrong about the snow. Get to/from the luncheon safely, and dress warm!

Cookies Mom - Enjoy your mild weather while we, in other parts of the country, are bundled up!!

Snowing here, 25°, wasn't supposed to come til this afternoon, but Mother Nature had her own ideas. In the forecast for next few days as well,you know, the "snow showers", or "possibility". Yes I put the boots to the front of the closet now. And in fact, I ordered a couple larger door mats as snow gets bad here, mine were so small. My car parks in the garage, with a door directly into the house, thru the laundry room. Thus, my floors suffer. Plus the front door which leads into kitchen & living room. So.....maybe a bit more protection. A bit difficult when one has to carry pkgs in, not able to remove boots thus the floors take a beating.
Laundry today for me.
Take care, have a good day, all.
Good morning.... it was a noisy one for me. HB left the BEAST at the house when he left for an early morning doctor's appointment. BEAST felt it was his duty to come in and sit on me and bark when ever he saw a branch move in the breeze or a bird chirped.... I gave up and got up earlier than I really wanted to.... did the summary and then came to the page to post and saw the news about John Aniston/Victor. Not a surprise, but still makes me sad....

Hope everyone has a great Monday.....
The rain has been moved to 4:15 today. There's only a chance of snow which means I won't get any or a lot.
It's suppose to stay above freezing over night.

I had a nice luncheon with the Newcomer group. We had BBQ. I brought dessert home.

Anyone have a Roku device to stream? I've found a lot of old TV shows on the Roku channel I'm watching.
Last night, I started watching "Leave it to Beaver".

Thanks for popping in today, manda.

robin, sorry the Beast woke you up early.
Still snowing here, went out for the mail and saw a couple of cars parked at a b usiness down the way, absolutely covered with snow. It was a light snow this a.m. but now has gotten rather serious! I had ordered some new door mats, arrived today just in time.
However, I was really ticked. I was here, on the phone, hung up, went to front door (which has small block windows, to see 4 boxes sitting on the sidewalk in front of the door, delievered evidently by the U.S. Post Office, never rang the bell. boxes were not small, or light weight either. Had to go out, bring each one inside, individually (exhausted me). One was for my younger son, who had it sent here, since he plans on coming up this weekend. One box just left with no notice is one thing. Four heavy...that's another. If they are not allowed to step foot in your house (Have heard this couple of times) I could open the door, and they could just deliver it easily without stepping foot. Grrrrr.
Good afternoon everyone.

Snowing here again, but it doesn't stick because the ground is still too wet from last week's rain.

I just want to get warmed up because I'm chilled to the bone. Once my feet get cold I'm done, but I have an American Legion Auxiliary meeting tonight. We're still working on the kids' Christmas party planning.

kat, I have ROKU on all 3 tv's. I watch a lot of British mystery channels on mine.
My cousin's husband watches all westerns on his. There's so much to choose from when there are over 500,000 free channels.

My Amazon order delivery time keeps getting pushed back. Now it is saying by 10:00 PM. I feel bad for that driver who has to go all the way back to Akron, Ohio, when he's finished his route.

My package started yesterday off from the Amazon warehouse near Pittsburgh, PA. Went to Cleveland, Ohio. Then to Akron, Ohio, to go out for delivery today. It just seems easier and would take a lot less time and fuel to bring it 45 minutes straight up the interstate instead.

My vacuum food sealer decided to conk out yesterday. No shame for it since it worked for almost 20 years.
cow car.jpg
Reminder : Cold season is starting and cows seek heat on car hoods, do not forget to tap on the hood to give the cow enough time to get off before you drive away!

While cows are most likely ONLY a problem for OC.... please knock on the hood of your car to give cats a chance to get away... I've treated cats caught in an engine, it's not pretty and it was fairly expensive 20 years ago I fear how expensive it will be now....