11/6/21 - Donuts and Leftovers

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
It's just after noon here but I'll say good morning. Funny how quiet things get on weekends, after a busy week. It seems like everybody drops off the face of the earth on the weekend. I've spent another morning puttering. I found some leftovers in the freezer, which are now in the toaster oven, warming up for my lunch. I need to wash my sheets and drive down to the hunter's camp. Today is the opening of deer season (except it was bow season for the past month). The 3 guys who lease for hunting behind my house toward the river are so quiet I never even know when they are here, which isn't very often and that's the way I like it. A man older than myself, his son and grandson. I think they just like to get away from the city.

I believe my leftovers are ready. Wishing all of you a nice day and weekend.
Remember to change your clocks before bed tonight.

It's going to be sunny and in the 60s here the next three or four days. My plans are to work
outside since fall weather back during the week.

After my walk, I cleaned off the back porch and got the dog house clean. I washed a blanket for
it too. If my cat is outside when I'm gone during cold weather, he can get it it.

Tomorrow and Monday I'll be raking and doing other fun things outside.

OC, enjoy your leftovers.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Good day.... I had a long nap Friday after my shower.... so last night, I slept till 1 am got up to use the potty and then I was awake for the rest of the night.... had to go potty again at 4 but after that trip was able to fall asleep right away......so today when I nap Hunny Bunny will wake me at 90 minutes if I don't get up my self.... because of course once I go to bed I'm trapped there till he can come help me..... he would really like to sleep most of the night too......

Lots of stuff to get done today..... all require HB to do them...... {insert bad word} maybe some will happen....

Thanks for starting the thread OC.
Robin, that sleep pattern is why I struggle to stay awake from mid-afternoon to evening. I hope HB gets everything done today. I'd be willing to bet he won't get as much done as you would, if you were able to do it yourself.

Kat, I hope your kitty appreciates the house you fixed up. It's going to be in the 70s* here for the coming week, until Thursday. I should be doing things outside today, since it's a really nice day--may get up to 71*, sunny and no wind. Starting tomorrow or Tuesday the wind is going to start acting up again.