11/3/21 - Donuts and Hunting Today


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everybody.

Hunting after school this morning. Nope, not bow hunting for deer. On the hunt at various Aldi stores because it is Advent calendar release day. I'm looking for a Lego Star Wars Advent calendar for Cindy's grandson, and my assistant is looking for a Marvel Super Heroes one for her kids. We plan to start at an Aldi in our southern county that we pass when leaving school this morning. If they're already out of them by then, we'll work our way back north.

OC - I hope you get rested up after your long day of working at the polls yesterday.

robinsnest - Please be taking it easy after your surgery. Don't over do it.
Good morning, still pitch dark here, and is 34°. Never knew there were all these themed Advent calendars. I just looked....both the ones you want are available thru Amazon, and the Lego one is at Target & Best Buy as well. !!! I only found food related ones mentioned for Aldi. Good luck, RS with the hunt.
My son went home yesterday, will be back Thanksgiving. bless his heart. He was huge help to me, and gave up his last day of hunting to help me with the cars. Yep 3 of them. Sold my other son's vehicle, (I am guardian, & he will not be driving any more. Then traded in hubby's car & mine on a new one....Only the 2nd new vehicle I have ever earned. Like all other things, Applicances, clothing, furniture, cars are hard to come by. I always have purchased used vehicles, so this is a big treat. Did not cost me much in $$$ with trading in the two vehicles for it. However, so many bells & whistles on it, will never use. LOL. Heck, I don't go anywhere, except around town, store, WalMart, Dr. , Post Office.... etc. But I save on ins., oil changes, repairs, etc.
Have to go deposit check for son's car in his account, then get to my bank to check on something. Meanwhile, I got a notice that my marriage license has been sent, including tracking number. LOL Surprised me. We will see. Have a good day folks.
RS....if you call those stores, would they perhaps put calendars aside for you to pick up later?
Robin, hope all o.k. & you are doing well at home. Kat, hope you get your walk in today.
Everyone, enjoy the day.
Morning all. It's raining this morning. Tonight freeze watch.

I'll take my walk either when I get home from church library or after lunch. I'll take Phoenix with me. He
needs his exercise. His mom told me yesterday the weather too nasty when she got home to go out.

She called me last night that she'll be home late today and Thurs. I'll be letting him outside two times
instead of one. I'll have to let her know about next week. I'll be gone mid morning on Wed. I guess I
can take him out before I go.

I'll be doing studies during the today.

rs, good luck on the Advent calendar hunt.

Poirot, I'm glad your son could help you on your car hunt :) I'm glad you found a new one.

OC, enjoy your free day.

robin, I hope your pain isn't too bad after your surgery.

I hope everyone has a cheery day.
Good Morning,
Today is our marathon day, work/school, then stopping somewhere for a quick dinner before going to church for choir practice and confirmation class. We left this morning at 7:50am and we won't get home until 8:15 pm at the earliest. My poor kitty is so lonely on Wednesdays.

RS - good luck on your Advent Calendar hunt.
Poirot - sounds like you made a great choice by trading in the 2 older vehicles and getting 1 new one. It's always comforting to know you have a reliable car in bad weather.
Kat- it's so nice of you to help your neighbor with their puppy, I wish you were my neighbor.
Hope you get to eat dinner inbetween all that, Mandy!

Got lighter here, but overcast, gloomy. I am soooo looking forward to getting back to regular time this weekend. Really don't care for Daylight Savings. Doesn't save a thing. LOL
Hello all.... Monday was an okay day.... but I had a boat load of drugs still on board. Yesterday was challenging. I'm hoping today is less challenging. Ice is still my favorite thing. I'm finding more and more bruises. I am taking my pain pills but now trying to stretch them out the instructions are 4-6 hours, I'm on 5 1/2 hours. Sleeping on my back is really driving me nuts. Thankfully that's my biggest drug time.

Vinnie is learning some manners so he doesn't just jump on me he waits to be called up to my lap. I still feel spacey......

Last year I sent some Lego Advent calendar's to my grandsons. Big into Lego's those boys. A different set for each. They even have Advent Calendars for dogs!! some how I don't think Vinnie cares.... he just wants cookies....:)

Off to walk to the kitchen..... whooo hooo....
It's already afternoon? I went to bed an hour earlier than usual last night, slept until 4:30 am, finally went back to sleep and woke up at 8:00, lay in bed until 8:30. A good day to stay inside and take it easy, as it is cold, in the 40s* with patchy drizzle. I'm really goofing off today. Have had headaches regularly for a week or so, some combination of allergy/sinus and migraine. I don't know if it's the weather or something I'm eating or what. Yesterday at the voting place the two other ladies had some kind of flavored coffee going all day. The smell was sickening to me. Also, one lady had on some kind of fragrance. Not being able to get away from smells like that is the worst thing for me. I'm so happy to be at home alone today! Even though my head is hurting again, at least I'm not having to smell things. (Things that would be pleasant for most people, by the way).

Kat, your neighbor must feel eternally grateful to you. It's nice to know Phoenix has found a happy place in the crate. Did you say what kind of dog he is? I read through the past 2 days quickly and may have missed it or forgotten.

Robin, I was thinking last night that the pain meds were probably giving you some extra drive. You've always done so well with your challenges, I know you'll handle this one well too. Thanks to your son for giving the update early on.

Squirrel, I've never been around anyone who does Advent things so I don't know anything about them but I hope you find what you want. Also, I don't know how you check the eyes of a baby.

Poirot, I'm so, so happy for you to be able to get the new car! We got a new one 7-8 years ago, after nearly 40 years of used, less-reliable, ones. It is something you can truly appreciate after going such a long time without it.

Manda, after spending such a long day away from home yesterday myself, I feel for you in having to do the same today. I am glad Gena is feeling better and is able to eat though.
OC - I use a $10,000 autorefractor for screening. (It is so much more comprehensive than using the old lighted chart cabinets that we used to use.) There are flashing colored lights inside the "camera" (each light flash does a measurement) plus it makes sounds like birds singing that draw the child's attention. It was first developed to screen children with multiple disabilities, but works from age 6 months to well over 100 years old.

For age 3 and up, I also do color perception and depth perception screenings plus additional muscle balance and tracking tests ("follow my finger" except I use tiny toys). Think of those as the additional tests your eye doctor does with your subjective refraction ("which lens looks better").
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One year I made a homemade advent calendar out of 24 toilet paper tubes, a shoebox, rubber bands and tissue paper. I glued each each tube to the box, tucked a treat inside each tube, and then covered the ends with numbered pieces of tissue paper and help the paper on with a rubber band, it was fun, but a lot more work than I had anticipated.
That sounds hard, Manda. I'd be all thumbs.

Interesting to hear how you do that, Squirrel. One of my grandsons needed glasses while he was preschool but not a baby. I'm not sure how they tested him but he did so much better with some of his motor skills, sensory problems, and overall functioning after he got glasses.