11/4/21 - Donuts and fog


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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The sun is finally out and the fog is disappearing. The fog kept the temperatures warm last night so no frost.

Since it was 36 this morning, I decided to walk early. It's hard to find time for walking when I have other things
planned for the day. At the library, I worked on non fiction kid books. It was a mess. It's hard to know if it's
kids or adults you do it. I'll finish that project next week.

Last night, I decided not to take Phoenix on a long walk like I did. His mom told me last night she got home earlier
and he had one. I decided to walk him around my yard. I'll have go over again around 3 since she's coming home
late again. I'll take him in his backyard. He barks when he's alone in house. I need to tell her that today.

robin, I hope things are going well your surgery.

I hope everyone has a joyful rest of the day.
Afternoon everyone. We had a wild morning. My girls spent three hours in lockdown at school. Everyone was safe and the school kept us updated but it was a little stressful when they only said threats had been made but nothing more. But I have teenagers with phones so I knew they were good. Siege’s only complain was she had to go to the bathroom but couldn’t. All clear now and Siege is done for the day.

Kat you are so kind to help with the puppy.

Robin I hope you are doing well.
Good afternoon everybody.

I had another school out in the middle of nowhere in my southern county this morning. Love the teachers so I don't mind the time getting there and back.

My countdown has started. I work 3 days next week then off until after Thanksgiving. I don't know what others have planned for me yet, but hoping to help with summaries while I'm off. Will let kat and robinsnest (when she isn't loopy from her surgery meds) know as soon as I know what's going on. I haven't done a summary in a long time so will have to try to remember how to watch and type at the same time.

kat, Maybe your neighbor needs to leave a radio or tv on for Phoenix.

Kris , how scary for your girls and you! I'm glad the threats weren't carried through.
When I left this morning, I left a light on at my neighbor's house.

rs, did you find the Advent calendars?
good afternoon......I had a good night's sleep but that is only because of the medication that I'm only taking at night now.... I hope this helps clear the head..... less brain fog.....
found out a bonsai friend passed away this week..... the club president called to see how I was doing after surgery.... I hadn't told anyone so somewhat confused as how that information got around.... but it's okay......
While I won't be doing the time change thing this weekend.... I found this and thought I'd share for those of you who do....

Kris... I can't imagine parenting now...... I'm glad the girls are safe......
kat why did your neighbor get a dog if you are taking care of it???? seems selfish......

the BEAST has found something that is getting him upset outside..... perhaps the mail truck..... he won't do well when it changes to electric....
Good Afternoon,
Busy day at work, Robin, I really wish they'd stop with the whole silly clock changing thing and just pick one time and stick with it, it's so hard to reset our internal clocks twice a year.
So last week 2 of the boys in Gena's class were suspended for 3 days for bring knives to school, they returned to school Monday the 1st, yesterday the same to boys got suspended for another 3 days for visiting "adult" websites on their school issued Chromebooks. These are 6th graders, I just don't understand what the boys or their parents are thinking.

Kat - I have a feeling the children's section may well be messy from the kids. They have a tendency to just put books wherever when they decide they no longer want it. I've had to stop Gena from doing that many times, our local library has mail carts at the end of every other row to collect books that the kids no longer want to check out.
Kris - I'm so sorry your girls had to go through a lock down, so very scary.
RS - glad to hear you had a good morning at the school
Robin - so sorry for the loss of your friend, glad you were able to sleep well, I know it's from the medication, but good sleep is so important for healing.

Have a good afternoon everyone.
21° this a.m. Woke at 5, out of bed at 6, pitch dark still, of course. I do agree about the clock changing. I would prefer just regular time..........all the time. However, some would prefer it be DST all the time. To me, we have plenty of light in the spring & summer months, even early fall.... don't need DST. Heck, never gets dark at all. LOL. In winter.....well, seems dark most of the time anyway, & light when one needs it to be.
Managed to to get 3 or 4 errands done this a.m., then had lunch with a friend. I mailed out the marriage license to S.S. at the post office, certified it, as it cost me enough $$$ already, did not want it lost somehow.
robin, I no longer change the clock on my answer machine phone. Too much of a hassle. I'll be fixing my clocks Sat afternoon and
gain the hour I lost in spring.

manda, give Gena a big hug from me not putting books back on the shelves. My library has a cart for books too, but no one
uses it. There's at least one mom who home schools. I've seen her put books back without taking care.

Kris, that's awful about your children's school. I'm glad it was just threats.

Poirot, I'm glad you had lunch with a friend today,
An ordinary day here. Still cloudy and damp. I had to go to the farm store and pick up some UPS packages. Otherwise, stayed inside. It was in the 40*s and cold all day. The dozer guy I called 2-3 months ago finally called me today and said he could come early tomorrow morning. So tomorrow will be a busy day for me. I'll have to be out and around to show him what I want done.