11/27/2021 - Donuts and French Toast


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
French toast made with melted vanilla ice cream is what I'd like..... not what I'm having but what I would like..... given I don't have ice cream or bread it's a long shot for that to make breakfast.... I do have syrup..... yeah me....

The tree went up last night it's in its relaxing I'm OUT OF THE BOX phase.... decorations will go on tonight if I have the energy.... the Santa's will go on the mantel as soon as I get my Thanksgiving stuff off. This decorating will take longer as I have limitations on my ability to stand and move.... getting better with each day.... so that's a good thing.....

On a really weird note today will be one of our last days in the high 70's we head back into the 80's for the foreseeable future per the weather guessers... not that I'm complaining it's great for me rotten for the trees that need the cold to go into recovery from our wicked summers.....

Happy Saturday....
Another sunny day. It's in the low 60s. After my week of cleaning, I'm not sure when
I'll get back outside. I need cut down the rest of the dead flowers.

robin, I never had French toast with ice cream. I like it powdered sugar.

I hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend.
We are in the 40’s/50’s. Low is supposed to be 28 tonight though. But midweek we have 70’s so it’s anyone’s guess.

French toast sounds amazing — it was omelets here today
kat the French Toast with ice cream doesn't have you put ice cream on the toast, the idea is to melt very good ice cream in a shallow bowl so you can soak up the ice cream on the bread, then you cook as normal..... I saw it on a cooking show...
I wonder how it tastes using ice cream as the batter.
I have never tried it...... but I saw Jack make it on my Facebook feed and have been craving ever since..... but I just have Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream so not quite vanilla......
The young lady in the video is VERY thrilled to be making it.... I found her a tad bit over the top.....
That French toast sounds delicious! Probably wouldn't need any syrup, etc. because of the sweet in the ice cream. I'm not sure what "batter" is for French toast, unless it is what you soak the toast in before cooking it on each side. If so, the melted ice cream would be the batter, right?

Robin and Kat, you both continue to amaze me in all you get done!

Everyone was gone from my house by 1:30 today. Youngest son, wife, and 4 kids were here all week, since last Saturday. Two kids slept in my house. Daughter-in-law prepared their food in their home on wheels, then they'd bring it into my house to eat it. She also cooked a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and we all ate in my house. Daughter's family and oldest son's family all came yesterday, except for 2 grown grandkids, who couldn't make it. So 7 grandkids, ages 3 to 19, were here with 3 sets of parents, since yesterday.

The unpleasant part was that my youngest son's whole family had been sick to varying degrees for about 3 weeks, with allergies, sinus, colds, laryngitis, bronchitis when they got here. Except for the allergies, which I'd been having for some time anyway, I guess I caught some of the other stuff from them. By Monday night I had a sore throat and by Tuesday I had what felt like a cold--nasal/sinus congestion and a throat cough, which is also a chronic thing for me but now it was increased tenfold. Every night I've been waking up about 3 in the morning with all this so I've been very fatigued. I was almost falling asleep, even when up walking around. I told my son and daughter I felt like I'd been sedated. My son (not the sick one) said he wished he could feel that way. (Sedated). Lol.

The good news is that the daughter, older son and my son-in-law came with a plan. They began, and made good progress at cleaning out that horrible old garage/shop, which has been full of old tools and all kinds of junk and has been a big attraction for all sorts of varmints and pests for years. This was the nicest surprise I could imagine. That mess has been such a burden to me for years. The weather hasn't been very pleasant for most of the week. Windy and cold some days. A hard freeze of about 25* one night. Today, rainy and in the 40s*. But it could have been a whole lot worse so no room to complain.

I have tons of bedding and towels to wash. Ready to put in the 3rd load.
OC, it sounds like you had a wonderful week with family. well, except for not feeling well. I hope you feel
better soon. I'm glad the grownups started helping you get the garage/shop cleaned out.
It really is nice that so much family comes to visit for such a special holiday.....tho not so pleasant when they bring along their own visiting ills....I do hope that whatever it is leaves your body soon, O.C. But it still is so great to have them there & spend time with them. And they brought a huge and so welcome gift........clearing out stuff from that "shed/bldg". Bless their hearts. So how/where were the "not wanted" stuff disposed of? \
I am having sinus problems for some time now....a few months. It eases up, then suddenly, there it is. I carry tissues in pockets of everything, never know when it will decide to act up. Was having a real problem for about an hour in middle of night (See, I know not to swallow the phlegm...leads to pneumonia....as it gets into lungs.......so I keep a paper cup on bedside table "in case". Then I fall asleep, but awake at 5:30. bUT, when I get up, it really doesn't bother me, unless I go outside. When I come back in.....bingo. Plus sneezing a bit. LOL
I once again put off goin to store, and can't last much longer.
My younger son called, decided to leave tomorrow instead of today, I warned him supposed to snow this evening and overnight. Did not seem to bother him, but he has now learned it snowed a lot where he lives, seems the TV went out, & he had it hooked up some way or other to out little lake cabin, so lost it there. (DISH lets you get TV anywhere you are....via smart phone, tablet, some code or something for a TV.......) Anyway, now we are supposed to snow over night, so I will be worrying like mad for him, Will be hoping plows out (or not much snow) when I venture out tomorrow. Have some impt. appts. next week.
Please everyone, be careful, stay safe and healthy. God Bless.......
By the way, O.C. ....I love French toast, & my preferred topping is butter, then sprinkle granulated sugar. It seems you never made it??? Just an egg (or more if a lot of people) beaten, add a bit of milk, dip bread slice to coat both sides, then fry ...til golden, flip and do the other side. Anyway that is the batter.
Now melted vanilla ice cream?? Hmmm. sounds odd, but like you said, sweet. I do have some vanilla ice cream in freezer, just may try ONE SLICE.
Robin, is there some way you could perhaps pick out the cherries from the ice cream? (I love butter pecan, but sometimes, just push the nuts aside for a couple of tsps. as I eat. LOL)
Thanks, Poirot, but yes, I have made French toast many times. My comment was because I misunderstood what Kat was saying. It's been a very tiring week--good, but tiring--and my mind is mush. I haven't been getting much sleep, due to the congestion and also from having people sleeping all over my small house. I'm off to bed now.
OC, sorry for the misunderstanding. I use milk and egg for the batter when I make French toast.
I wondered how the ice cream would be instead of what I usually use.