11/23/20 - Donuts and fog


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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This morning is foggy with cooler temperatures. It's in the 20s now. It's going to
be cloudy and only in the 50s today. I'll be walking later this morning after I
do my regular cleaning. Before I clean more in the bedroom, I'll have to clean
the vacuum filter.

I hope everyone will have a pleasant day.
Happy Monday friends!

Kat: what does fog look like again?! It sounds like a perfect autumnal day to me -- especially for indoor cleaning chores. Hoping your day is a very good one.

OC: wishing you a great Thanksgiving week as well! Hope the weather suits your outdoor activities. Are family traveling to share Thanksgiving with you this year?

IamRed: glad you're just 'tying up loose ends' this week. Hoping your Thanksgiving is a wonderful one this year too.

Poirot: thinking & praying for your hubby -- and you, family -- and wishing you the best Thanksgiving week possible.

To all who follow: wishing you a great Monday to start this week of gratitude.
Morning Everyone,

Started out at 29* this morning when I went for Gena's lunch, it's warmer now. I just had a visit from my local police department, as my ex decided to send me a request to follow me on Instagram yesterday. I'm guessing he had no clue that I have my account sent up that I have to approve all followers. He cancelled the request almost immediately, but not before I was able to capture a screenshot of the request for reporting purposes. Gena even confirmed with the officer that it is indeed his account. I just don't get it. He's left me alone since January. What prompted this new outbreak of idiocy? Nothing else much new going on today, so I guess that's a bonus.

Kat - ugh, cleaning the vacuum is never fun.

OC - Hope you have nice weather today

Red - enjoy your short week, I know I will enjoy mine.

Noel - thinking of you sweet lady, any chance you'll get to travel towards snow this winter?

Poirot - Still praying for you and your husband.

Have a great day everyone!
Red: oops we posted so close together I didn't see yours this morning. Good news you have a light workload this week. Hoping your Thanksgiving is a great one!

Manda: there is just no discernable evidence that your ex makes any sense at all most of the time. Sorry - that's brutal but the truth as I see it now. Ditto on JS query: hoping Gena can contact him by letter or virtual conversations. You put up with so much added drama & stress in your life over his antics. Just when it seemed he learned a lesson. You are courageous, wise, and a great Mom Manda and I applaud your cool handling of these situations!!!!

And, no, this year with covid [so much of my family is panicked over this virus] we are staying home. My brother just finished quarantine but is negative for the virus so he is driving up to spend Thurs/Fri with us. That will be great!
The sun came out at 9 so I went out for my walk. Laundry was all done by then.
I put the faucet cover on when I was outside so I won't forget. It's supposed
to be cloudy later today.

manda, sorry to hear your ex is still bothering you. Do you think your divorce will
be final before he gets his sentencing?

Noel, you're taking a big chance with someone coming to see you. I read a man
had negative test and flew on a plane. He was actually positive and infected
four others.

red, I'm doing ok. The evenings are hard since I shared snacks with Goldie.
Thanks for asking.
JS & Noel - that's an excellent question, and I honestly don't know the answer. I can't imagine that I'd be required to take her for visits as the restraining order I have is in effect until 2029. He can't call her as she only has a prepaid cell and wouldn't be able to accept the charges for collect calls. So if we are forced to maintain contact, it would to either be letters of someone else taking her to visit. There's only about 4 people that I would be comfortable taking her, and I guarantee he wouldn't be happy with any of them.

Kat - if he's smart he'll sign the proposed settlement before his sentencing, but we all know that he isn't. I have a feeling that the judge will give me pretty darn close to all marital property should he get anywhere close to the full sentence. Currently his sentencing is scheduled for January 5th and the divorce is scheduled for January 11th.
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JS, that's just crazy what happened at the funeral. I don't understand why the
church didn't make people wear a mask inside.

manda, it's too bad the divorce is scheduled after the sentencing. I hope someone
will bring up at the sentencing he needs to sign divorce papers before he goes.
Good morning..... the Beast is at daycare.... yesterday as I was putting pumpkin bread into the oven he tried to jump in...... so.... as I have batches and batches of cookies..... he is gone..... He also tried to get my new gnome Christmas decoration.... apparently he is used to the table being there but NOT the gnome!!!! So I spent most of Sunday night trying to silence a dog warning me of the dangers of a gnome...... thinking back it is hysterical but at the time it was just annoying.

Enjoy the short work week those of you working.
Happy Monday everyone!

I've been up since 5:30. Read for an hour and then started on my list to get everything done today that I can. Therapy at 1:00, shopping at a couple of stores after and delivering to a shut-in.

I've been working on cleaning areas that need to be cleaned before I can put up decorations. Cleaned a big mirror with alcohol so I can put command hooks on them for garland, and got as many of the hooks ready as possible but need more. Our kids will bring all the decorations down Thanksgiving and help put the tree up.

One great thing about Thanksgiving with my kids is that they bring everything but the turkey and dressing and do the clean up after! Only 2 grandchildren this week because 3 are in the military and can't get away, 1 lives about 5 hours away and has to work and the other is going to see her mother and that side of the family. She's the one I'm tutoring in her nursing classes.

It will be a busy week but I know it is for most of you. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I am blessed to have you all on this site.
manda, your ex is a major case off "can't fix stupid".

Noel, hope you and your family have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

JS, I agree about the reliability of the tests. Some of the churches here require you to wear a mask or leave. When my husband's cousin got married in September everyone had to wear a mask, they couldn't use the fellowship hall for the reception, and everyone had to write down their contact info in case contact tracing needed to be done. This was a Methodist church so they were following the directive of their local bishop. The church my husband and I attend has been doing drive up church services since March. The 9am service is inside but you have to wear a mask and they take your temperature.

robin, you know you needed to be protected from that dangerous Christmas gnome :rotfl: .

Nanahl, I've been working on prep for Christmas decorating too. How great that your kids will help bring everything down for you.

We're having Thanksgiving dinner at my in laws. My brother-in-law and one of my husband's grandmas will be there. The other is having a temper tantrum because my mother-in-law won't cook Thanksgiving dinner at her house for my husband's ungrateful aunt, uncle, and cousins. They're not invited to my in-laws because my mother-in-law severally dislikes my husband's cheating trollop of an aunt. My mother-in-law found her backbone this year and my husband and I couldn't be prouder.
Good afternoon everyone. A cold raw day here with snow earlier.

Yesterday would have been my Mom's 102nd birthday. I still can't believe that she's been gone for 17 years now

I'm off this week, but still had to go to the office. I scanned and emailed my long list of medications to the insurance specialist who is helping me with what choice to make. I can stay on work health insurance, go on Medicare with Medicare Advantage, or go on Medicare with Medigap plus medicine coverage. If I go on either of the Medicare programs, work will pay all of my premiums. Medicare sounds good except my prescription copays will rise drastically. My CEO said to do what is best for me, so I have a meeting next Tuesday with the specialist.

The low vision doctor is seeing patients at our agency today, and had asked me to stop in so he could adjust my new glasses that Sam's Club optical wouldn't adjust due to COVID-19.

Then I had a phone conference with 2 school nurses. They wanted to know if I could screen elementary schools next week. Ummm....NO! Your superintendent has your school district on virtual classes all next week. How the heck would I screen kids, or even want to?

Getting ready now to go to my doctor's appointment in a few minutes. I'm glad his office is only a quarter mile away.

Amanda I've told you before that your ex is a waste of oxygen. He needs to rot in prison for all he has done.

Red, I applaud your mother-in-law. Now you all can enjoy your Thanksgiving without the tension with the other relatives

robinsnest, we laugh at Vinnie's antics, but I bet they can get aggravating.
rs, maybe the nurses think you can virtually screen eyes :) Enjoy the rest of your
week off and good luck deciding what insurance you should have.
RS - your comment about my ex has me giggling, and I'm in full agreement. Virtual vision screenings sound like a hilarious idea. I just took Gena to the eye doctor last week, they were great about being masked up and disinfecting, but then they always are at the office we go to.

My mom has invited Gena and I over for Thanksgiving, so it will just be of us. My mom, step-dad & brother, who all share a house already, and Gena and I. We visit them once a week or so already, so no big deal for us. My brother is out of work because of Covid, my parents mask up for everything as my mom works in retail and my step-dad is a truck driver.
Did laundry, paid a couple bills, had a few phone calls, sun was out, but is brrrrr out there, with snow expected tomorrow. Trying to clear things away, get rid of unnecessary items, file away some things. Hard to believe how fast "stuff" accumulates.

Mandy, maybe your hubby was attempting to just see what you post, what is going on with you, thought he could perhaps just sneak in the back door, not knowing you had "locks" in place. Glad you got the screen snap before he dashed away. Sorry you have had these delays for your divorce.

Was 23 here this a.m.
rs, as someone who used to sell Medicare Supplements and Advantage plans I’d recommend the Medicare Supplement and drug plan route. Advantage plans can have networks and some doctors don’t take them. Also, an Advantage plan is probably only an advantage to your employer since in some cases the premium can be $0.