11/7/21 - Donuts and sunny Sunday


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I hope everyone remembered to change their clocks, etc. before bedtime last night. Don't forget to
change your batteries in your smoke alarms.

It's a beautiful day here. It will get in the 60s today. I'll be going out this afternoon and do
outside chores.

I hope everyone will have a relaxing day.
All set here with the clocks but I needn’t have worried — the cats woke me at their usual time wanting food.

I need to pull out my embroidery machine to work on a baby gift but it’s also a nice day and I have some other stuff to do outside too.

Spent all day yesterday helping Siege with college applications and financial aid paperwork while the younger two went Hunting with Dad and grandpa
No clock changing here.....
didn't take the powerful narcotic last night but an over the counter "PM" pain pill and slept till 6:40!!!!! got up used the toilet and then to my chair where I slept till 10.... the BEAST felt I had had enough time not playing with him so it was go time.

This week we will be in the mid to high 80's during the day and the mid 60's at night...... the reason people put up with Summer........

Kris hope the hunt was successful and your family freezer is stocked......
kat will there be a video posted of your "fall garden"

Happy Sunday to all...
Back from church, no sun here, gonna be cloudy all day, and sure does feel rather "chilly" out, I will say.
robin, I still need to post the spring and summer videos. Today I'm raking. I need to take out summer flowers
since we had frost yesterday. Maybe I can still find pansies to plant.
Good evening. I checked in earlier this afternoon and was going to comment but I couldn't stay awake. I went to sleep, hoping I'd only sleep for maybe 30 minutes but my niece woke me up two hours later when she called. Hope I'm not awake all night!

I went to church. Had a quiet afternoon--obviously, since I slept most of it away. Wishing everyone a good evening and pleasant sleep tonight. I did set all my clocks last night but with the first one I set it the wrong direction but thankfully, I quickly realized my error. I have analog clocks in every room. The only digital clock I have in my house is on my microwave. I don't ever set it.
LOL, I had set all my clocks, except for the stove & microwave which I figured I'd do in the a.m., which I did as soon as I walked into the kitchen. So then all the clocks were in sync with regular time...........and I was in church when I realized.....I had not done my wrist watch. Ha. Took care of that.....

However, my chiming clock still has not been done........mostly because I cannot ever get it back on the wall when I take it off. And I got so ticked at myself, as I looked at it, said oh, my gosh, gotta start dinner...........or at least decide what to have.......and 1/2 hr. later realized I had looked at the only clock in the house still on DST. Grrr. However, will get it changed in next day or two, when a friend comes for a bit.
Meanwhile, it will be back to filling out forms, sending in forms, making appt. for atty., and checking into some sort of hearing aids, as mine is getting worse.
Squirrel, I'm so sorry your migraine is hanging on. I was thinking about you this morning and wondering but thinking surely it had gone away.

Poirot, it's nice you have a friend coming and can get some help with the clock. Strangely enough, I was also thinking about your clock with the chimes this morning, wondering if you still had it.
LOL, oh, I still have it, love the clock, had to turn off the chiming, as for some reason, it would use up the battery life so fast, and so in go new batteries, then the chimes worked fine for a few hours, then began chiming all wrong. i.e. 10 at 3 p.m. 6 at 4 p.m. maybe 2 at 6 p.m. then 12 at 9 p.m. drove me nuts quickly, then it would be new batteries again,, so turned off the chimes, and now batteries last a long, long time, instead of a week or two. Could be a year maybe. LOL I loved those chimes......but the clock itself is so beautiful, at least to me. :)