11/29/20 - Donuts and rain


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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There was rain early this morning. I went out after 7 to walk. I only got around two times
since it started raining again. I came home and vacuumed on the other side of the bed.
Then I froze three turkey dinners. I still need to make dinners with the turkey and
freeze those. I'll be inside this afternoon watching the dog show I taped on Thurs.

I need to get ready for Sunday school class.

Wishing everyone a relaxing day before the new week starts.
Good morning..... so much to do and so little time left.

Auntie OC.... Vinnie was so happy his friend left, he slept from 11pm to 7:15!!

I had planned on putting the ornaments on the tree yesterday, I mean I did my stepmother's, but last night I spent the evening with ice on and off my leg so I'll try to get that today and I have to do some baking so I can ship the food to the kids.

I hope every one has a great day!! My 15 days of work starts tomorrow at 7am...... (eeek)
Good afternoon......ran out to store for paper & a couple other things. Sure is different without browsing. Except for Lysol spray or Clorox wipes, got the rest of the 9 items on the list. Truly, I just run out to store, get my items & check out. Mask, & gloves (tis cold and soooo windy, egads.)

O.K. so I never heard of sun rising in south....really? Thought it always was rise in east, set in west.

Glad you are getting some rain, Kat, but sorry your walk was shortened.

Vinnie sure felt like he had to "recover" from the unwanted company, lol. Robin, you can wait a few hours yet, rest......before the ornaments get hung. Heck, It will be another 10 days before I even start putting out anything. LOL. Have a 3 ft. tree, may not put that up this year.

Nursing home called this a.m. , hubby was transferred over there, will be having conference call Wed. as to care plan, I guess. Hubby filled out power of atty., they will send me the original, they said.
Poirot, I'm glad your husband was able to get in a nursing home so soon.
How far away is it? Interesting he signed power of attorney. Did one of
your children have that on him?
Goes to show you learn something new all the time! When I think about it, when I lived on the lake, there were 2 islands across the way, east. I would watch sunrises between them, but when I think about it, sometimes smack dab between, & sometimes over the one island. Not much, I just thought "different times of a.m." I guess. LOL Thanks, lil0.
@kat....I think the hospital was after him to sign one. I am major, our atty. daughter is the backup, & other daughter after that. He wanted my younger son as well, but there is only space for 2 additional. And yes, somehow the doctor arranged it with the place he was at before, which is right next to the hospital! They were not taking "new", but hubby is not "new", I guess.
I see. He didn't have anyone has his power of atty until now. I think my parents did that when they
did their wills. Is the nursing home far from you? Will he have to be moved again or will he be
able to stay there?
Happy Thanksgiving Sunday weekend!

Kat: I admire your early morning walk despite forecast at times. Hope your Sunday class is inspirational and you enjoy great fellowship with other friends at your church. Stay dry!

Lilo: I love the sun rising south but have trouble adjusting when it is full center mid-summer. Aren't we all a little quirky when it comes to things like that? Hope your day is peaceful, restful and joyful!

Robin: hopefully Vinny is still in a more rested mood. As for work: be brave woman! You are very strong and I have no doubt you will excel as always. Somehow Christmas decorating always takes an unexpected turn or two every year. Enjoy decorating your beautiful tree!

Poirot: glad your shopping adventure went so well. POA should simplify care decisions -- praying for your hubby, you & family! Oh the sun does rise in the east but is now in the southern hemisphere. Here that means less direct sunlight and as our temps are still above normal that is a freaking joy to me!!

Hoping all of you enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving with family & friends and a restful Saturday. My brother took me out shopping on Black Friday early morning -- despite my protests -- the Walmart was practically empty! He bought me a new HD tv for our room .... Hubs was admitted to ICU with covid......to cheer me up at night. Now I can watch Hallmark movies and have a proper excuse to cry - LOL! - during Christmas movies! Such a sweet surprise.

Today my Christmas tree officially died so it will be tossed in the trash. I have a 5ft poinsettia tree my sister gave me which will just have to do this year. I plan on decorating underneath the tree with a vintage angel & children. I love those type of
decorations. My Christmas cards are ready to mail, my refurbished phone is working [now I just have to adjust to a Marshmallow??], and learning my new TV system.

Life is never dull even when you'd prefer peace, quiet & predictability!
Noel prayers for you hubs.....
We will be needing a new tv for the house as the old one is having issues.... but it still works and I just can't see spending the $$ I have a 32 inch that I use with my Exercycle that I can transfer over.... so I'll just sit here and be jealous of you Noel with a new tv....

I prepared the cheesies dough so now I just need to bake.... but not feeling the baking so maybe tomorrow.....

off to home depot to get a new light fixture for my bedroom walk in closet..... I asked HB to fix it over a year ago.... so he started yesterday..... clothes are hanging everywhere as he made room to get it down... power off in half of the house..... joy......

I did such a stellar job as Medical power of attorney my stepmother made me hers..... not looking forward to fighting her sons...... but it is what it is....
The dog show that was on last week is interesting to watch. They have cardboard people and
dogs in the audience.

Noel, sorry to hear about your husband. I hope he won't be gone long. Will your family be
quarantining for awhile?

robin, good luck getting up to go to work tomorrow.
Yes quarantining for 10 days per doctor. The hard part is not being able to visit him at the hospital. It is not good for any patient and certainly more stressful for families. But he is strong!
Noel, I'm so sorry your husband has covid. Your family has had more than your share of sickness. I pray for a quick recovery and that the rest of you don't get it. It is heartbreaking that families have to be separated during hard times of this nature. What a thoughtful gift from your brother!

Robin, being Medical Power of Attorney is not an enviable job. On my husband's first day in the nursing home, before he was even well situated, the social worker came into the room and started hounding me to sign a "do not resuscitate" form. It was pretty upsetting to me. I was still so unsettled and stressed out over having to put him in the nursing home. He was confused and unhappy and not understanding why he couldn't go home. The worst part, which was inexcusable to me, was that she came right into his room and started yakking about it, instead of asking me to come speak with her in her office. It was over six months before I was ready to agree to do it. Aww, Vinnie is just like a young child. It was nice that he wore himself out enough to rest and give you a bit of a break.

Poirot, it's good your husband is still able to make medical/legal decisions for himself. I suppose it doesn't make much difference where the nursing home is located, since you are not allowed to go and visit him anyway. I think about both of you a lot.

Kat, you're going to have enough turkey dinners to last for a long time!

Lil0, I can kinda see what you're saying about the sun coming up in the south. My sunroom has eight large windows across the east side of the house (counting French doors with full glass) and two at each end, north and south (includes one full-glass door at the north, going out onto a small deck). This gives me a good chance to observe the sun throughout the year. Regardless of the season, I have to close all the east curtains every morning for a while, unless it's cloudy and no sun to glare onto the hardwood floor. But on the ends I have to close curtains only on the north, during the summer, and only on the south, during the winter--or thereabouts.

I always enjoyed a Christmas tree. I like the lights with different colors. At night I would turn off most of the lights in the house and just sit and enjoy the tree all lit up. I haven't put one up in some years now because I quit doing Christmas. A part of me would like to put one up just to enjoy looking at it, especially in the evenings. But I think it might be depressing to have a tree with no presents under it, and knowing there wouldn't be any. Seems kinda pointless.

We got a little over an inch of rain yesterday. It didn't seem like that much, since it came down lightly, off and on. But it kept coming throughout the day and most people in the area reported the same amount. Very nice.
I saw on TV they can use devices. Maybe that's only in TV land.
Maybe they do not allow it in quarantined rooms/areas. I know when hubby has been quarantined, (& he did not have Covid) there was nothing like that allowed at all. But last week, in a regular hospital room, he was allowed Zoom privileges via the nurse's computer for some family (not me). And the hospital & nursing homes to not allow visitors at all here. Heck, if you bring an item from home for a patient, you cannot even step foot into the hospital, someone in mask & gloves comes to the glass door, takes the item, and it is held somewhere for a day or so before the patient receives it.