11/8/21 - Donuts & No sleep!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Another one of those restless nights. Was so tired, went to bed 9:30. Still awake at 11:30, fall asleep, awake at 2:30 a.m. Finally fall back asleep, only to be awake at 4:30, and I still am, gonna be really dragging today, and I have too many things to do, so some won't get done, of course, as I will be sooo tired, won't be thinking right probably, lol. Is pitch dark, of course, but, tossed & turned for an hour, so thought it pointless to keep doin that. Besides, sinus began to act up again, making nose run a bit, which it hardly does when upright. Ah, the joys of getting older. Ha.
Hope you all enjoy the day, and you got way more sleep than me. LOL
Good morning to Poirot and everyone checking in later. The drive to work was still in the dark even though the clocks went back an hour. I absolutely hate this time change.

Thank goodness I have an office day today because I'm finally in the "hangover" stage of my migraine.

Poirot, I hope you can get a nap later on today.

This is the Westminster chimes clock that I have. I've found that the chimes are off if I set it by taking the batteries out then putting the hands at 6:05 as the instructions say, then putting the batteries back in. When I move the hands to the correct time, the chimes are an hour ahead of what they should be. I have to start with it set it at 6:03 or 6:04 instead. If I don't go through the correct number of hours to get it to the correct evening hour, the clock chimes at 12 hours off from where it should be. My clock isn't supposed to chime after 9:00 PM and before 6:00 AM. It really screwed me up when I had to change the batteries several weeks ago when the clock stopped. I was in a hurry, and the chimes were off by an hour until Sunday morning.

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Good morning.... it was a night of broken sleep for me too.... too hot, too cold, too uncomfortable, now I have to get up to pee, wake Hunny bunny as I can't get out of bed till I'm un hooked from the pink monster, then back to bed reattached to the pink monster and through it all again: too hot, too cold......every hour till 3 when I gave up trying to sleep in bed and went to my recliner where I slept soundly till 7.......
forgot that with the time change y'all did things changed for me... not you..... but the how is posted....
Today I hope to get my car tested at the emissions station, since that didn't happen over the weekend.... I have till Friday to get it registered and I can't drive..... so have to have HB do the work for me..... and ya know he's busy......

Happy Monday.....
A busy Monday for me. It's sunny and in the 70s.

I walked early since it was the only time I could go. I had hair appt at 8:30. I should have changed it to
another day since I had Newcomers meeting at 9:30. I went home to change and left.

Everyone has to wear masks at meeting. The meeting over at 11:00. I had to hurry home to take care of
neighbor's dog. Lunch. I got outside after 1:00. I have Zoom meeting in 10 minutes. Hopefully, I can get
outside again.

I woke up at 4:30. It might take while for my body to adjust to the new time.

Poirot, I hope you sleep better tonight.

robin, what is the pink monster?

rs, I'm glad you could work from the office today.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Yes, I had a busy morning. When I make hair appts now, I'll have to skip the second Monday
for the Newcomer meetings. This was the first one I've been to since March last year. I
missed the last two meetings.

Today was a beautiful day with the spring temps. I was able to get out after the Zoom
meeting. I planted some of the iris I took out. I put some around the mailbox again. When
I was working, a young woman came by with a stroller. She told me how much she and her
husband love my flowerbed. She lives at the end of the cul de sac. They have to drive by
my house when they go out. I told her thank you.

I'm still downloading some of my videos this year to YouTube. I hope to get it done
before the weekend.
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robin, what is the pink monster?
tied in with sleep pillow1.jpg
designed to keep you on your back..... and your legs from crossing during the night..... get into bed, get tied/velcro'd in, covers on and fall asleep.....
maybe tonight.... if not will sleep in the recliner..... where the barrier is a large swim towel rolled up.....
Wow, Robin......both my husband & my son broke a hip, had surgery, and never had anything like that as they healed! Hubby WAS advised to put a pillow under his knees to be able to be more comfortable.
That pink thing looks like something Days would dream up for a kidnap victim.......
I agree with all of the above about the monster! Dreadful. My husband had both hips replaced at the same time and didn't have anything like that. Of course he was in a rehab facility for 10 days. Robin, I still can hardly believe you came home so quickly.

I was outside most of the day. The dozer guy came back so my niece and I were taking him around and showing him what to do. Her cows kept following us everywhere so we came to my house and got the cube cart and fed them so they wouldn't follow the dozer as he opened gates to go back and forth between her property and mine.

At noon we drove to town and got hamburgers. I was getting sick at my stomach with a migraine so we had to come back around by my house so I could take a pill. It added extra time and miles but it was worth it because I didn't think I would be able to eat otherwise and then I'd get even sicker. Squirrel, the hangover/recovery stage of a migraine isn't fun either but at least it isn't abject misery. My daughter-in-law has migraines and my son thinks it's strange that it takes her 2-3 days to recover after the migraine is over. It shouldn't be surprising to him, having grown up in the house with me, but kids don't pay attention to such details.

I have doctors' appointments the next two days. Lots of miles, different directions. My niece is going along and driving for me, for which I am most grateful. Nothing serious, just a checkup and a followup but still lots of miles to get to them.