11/28/2021 - Donuts & More Wind


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
Good morning all ~
It is once again VERY blustery here. There are already 4 power outages reported here on the island, and I expect I better prepare for the same. I did go out and retrieve my garbage can because I heard it banging around out there in the dark.
I hope you all are well recovered from the holiday festivities.
Heard on radio about high winds expected in Washington state! I figured it was gonna be bad since they singled out the one state.......We were to get snow, but did not. Guess it either did not get up this far, cuz my son's town got it mid-state! LOL, Radio just said cont'd cloudy......possibility of a few snow flurries ending by 1 p.m. So, the sun is shining brightly, sky is blue as can be...only thing they got right was the temp (24°) gotta say, it is BRRRRR weather.....(& we got worse to come, lol)
It's another sunny day in the 50s. I'm staying in again because I need to catch up on studies.

Lil0, I hope you don't lose power today.

Poirot, I'm glad you missed out on the snow this time.

I hope everyone has a restful day before the work week.
Good really late morning..... Our visiting dog, we were dog sitting for the holiday went home about an hour ago.... the BEAST has been reclaiming his house or he is searching for her, don't know..... silly beast..... anyway she's gone. I had decorated the tree as much as I want to.... I still have hundreds of ornaments to put on but I just don't care.... I have all my favorites and some new ones on so we be done... I also can't reach the top so it's a bit bare up there... I'm not getting on a ladder this year......
My light guy came yesterday so my house lights are up. He is a great guy. Young and puts the lights on for the fee of 1 angel off the angel tree per adult in the house.... a pay if forward sort of deal. Not sure how we will get them down, he fractured his arm earlier this year in a work fall and will be having surgery in January. He said he'd get someone to help him, but it might take some time to get them down. Maybe by then I'll be ready to go up a ladder to the top of the roof.... :rotfl:

Lil0 stay safe.... hope you are able to keep your power.....
Poirot we were really "cold" this morning at 45 warming up to 80 later in the day.... I'll try not to whine in my suffering
kat enjoy your studies......

Stay safe this last day of the long weekend for some....
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Lil0, I hope you didn't/don't lose power. I never knew Washington gets such high winds so often. I always thought Texas and Oklahoma were the windy places but we don't even compare with how often you get the really severe winds.

Robin, I bet Vinnie was missing the doggie friend. Does he pay much attention to the Christmas tree and decorations? I can't believe how much you're getting done in spite of your recent surgery but how nice to have a light guy, even if he's got a bum arm.

Kat, yea for your sunshine! Hope you got your studies done.

Poirot, glad you dodged the bullet on the wind and snow today. But 25*, even with clear skies, is too painful. I hope your son doesn't have any problems caused by the snow and wind. I imagine he's prepared for such inevitabilities.

Another challenging night for me. I went to bed at 11:15 and woke up at midnight with the throat cough and throat hurting because of it. Also gobs of congestion. I'll spare you the gross descriptions but now I'm thinking maybe sinus infection?? Been a long time since I've had one.

My son-in-law went off and left his C-Pap machine out in my guest house. He called me last night and asked if I could bring it to meet him halfway today. Being so exhausted and a little light headed, I wasn't sure how good an idea it was for me to do it but I told him I would. Then after not getting much sleep last night I sent him a text this morning and told him I needed to meet him at a place about 25 miles closer for me (but still around 80 miles one way). That extra 25 miles is a long 2-lane road over hills and curves in a wooded area. I don't like to make that drive even when I feel good, and I haven't been that way in about 15 years. So it was a huge relief when my niece called me and insisted she was going to take the c-pap to him. She told me to stay in and rest today. I protested some but it wasn't too hard for her to convince me. I've been washing some bedding throughout the day but haven't done anything else. It will take another day or two to get all that washed up.