11-7-17 - Donuts and Vote!

RS - that would make me upset too, to have all those silly government sanctions stopping proper taxing. :angry:

kat - enjoy the movie. I've begged hubby to volunteer, or even find a part time job while he continues looking for full time work, but nope nothing. He has a phone interview in an hour. I pray that this one goes well and they hire him.

Red - I've voted in almost every election since I was 18. While I think the electoral college is messed up, I still believe that every vote counts. But I can understand your frustration.

Noel - I have Nov 29th off, with no plans other than attending Gena's fall concert at school. Hoping that hubby is working by then so I can just lay around and do nothing for a day. :)
Thank the Vietnam Vets (and those who didn't make it home) for having the right to vote at age 18. The Vietnam War era was a horrible time in our country's history, but the 26th Amendment to the US Constitution was one good thing to come out of it. Our young men were angry that they were drafted at ages 18, 19, and 20 to fight and die for our country but couldn't vote, buy alcoholic beverages in most states, or sign a contract. The constitutional amendment went into effect July 1, 1971, and I was at the county courthouse that day to register to vote.

In Pennsylvania you still can't buy alcohol if under age 21.
I have never missed voting, even for dog catcher, lol. Seriously, don't care how small, or if only one thing/person. Have had to go out of my way, but vote I have. In re: mail in ballots....one time, our small town had an election, and the town clerk forgot to count in the paper absentee ballots. So the chairman of the Board was elected, she discovers the ballots the next day, and it all ended up in court. Court decided that election day results were final, that the paper ballots could not now be added to the totals, that the results stood as reported that day.

Mind you, the winner only won by 2 votes. No idea if the absentee ballots would have changed the outcome, but those people who cared enough to make sure they voted were cheated in the end.

So, what happens if some mail in ballots are lost, don't arrive in time, etc. etc. That really is weird, to have all voting done via mail in......just my opinion.
Poirot an interesting account of mail in votes not being counted. Last year here computerized votes were not counted due to a "glitch". It made many people exasperated too.
Interesting about lost votes, Poirot. I've never felt comfortable with the mail-in ballots. Seems like it would be easier to cheat. But it is helpful for shut-ins.

I made it to vote and was relieved they were set up at our tiny community so I had to go only five miles instead of 20, to the county seat. I didn't know if they would be open out here on a "minor" voting session. They weren't having a very good turn out but some people came in after I got there. We didn't have any positions to fill, only a few issues up for voting. One concerning the school was getting the most attention.

Squirrel, in Texas you still have to be 21 to buy alcohol. I had to wait until I was 21 to vote.

Kat, I've heard good things about that movie. Hope you enjoy it.

Manda, so hoping the job panned out or else one will very soon. You need some relief.
I just got back from seeing "Let there Be Light". My friend and I were lucky. Tues is $5 day. I'll
be going to movies on Tues. when I can.

We enjoyed the movie. It was nice not seeing violence or bad words in a movie.
We need more movies like that. Also, there was something they did on Christmas
Eve that I wonder if we can get the world to do. Dionne Warwick has a small part
where she sang.

There's a preview for a movie called "The Star" It's an animated movie with
animals on the first Christmas. That looks like a good movie too.
Kat: yes we can't wait to take the kiddos to see The Star. Finally a movie for children about the birth of Jesus. Thanks for the review of the movie you saw today. We added it to our list for date night.
Squirrel, I am a little puzzled that your various county officials considered Section 8 housing to be enough of an asset to warrant 100 years of tax freedom. :confused: "Something (was) rotten in Denmark!"

This cheese, once again, stands alone regarding the 18-year-old majority, I consider it a mistake. It's implementation was a gigantic victory for the Democrat party, which gained a huge voting bloc. The "old enough to die for their country, but not old enough to vote/drink/contract" rationale was specious, in my opinion. It would have made more sense (again, my opinion) to not draft, or allow enlistment, until the age of 21.

If forced to make an opposing argument, I could say that the 18-year-old-majority enactment was a cynical throwing in of the towel, based upon the way many young folks were conducting themselves at the time, anyway. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Manda, I agree that renters pay local taxes, one way or the other.

Kat, does "The Star" make any reference to the story about animals being able to speak on Christmas Eve?
"The Star" is a movie with talking animals. It's funny.
