11-5-17 - Donuts and Earlier Sunrise


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. The clocks were changed last night so it will be wonderful to see the sun rise "earlier". I'll still be driving to work in the dark until next spring, but at least I'll have time to make a quick run to the store after work before it gets dark.

I'm gearing up for vacation mode. One more week before I land in the desert. WOOHOOHOO!

I'm off now to super early Mass then to do laundry. The rest of the day will be spent making more cookies for the wedding this Saturday. I have to do double duty with them today since I didn't make any yesterday.
Good Morning,

It is a cold, crisp dark pre-dawn up north here in the mountains. Best morning for over 9 months! I am ecstatic and walked down the ravine to see stars & moon glistening. I never want to go home. I think I was born to live far in the country, top of a mountain or middle of nowhere as long as there are 4 seasons. And summer doesn't last longer than 3 months.

We will start our drive home in 3 hours, stopping for meals and photos on the way. Once home it will the same old prep for a new week routine. Sigh.

Squirrel: I can't believe there is a friend as excited to get to the desert as I am to get out of the desert. Still, if that is your heart wish I am happy for you.

Take care everyone and enjoy your day wherever you travel. We have so much to be thankful for in America.
No sun here, hasn't been for some days now. All that 4" of snow that we woke up to yesterday a.m. is mostly melted! weird. But, ground not frozen, and temp went to 35, soooooo. Put the clocks all back before bed, but woke at 3 a.m. (5 hrs. sleep) Was still awake at 4, dozed off for 1/2 hr, and up at 5. Yuk. No extra hr. sleep, but I will probably be dozing off tonight toooo early. Grey skies, rain forecast, dismal. Laundry today for me, too, but after church. I hate also that I cannot find a few "favorite" things, which are personal, not office, so no idea where they could be hiding, unless they got left behind, or just lost in the shuffle.

However, it is hysterical to come across things I kept for some reason, or old photos, etc. LOL Gave away all my bowling trophies, hundreds of pins, patches, bowling ball, bag, shoes. To the bowling alley, which can use some for the junior bowlers, the kids, who just get so excited to win something. :)
I'm back home. No extra errands for me because we're having one heck of a thunderstorm with high winds and heavy rain. It is supposed to clear up for a bit then severe storms again this evening.

Poirot - Hopefully, you'll be able to begin sleeping better after all of the unpacking and sorting is finished. You've had so much on your mind for a long time. One good thing ... you won't have to worry about your long driveway being snowed in for days at a time this winter.

Squirrel: I can't believe there is a friend as excited to get to the desert as I am to get out of the desert. Still, if that is your heart wish I am happy for you.

Noel, it isn't really the California desert that I'm happy to see though I do love the Palm Springs area (but not in the summer).

I'm visiting my brother and sister-in-law. We haven't seen each other since my nephew's wedding almost 2 years ago. We talk on the phone at least twice a week, text, Facebook, etc., but that's not the same. I haven't been out there for a long time, and he has a lot of touristy things planned. Nobody who lives there does them so he saves them up for when I come because I'll go just about anywhere they want. (I have no desire to go back to Las Vegas.)

One day we're going to Pioneer Village built by Roy Rogers and Gene Autry for filming westerns. Then my brother wants to spend some time doing cemetery crawls to pay his respects at the "resting places" of stars and politicians that he took care of in the hospital. He also wants to go to Los Angeles for tours of tv studios. The one thing that I'm REALLY looking forward to is the day we'll be at the Harry Potter Experience at Universal....WOOHOOHOO! I'd like to go back to Thousand Palms Oasis Preserve in the desert, and they want to head down to San Diego to visit Old Town again. We'll see if we can fit those in .
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Poirot: how generous to donate your bowling trophies to inspire other people. Hope you sleep 8 hrs tonight.

Squirrel: that should be a wonderful family reunion. Touristy things shared with those we love make lasting memories. Hope you also get to the Harry Potter experience for some great fun!
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Good morning. I've got about half of my clocks set back. I don't mind this change because it feels like going back to normal. Not a fan of the spring change. Not that time matters that much in my house anymore. Husband has gotten so he sleeps off and on during then day, then keeps me up late at bedtime.

I was going to do a couple of little things outside this morning but I've waited too long, as the wasps are already swarming. We're supposed to get up to 93* today, then a cool down to the 70s* tomorrow so the little things will wait.

Noel, it sounds like you had a wonderful respite, although a short one. I would be afraid of snakes, to walk in a ravine in the dark. You would have made a good "mountain man" in an earlier era.

Poirot, there's no telling how long you are going to be finding surprises in your new place. I hope you have a washer and dryer in your own place and don't have to go out to do it.

Squirrel, I'll be interested to hear about your trip as, or after, it unfolds. I've been to some of the tourist places out there but oh so long ago. I have good memories though. I'm hoping the warmer, drier climate will be good for your health this time of year.

Wishing a good Sunday for everyone.
I should be able to check in, OC, since my new Verizon cell plan has unused data carry over each month. I very rarely use even a quarter of a gigabyte since I'm always on wifi at work and home. Plus some schools let me use their guest wifi.

Doc is sending me off with pneumonia meds just in case. He's afraid I'll run into some nasty germs on the plane each way.
Good morning.

When I heard the temps in Flagstaff this am, 38 degrees, I knew Noel would be in heaven.

RS - your vacation sounds like lots of fun. It should be warm there but not stupid hot. And I'm wanting a review on Harry Potter!!

Yesterday I got a lot of the "house" stuff taken care of. Today will be outside the house. It is a nice day, sunny and all.

Have a great day.
OC: you are a pioneer, friend, not me but coming from you that is a big compliment. Really wish you and your hubby could have a vacation, with family friends, even for a week.

Robin: you accomplish so much in one day. Maybe you can plan a Harry Potter trip yourself. Enjoy the sunshine outdoors as that is all we get now.

On our "downside" but still looking forward to lunch in Sedona.
Good afternoon everyone. I have been MIA for quite awhile and I am so sorry. Have been reading the board every day though so have kept up with you all. October through December are hard months for me. Anniversary, birthdays and Christmas are especially hard. My friends keep me busy, though, so it's beginning to be a little easier. Just so not used to living alone and so glad I have the girls (chihuahuas) here to talk to! :) Just get a little depressed once in awhile.

Had a great day yesterday, One of my friends calls me once a month and takes me out for lunch. We weren't sure where we wanted to go yesterday so decided on the new casino they built just north of me. Had a great time. Wanted to play the slots but decided to wait until payday! It's a gorgeous place, very modern looking! Tomorrow is shopping day for my daughter-in-law and me. I can't drive anymore so gave my car to my son mainly so I wouldn't be tempted. I take Tina out for breakfast and she takes me shopping every Monday. Also takes me to doctor appointments. She is the sweetest girl and has been a wonderful daughter-in-law.

RS, I hope you have a great vacation with your family and stay well. Maybe you should wear a mask on the plane. I always got sick on a plane trip, upper respiratory, all my friends still do too.

Poirot, I have relived our move from CA to WA. through your move!! We moved 1,000 miles with 32 years of stuff and 7 dogs, 2 Amazon parrots and a horse!! I said that was my LAST move!!!

We rented a house for 5 months and built a house, moved in December 18th, the day before my birthday. It snowed!!!! Still love it here. Have lived here over 30 years.

OC, I sure hope your life gets a little easier soon. You work so hard and have way too many migraines!

Noel, so glad that you have had such a nice getaway from the desert heat. I so agree, the mountains are wonderful and the nights so cool. Lovely!!

Hi robin and JS, hope you both have a great day!!

Hugs to all.
Newt: just know your friends here think about you daily! So glad your friendship lunch was fun at the new casino and you have plans with your daughter-in-law. Have a good day with your 'girls'.
Another pretty day here. It was nice to walk Goldie at 6:30 without having to
use a flashlight. I walked early because it was in the high 70s today.

Why do you have a bad thing happen after you get something good? It
annoys me. This morning, I saw a road runner in town on my way home.
Then at home, I took an earring out and lost it. I spent too much time
trying to find it. Next time I hear that voice in my head, I'll listen.

I got outside before 1. All the dead flowers are down. I planted some pansies.
Then I dug out some other bulbs. If you've seen my videos, you know what
plant the hummingbird liked. I got three bulbs from my son. The plant keeps
making babies. I took out several bulbs.

rs, enjoy your trip and I hope you won't need your medication.

newt, I'm glad you have family and friends that help you during the holiday
months. I don't do well with them either anymore.

Noel, I'm glad you had a nice weekend.

Poirot, I hope you sleep better tonight. I woke up several times too.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.

Got most of my stuff done. Looked at my juniper and said no, my fingers are finished. Those are spiny pokey little things.

hjnewt - nice to see you here. Glad you have folks to drive you around. My stepmom can't drive and it's difficult for her to get around. I try to go every other weekend to take her shopping and just hang out. Couldn't go this weekend as I needed to be home. But next weekend is another story.

When will the insanity stop? :sad: Prayers for the loss of lives in Southerland Springs, Texas and prayers for the survivors.

Off to the post office and storage!!! I'm going to get my Thanksgiving box!!
Kat: maybe you will find your earring later since it was lost in your home? Wishing you a good night's peaceful sleep.
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It was a stressful afternoon. I had a big rattlesnake trying to get under or inside the house. Back and forth up against the back of the house and then crawled up onto the landing and stretched up, looking in through the glass French doors. It was all around my snake catcher, which I keep on the landing. At the same time, there was a smaller one, several feet away from the house. Wasps were buzzing at the doors. It felt excessively hot, at only 90* with sun shining on the scene. End of the story, both snakes got away, I was sweaty and frustrated so came in to sit down and rest, and there on the tv was the news of the shooting in south Texas. I just sat down and started to cry but choked it back. Even though I'm a long way from the San Antonio area, it just hit too close to home--a small town in Texas. All of the attacks, regardless of the method, have been too horrific.
Heartfelt tears for all those in Texas!
Kat - About 4 or 5 years in 2102/13 my parents-in-law came to visit us for a few days, she lost an earring and was devastated because it belonged to her mother. We searched everywhere for it and couldn't be found.

Flash forward to May 2016, we packed everything us from our condo, onto the uhaul and went to our new house. We began unpacking and were moving a couch downstairs. Our friend said there is something rattling in the bottom and while we held it he fished it out. I think you know where this story is going. Lo and behold it was my husband mother's earring he found.

All that to say hopefully you find yours and hope it turns up one day when you least expect it.

So sad about the Texas shootings. What is going on? Thoughts are with everyone.

Have a good week everyone.
I thought it was nice I saw the road runner. It's been over a year since I've seen one.
And when I got home, I was taking out my earring in the wrong place. I kept hearing don't do
that now, but I did anyway. I don't remember now where I was standing. I took everything
out of the recycle can since I was putting the trash cans outside. I didn't even realize
earring was missing until I took the other one out. I'm getting so absentminded lately.

Lately, when something good happens, then something bad happens the same day.
Maybe it's just me.
Kat: it is just an aging filled brain with a little distracted ability when multi-tasking. We're all there once over 40-45 and have to make to-do lists. Wink.