11/2/21 - Donuts and clouds


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's cloudy and damp today. I went out later than usual for my walk.

This morning, my neighbor called to tell me how to handle Phoenix today. Last night, she called me after 8. She
needed help to get the crate together. It's actually a metal cage and it was suppose to come undone when lifting
it up. The directions forgot to mention things were hooked together. She was tired. So, I got dressed (had PJs on)
and went over.

It took awhile, but we got it together. She took Phoenix to the vet after she got home and got his shots. She's
a teacher for 1st graders and she was exhausted. I'll be going out around noon and take him out to in the backyard.
She told me as soon as he came in this morning he went in the crate. That's good.

I hope everyone has a happy day.
Good morning everybody.

I was confused when I saw the date. I had to keep looking at the calendar because I've been typing and writing November 2nd on everything. Oh well, no biggie as my cousin would say. It is just another day.

Got called back to a local preschool/daycare this morning to screen 2 baby girls (7 months and 10 months) and a 4 year old who were absent last week.

kat - It sounds like Phoenix is much happier now that he has his safe spot in a crate. You're a good neighbor to him and his human.
Oops about the date. Too many 1s. I usually check my computer for the date.
Good morning from the REAL robinsnest..... I was released from the hospital at 2 pm yesterday. Came home and slept it is exhausting sitting upright in a car.... who knew..... I was walking a little after noon, or about 90 minutes after my surgery!!!
the BEAST is not pleased with the walker so that's something for now....

Thank you for all the prayers and good thoughts......
Good Afternoon Everyone,
Robin - so glad to hear that you are home and up and moving already.
Kat - I'm glad your neighbor has a better plan for her puppy today.
RS - I hope the screenings went well this morning.

As for me, new day, but the same old same old. Gena is officially better, and got her appetite back last night, she ate all of her dinner, plus her leftover 1/2 of sub sandwich from lunch Sunday, and some an apple or something she found in the fridge. After 4 days of barely eating anything I was glad to have her eating.
No real plans for tonight, I think I'm making homemade chicken pot pie for dinner.

Have a wonderful afternoon.
robin, I'm glad your surgery went well. I hope the Beast won't be too upset with the walker.

manda, happy to hear Gena is better and eating.
Oh, Robin, so good to have you back, they sure scooted you out of the hospital quickly, but that seems to be the norm these days. Slow & easy does it.... You probably will be having PT for a while. Still sayin' a prayer or three......:love::)
Hello, I haven't had time to read the past two days yet but wanted to scan through and look for updates on Robin. Wow, so surprised to see you already up and HOME, Robin! I know you've got the motivation to work at improving as fast as you can. Just don't push TOO hard! I'm sure Vinnie would enjoy having you sit and visit with him.

Yesterday was all about getting ready for today. Today was over 12 hours at the voting place. A cold, dreary day here, light rain. I enjoyed visiting with people of the community but 12 hours in that situation makes for a long day.