11-15-17 - Donuts and Rain

Thank you for the prayers and well wishes. This afternoon I have finally felt relief, just never know how long it will last. I guess I must have what they call on tv, "chronic migraine," since I rarely go more than about three days without one, to greater or lesser degree. Yes, I've been to doctors, tried many of the meds. Most don't help, a few do, but when one does help, I quickly become dependent on it and get rebound or else I start having adverse reactions to it. If only I could avoid all the foods that trigger them, but then I'd have nothing left to eat.

I think it was that wonderful cheddar cheese soup that set me off this time. When I was making it, as soon as I opened the cans of chicken broth and smelled it, I knew it wasn't going to end well. Even after the soup was made, I could smell the chicken broth and it was nauseating but the soup tasted too good to resist. When I got up Monday morning I wanted to go get a knock-out shot but that would be like leaving my husband alone all day. The shots knock me out cold.

Until I was in my 50s I only had migraines once or twice a month, then only for one day, and I could sleep them off. Thought I would get over them by that age but instead, they began to take over my life. I had never thought about dehydration but I do drink a lot of water so I'm probably okay there. I have some of the Himalayan salt so I'm going to try adding a little of it to some water. Thanks, Lil0.

Sleep well, everyone. This whole week has been so messed up for me so far, I keep thinking it is the weekend. Oh well, soon enough, it will be.