11/24/2021 - Donuts and Turkey Day Prep


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good morning all. Today I will be prepping and making some of the parts of tomorrow's meal. But first I have to make space in the fridge. That will be fun finding the now "science" projects of food that I told HB yes, just put that away I'll eat it later as I didn't and still don't have much of an appetite. A friend will be stopping by later this afternoon to drop her dog off as we will be watching her as they travel for this holiday.

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday....
It's sunny and windy here today. I took my walk at 7 this morning since I had a busy day.
It's suppose to rain tonight. I hope so. We didn't get our rainy Oct.

Half of the kitchen floor is clean and the rice is cooking. I'll clean the floor by the stove
after I eat lunch. I knew I would probably get it messy when I cooked the rice. I'm
making the chicken and glazed carrots tomorrow.

robin, will it be just you and HB tomorrow?

Kris, good luck getting the food items done for tomorrow.

Wishing everyone a relaxing day before tomorrow.
A quick hello. The window washer is here. My two younger grandsons are inside the house, following window to window to watch him spray and clean on the outside. It's a cold, cloudy, blustery day for working outside. Glad we got the cows fed yesterday.

Hope everyone's day goes well with all the preparing for tomorrow.
Good Afternoon,
Sorry for the long absence, between being super busy at work, and 2 weeks of being sick, Sunday I broke out with some sort of allergic reaction on my face, not sure if it was related to the illness, something in the air at the laundromat, or some of the science experiments I cleaned out of my fridge on Sunday. Monday it was worse, so I called in sick to work and went to my normal doctor, she had me taking Claritin, Zyrtec, Pepcid (apparently it is also an antihistamine) twice a day, along with Benadryl when I was able for purposes of not falling asleep when it wouldn't be safe. Tuesday after doing all that Monday, I woke up to my left eye being almost swollen closed and the rash had spread from my nose and cheeks to my whole face, so after taking Gena to school, I went straight to the ER. While the ER doctor commended my doctor for being creative and trying to keep my blood sugars from spiking, he decided better to have my blood sugars be weird for a few days than have my face swell shut, although he did say part of that is just from laying down to sleep.
Today I woke up all puffy and swollen, but 45 minutes after taking my prednisone, being in an upright position and applying my topical steroid cream, my face is mostly back to normal. I weighed myself today too, I'm down 15 pounds total since before I got sick. If I must be sick, I'll gladly accept a 15 lb weight loss.

Robin - best wishes for a smooth Thanksgiving prep.
OC - I love watching window washers, so I'd be right there with your grandsons.
Kat - yummy, I love glazed carrots, it's always my favorite side dish in the cafeteria at work.

If I don't make it back have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow everyone. Bless you all!
manda, did they figure out if you're having just an allergic reaction to something and that's why your face
is swollen? Did they figure out what your other problem was? Please take and enjoy your Thanksgiving
All prep done for tomorrow and house is "relatively" clean. I'll mop floors after the decorations are up. Usually takes about a week. I don't decorate much outdoors, but indoors is another thing.

In case I don't get on here tomorrow since I have family here all day, I want to wish everyone a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Having this group is one of those many blessings. God Bless You All!
Kat - they aren't sure what I had before, I ended up getting a Covid test, but it was negative, although the doctor's say I may have had it and got tested once I wasn't contagious anymore. They also aren't sure what caused the allergic reaction, but it apparently a crazy allergic reaction on the face is a lessor known side effect of Covid, but then again it could be from anything that may have blown onto my face any time over the weekend. They didn't really run any tests, it was almost like they were afraid to touch me, so I'm pretty clueless as to the actual cause or how to avoid it going forward.

Nanahl - I'm glad all your prep is ready, enjoy your time with your family tomorrow.
My hubby developed an allergic reaction to some drug they gave him in hospital, rash all over his body. Then they used some lotion or cream (it itched like mad) which made it worse. He finally was getting over that, but landed back in hospital again, and eventually, while THERE, contracted covid. His voice was so hoarse. (he had multiple physical problems which is why he was in the hospital. )
Just an aside in re: all that.........Medicare just sent a huge envelope, addressed to him(!) detailing all they had paid out since last July/Aug with his 911 ambulance rides, ER, tons of scans x-rays, blood tests, etc, etc. I think there are 35 pages of items, some repeats. But at the end, on the last day, the day he died, it says, "hospital discharge". !!!!
Good evening everyone. Feeling a mite better today as the pneumonia meds do their work.

Cindy offered to pick up the apple and cherry pies that I had ordered to take to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving. I surprised her by ordering and prepaying for a pizza for when she got to the restaurant. When she got to my house, I split the pies and pizza with her. We each have 1/2 apple and 1/2 cherry.

I decided to make cranberry honey chicken in the crockpot with boneless skinless chicken breasts tomorrow instead of roasting the whole chicken. It is good, and much less work for me than roasting a chicken.

Poirot, I also received a "hospital discharge" with the EOB (Explanation of Benefits) after my Mom passed away. My doctor explained that it is standard procedure according to the medical billing code index. It is so nothing can be billed by the hospital as being provided to the patient after that date and time.
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Good evening everyone. Feeling a mite better today as the pneumonia meds do their work.

Cindy offered to pick up the apple and cherry pies that I had ordered to take to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving. I surprised her by ordering and prepaying for a pizza for when she got to the restaurant. When she got to my house, I split the pies and pizza with her. We each have 1/2 apple and 1/2 cherry.

I decided to make cranberry honey chicken in the crockpot with boneless skinless chicken breasts tomorrow instead of roasting the whole chicken. It is good, and much less work for me than roasting a chicken.

Poirot, I also received a "hospital discharge" with the EOB (Explanation of Benefits) after my Mom passed away. My doctor explained that it is standard procedure according to the medical billing code index. It is so nothing can be billed by the hospital as being provided to the patient after that date and time.
I would love to have your recipe for the Cranberry Honey Chicken!